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Blencowe, H, Bradley, E, Lawn, JE, Ohuma, E, Okwaraji, Y, Suarez Idueta, L and Yargawa, J (2022). Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Collaboration. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ouedraogo, J and Greenwood, B (2020). Data repository for AZ-SMC - a trial of seasonal malaria chemoprevention combined with azithromycin in African children. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Cox, S and Faguer, B (2021). St-ATT: The Starting Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment Cohort in the Philippines. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Davidson, J, Banerjee, A, Smeeth, L and Warren-Gash, C (2022). Codelists for: "Acute cardiovascular events after SARS-CoV-2 infection in England in 2020: a self-controlled case series study". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Davidson, J, Mcdonald, H, Strongman, H, Cadogan, S, Banerjee, A, Smeeth, L and Warren-Gash, C (2022). Codelists for: "Effect of cardiovascular risk profile on severe outcomes of COVID-19 in England in 2020: a population-based cohort study". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Davidson, J, Warren-Gash, C, Banerjee, A, McDonald, H and Smeeth, L (2021). Codelists for: "The effect of influenza vaccine on acute cardiovascular events in people with varying cardiovascular risk: a self-controlled case-series study in England, 2008-2019". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Davidson, J, Warren-Gash, C, Mcdonald, H, Banerjee, A, Gayle, A, Strongman, H, Evans, D, Clay, S, Forbes, H, Mansfield, KE, Carreira, H, Bhaskaran, K, Bhate, K, Smeeth, L, Dedman, D, Mathur, R, Cadogan, S and LSHTM EHR team (2021). Codelists for: "Factors associated with excess mortality in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cohort analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Databank". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Day, LT, Ruysen, H, Gordeev, VS, Gore-langton, GR, Boggs, D, Cousens, S, Moxon, SG, Blencowe, H, Baschieri, A, Rahman, AE, Tahsina, T, Zaman, SB, Hossain, T, Rahman, QS, Ameen, S, Arifeen, SE, KC, A, Shrestha, SK, KC, NP, Singh, D, Jha, AK, Jha, B, Rana, N, Basnet, O, Joshi, E, Paudel, A, Shrestha, PR, Jha, D, Bastola, RC, Ghimire, JJ, Paudel, R, Salim, N, Shamba, D, Manji, K, Shabani, J, Shirima, K, Mkopi, N, Mrisho, M, Manzi, F, Jaribu, J, Kija, E, Assenga, E, Kisenge, R, Pembe, A and Lawn, JE (2018). Every Newborn Birth Indicator Research Tracking in Hospitals (EN-BIRTH) - Supplementary Materials. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Enria, L, Waterlow, N, Rogers, N, Brindle, H, Lal, S, Eggo, RM, Lees, S and Roberts, C (2020). Trust and Transparency in times of Crisis: Results from an Online Survey During the First Wave (April 2020) of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the UK. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Foster, N (2024). ASCENT-Ethiopia health economics. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Hughes, R, Kitsao-Wekulo, P, Bhopal, S, Kimani-Murage, E, Hill, Z and Kirkwood, B (2020). The Nairobi Early Childcare in Slums (NECS) Study. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Mansfield, KE, Douglas, IJ, Nitsch, D, Thomas, SL, Smeeth, L and Tomlinson, LA (2017). Code lists for: "Acute kidney injury and infections in patients taking antihypertensive drugs: a self-controlled case series analysis". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Mcdonald, H, Evans, D, Clay, S, Edelstein, M and Thomas, S (2020). Clinical risk groups for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Pavlich-Mariscal, J, Eggo, RM, Kucharski, AJ, Gruson, H, Russell, TW, Valle Campos, A, Cucunubá, ZM, Santos-Vega, M, Gupte, P, Azam, J, Torres Domínguez, N, Lambert, J, Gomez, G, Umaña, JD, Quevedo-Vega, DS, Gámez López, ME and Carnegie, A (2023). epiverse-trace. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Thomas, S (2020). Code lists for: "Social determinants of pertussis and influenza vaccine uptake in pregnancy: a national cohort study using electronic health records". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Warren-Gash, C, Davidson, J, Mcdonald, H, Cadogan, S, Forbes, H, Strongman, H, Langan, S, Mansfield, KE, Smeeth, L, Muzambi, R, Shiekh, S and LSHTM EHR Team, . (2021). Codelists for "Herpes zoster and dementia risk: a population-based matched cohort study". [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Webb, E (2022). Combined HIV Adolescent Prevention Study (CHAPS). [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Weiss, H (2018). Menstrual Hygiene and Safe Male Circumcision Promotion in Ugandan Schools (MENISCUS). [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom.

