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Afolabi, MO, Sougou, NM, Diaw, A, Sow, D, Manga, IA, Mbaye, I, Greenwood, B and Ndiaye, JLA (2022). Interview guide used to collect qualitative data from the caregivers. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.

Allel, K (2022). kasimallel/Modelling-analysing-GN-ABR-for-transmission-in-a-Chilean-semi-rural-community. [Data Collection]. Github.

Allel, K, Abou Jaoude, GJ, Birungi, C, Palmer, T, Skordis, J and Haghparast-Bidgoli, H (2022). Technical efficiency of national HIV/AIDS spending in 78 countries between 2010 and 2018: A data envelopment analysis. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.

Allel, K, Abou Jaoude, GJ, Birungi, C, Palmer, T, Skordis, J and Haghparast-Bidgoli, H (2022). Technical efficiency of national HIV/AIDS spending in 78 countries between 2010 and 2018: A data envelopment analysis. S2 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.

Alwy Al-beity, F, Pembe, AB, Marrone, G, Baker, U and Hanson, C (2020). Anonymised data for: "Predictors of change of health workers’ knowledge and skills after the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding after Birth (HMS BAB) in-facility training in Tanzania". [Data Collection]. PLOS One.

Amambua-Ngwa, A, Jeffries, D, Amato, R, Worwui, A, Karim, M, Ceesay, S, Nyang, H, Nwakanma, D, Okebe, J, Kwiatkowski, D, Conway, DJ and D'Alessandro, U (2018). Consistent signatures of selection from genomic analysis of pairs of temporal and spatial Plasmodium falciparum populations from The Gambia. [Data Collection]. Scientific Reports.

Amoah, J, Said, S, Rampal, L, Manaf, R, Ibrahim, N, Owusu-Agyei, S and Poku Asante, K (2021). Effects of a school-based intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors among secondary school students: A cluster-randomized, controlled trial. Working dataset. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Asante, KP, Oduro, A, Welega, P, Ansong, D, Odei-Lartey, E, Gyan, T, Gyaase, S, Sarfo, A, Samuels, A, Westercamp, N, Akech, S, Kwambai, T, Khazenzi, C, Milligan, P, Snell, P, Moore, K, Fogelson, A, Schellenberg, D, Hamel, M, Okine, R