XPHACTOR study (2018). XPHACTOR datasets. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Data Collection

Abbas, KM (2020). vaccine-impact/epi_covid. [Data Collection]. Github.

Abbas, KM, Kang, GJ, Chen, D, Werre, SR and Marathe, A (2018). Repository for manuscript: "Demographics, perceptions, and socio-economic factors affecting influenza vaccination among adults in the United States". [Data Collection]. Github.

Abbott, S (2019). seabbs/AssessBCGPolicyChange. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S (2019). seabbs/EstZoonoticTB. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S (2019). seabbs/ModelTBBCGEngland. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S (2019). seabbs/SpeedyMarkov. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Bekker-Nielsen Dunbar, M and Smith, A (2020). seabbs/getTBinR. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Collated Results of the National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Tests, Hospital Admissions and Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Cases. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Admissions. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Cases. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National Reproduction Number (R) Estimates Based on Reported Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Belgium Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Brazil Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Canada Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Colombia Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Germany Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for India Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Italy Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for South Africa Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Hospital Admissions. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United States of America Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Abbott, S and Bosse, N (2022). epiforecasts/simplified-forecaster-evaluation. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Bosse, N, DeWitt, M, Rau, A, Chateigner, A, Mareschal, S and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/EpiSoon. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S and Bracher, J (2021). epiforecasts/forecast.vocs. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S and Endo, A (2020). idmodelr: Infectious Disease Model Library and Utilities. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.

Abbott, S and Funk, S (2021). epiforecasts/covid19.sgene.utla.rt. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). Pathways to Low Fertility. [Data Collection]. Zenodo, London, United Kingdom.

Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). Wuhan Seeding Vs Transmission. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/WuhanSeedingVsTransmission: Resubmission to Wellcome Open Research. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Gaythorpe, KA, Imai, N and Liu, Y (2020). seabbs/CovidInterventionReview: CC0 license. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Hellewell, J, Lucas, T, Funk, S and Gimma, A (2023). epiforecasts/ringbp. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Hickson, J, Badr, HS, Funk, S, Monticone, P, Ellis, P, Munday, JD, Allen, J, Pearson, CAB, DeWitt, M, Bosse, N and Meakin, S (2021). epiforecasts/EpiNow2. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S and Meakin, S (2021). epiforecasts/ Initial release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S and Monticone, P (2021). epiforecasts/epinowcast. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S and Sherratt, K (2022). seabbs/ecdc-weekly-growth-forecasts. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Real-time estimation of the time-varying transmission advantage of Omicron in England using S-Gene Target Status as a Proxy. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Sherratt, K, Funk, S and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/covid: Submission release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Sherratt, K, Gibbs, H, Finger, F, Campbell, P, Hellewell, J, Barks, P, Meakin, S and Lee, H (2020). epiforecasts/NCoVUtils. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abdurahman, O, Last, A, Macleod, D, Habtamu, E, Versteeg, B, Greenland, K, Burton, MJ, Dumessa, G, Guye, M, Nure, R, Adugna, D and Miecha, H (2023). Data for risk factor survey of active trachoma in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Abotsi, RE, Nicol, MP, McHugh, G, Simms, V, Rehman, AM, Barthus, C, Ngwira, LG, Kwambana-Adams, B, Heyderman, RS, Odland, JØ, Ferrand, RA and Dube, FS (2021). Data from: The impact of long-term azithromycin on antibiotic resistance in HIV-associated chronic lung disease. [Data Collection]. Dryad.

Abouyannis, M, Boga, M, Amadi, D, Ouma, N, Nyaguara, A, Mturi, N, Berkley, JA, Adetifa, IMO, Casewell, NR, Lalloo, DG and Hamaluba, M (2023). The de-identified final dataset for the study population. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Abramsky, T, Harvey, S, Lees, S, Kapiga, S, Mtolela, G, Madaha, F, Hanson, C, Hashim, R and Kapinga, I (2023). MAISHA Study CRT01: Baseline and follow-up data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Abramsky, T, Harvey, S, Lees, S, Kapiga, S, Mtolela, G, Madaha, F, Hanson, C, Hashim, R and Kapinga, I (2023). MAISHA Study CRT02: Baseline and follow-up data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Adetifa, IMO, Uyoga, S, Gitonga, JN, Mugo, D, Otiende, M, Nyagwange, J, Karanja, HK, Tuju, J, Wanjiku, P, Aman, R, Mwangangi, M, Amoth, P, Kasera, K, Ng’ang’a, W, Rombo, C, Yegon, C, Kithi, K, Odhiambo, E, Rotich, T, Orgut, I, Kihara, S, Bottomley, C, Kagucia, EW, Gallagher, KE, Etyang, A, Voller, S, Lambe, T, Wright, D, Barasa, E, Tsofa, B, Bejon, P, Ochola-Oyier, LI, Agweyu, A, Scott, JAG and Warimwe, GM (2021). Replication Data for: Temporal trends of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in transfusion blood donors during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Kenya. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Adeyemi, OO, Ndodo, ND, Sulaiman, MK, Ayansola, OT, Buhari, OIN, Akanbi, OA, Bolarinwa, OA, Chukwu, C, Joel, IY, Omoare, AA, Wahab, KW, Obiekea, C, Buhari, MO, Ahumibe, A, Kolawole, CF, Okoi, C, Omotesho, OB, Mba, N, Adeniyi, O, Babatunde, O, Akintunde, N, Ayinla, G, Akande, OW, Odunola, RA, Saka, MJ, Musa, OI, Durotoye, IA, Ihekweazu, C, Adetifa, IM and Fadeyi, A (2023). SARS-CoV-2 variants-associated outbreaks of COVID-19 in a tertiary institution, North-Central Nigeria: Implications for epidemic control. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Aiken, A and Rehman, AM (2023). MBIRA - Mortality from Bacterial Infections Resistant to Antibiotics study - underlying data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Alcayna, T, Fletcher, I, Gibb, R, Tremblay, L, Funk, S, Rao, B and Lowe, R (2022). Supplementary Material: Climate-sensitive disease outbreaks in the aftermath of extreme climatic events: a scoping review. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Aldridge, RW, Lewer, D, Beale, S, Johnson, AM, Zambon, M, Hayward, AC and Fragaszy, E (2020). Dataset: Seasonality and immunity to laboratory-confirmed seasonal coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43, and HCoV-229E): results from the Flu Watch cohort study. [Data Collection]. UCL Institute of Health Informatics, London, United Kingdom.

Alexander, N, Carabali, M and Lim, JK (2021). Data for: "Estimating force of infection from serologic surveys with imperfect tests". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Alobo, M, Mgone, C, Wesonga, CA, Lawn, JE, Ezeaka, C, Okong, P, Temmerman, M, Molineux, E, Malata, A, Wazny, K and Kariuki, T (2021). Research priorities in maternal and neonatal health in Africa: results using the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative method involving over 900 experts across the continent. [Data Collection]. OSF.

Andreu, N, Phelan, J, de Sessions, PF, Cliff, JM, Clark, T and Hibberd, M (2017). Primary macrophages and J774 cells respond differently to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [Data Collection]. Gene Expression Omnibus.

Angkurawaranon, C, Nitsch, D, Larke, N, Rehman, AM, Smeeth, L and Addo, J (2016). Ecological Study of HIV Infection and Hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is There a Double Burden of Disease? [Data Collection]. PLOS One.

Ansari, HR, Templeton, TJ, Subudhi, AK, Ramaprasad, A, Tang, J, Lu, F, Naeem, R, Hashish, Y, Oguike, MC, Benavente, ED, Clark, TG, Sutherland, CJ, Barnwell, JW, Culleton, R, Cao, J and Pain, A (2016). Genome-scale comparison of expanded gene families in Plasmodium ovale wallikeri and Plasmodium ovale curtisi with Plasmodium malariae and with other Plasmodium species. [Data Collection]. International Journal for Parasitology.

Arunga, S (2019). The management of microbial keratitis within Uganda’s primary health system: a situational analysis. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Ashall, J, Shah, S, Biggs, JR, Chang, JR, Jafari, Y, Brady, OJ, Mai, HK, Lien, LT, Do Thai, H, Nguyen, HAT, Anh, DD, Iwasaki, C, Kitamura, N, Van Loock, M, Herrera-Taracena, G, Rasschaert, F, Van Wesenbeeck, L, Yoshida, L, Hafalla, JCR, Hue, S and Hibberd, ML (2023). Dengue virus type 4 isolate DET-P-0428-1 polyprotein (POLY) gene, complete cds; and sfRNA2 lncRNA gene, partial sequence. [Data Collection]. National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Ashall, J, Shah, S, Biggs, JR, Chang, JR, Jafari, Y, Brady, OJ, Mai, HK, Lien, LT, Do Thai, H, Nguyen, HAT, Anh, DD, Iwasaki, C, Kitamura, N, Van Loock, M, Herrera-Taracena, G, Rasschaert, F, Van Wesenbeeck, L, Yoshida, L, Hafalla, JCR, Hue, S and Hibberd, ML (2023). Dengue virus type I isolate DEN-P-1098-1 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. [Data Collection]. National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Assefa, N, Demissie, L, Teklemarriam, Z, Oundo, JO, Madrid, L, Dessie, Y and Scott, JAG (2021). Replication Data for: Seroprevalence of anti–SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in women attending antenatal care in eastern Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Athrey, G, Hodges, TK, Reddy, MR, Overgaard, H, Matias, A, Ridl, FC, Kleinschmidt, I, Caccone, A and Slotman, MA (2013). Data from: Effective population size of malaria mosquitoes: large impact of vector control. [Data Collection]. Dryad.

Atkins, KE and Hodgson, D (2022). katiito/rsvvaccines_amr. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Atkins, K, Vanhoek, A, Watson, C, Baguelin, M, Choga, L, Patel, A, Raj, T, Jit, M and Griffiths, U (2015). Data from: Seasonal influenza vaccination delivery through community pharmacists in England: evaluation of the London pilot. [Data Collection]. Dryad.

Auzenbergs, M, Fountain, H, Macklin, G, Lyons, H and O'reilly, KM (2021). mauzenbergs/polio_vdpv. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Avoka, CK, Banke-Thomas, A, Beňová, L, Radovich, E and Campbell, OMR (2022). Use of motorised transport and pathways to childbirth care in health facilities: Evidence from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.

Ayieko, P, Hashim, R, Grosskurth, H and Kapiga, S (2021). Hand hygiene intervention to optimise soil transmitted helminths infection control among primary school children: endline survey data from a cluster randomised trial. [Data Collection]. Mendeley Data.

Bacigalupo, S, Ruby Chang, Y, Dixon, L, Gubbins, S, Kucharski, AJ and Drewe, J (2022). The importance of fine-scale predictors of wild boar habitat use in an isolated population. [Data Collection]. Dryad.

Balogun, M, Banke-Thomas, A, Sekoni, A, Boateng, GO, Yesufu, V, Wright, O, Ubani, O, Abayomi, A, Afolabi, BB and Ogunsola, F (2021). Dataset of 1241 clients of RMNCH services during the COVID-19 outbreak in Lagos. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Bandason, T, Dauya, E, Dakshina, S, McHugh, G, Chonzi, P, Munyati, S, Weiss, HA, Simms, V, Kranzer, K and Ferrand, RA (2018). Screening tool to identify adolescents living with HIV in a community setting in Zimbabwe: A validation study. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.

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Banke-Thomas, A, Olubodun, T, Macharia, PM, Wong, KL, Gwacham-Anisiobi, U, Ogunyemi, O, Benova, L, Omolade Abejirinde, I, Makanga, PT, Wang, J, Stanton, C, Sundararajan, N, Shah, Y, Prasad, G, Kansal, M, Vispute, S, Shekel, T and Afolabi, BB (2023). A geospatial database of close to reality travel times to obstetric emergency care in 15 Nigerian conurbations. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

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Barnsley, G and Watson, OJ (2022). mrc-ide/covid-vaccine-impact-orderly. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Barsosio, HC, Gitonga, JN, Karanja, HK, Nyamwaya, DK, Omuoyo, DO, Kamau, E, Hamaluba, MM, Nyiro, JU, Kitsao, BS, Nyaguara, A, Mwakio, S, Newton, CR, Sang, R, Wright, D, Sanders, EJ, Seale, AC, Agoti, CN, Berkley, JA, Bejon, P and Warimwe, GM (2019). Replication Data for: Congenital Microcephaly Unrelated to Flavivirus Exposure in Coastal Kenya. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

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Beale, S, Lewer, D, Aldridge, RW, Johnson, AM, Zambon, M, Hayward, A and Fragaszy, E (2020). Household Transmission of Seasonal Coronavirus Infections: Results from the Flu Watch cohort study. [Data Collection]. University College London.

Beckwith, P, Tlali, M, Charalambous, S, Churchyard, GJ, Fielding, K, Hoffmann, CJ, Johnson, S, Wood, N, Grant, AD and Karat, AS (2022). Causes and outcomes of admission and investigation of tuberculosis in adults with advanced HIV in South African hospitals: data from the TB Fast Track trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Bell, S, Clarke, R, Mounier-Jack, S and Paterson, P (2020). Parents’ and guardians’ views on the acceptability of a future COVID-19 vaccine for themselves and their children: cross-sectional survey and qualitative interview data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Bell, S, Clarke, R, Mounier-Jack, S, Paterson, P, Ismail, S and Ojo-Aromokudu, O (2021). COVID-19 vaccination beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours among health and social care workers in the UK: Survey dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Benavente, E, Coll, F, Furnham, N, Mcnerney, R, Glynn, J, Campino, S, Pain, A, Mohareb, FR and Clark, T (2015). PhyloTrack. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

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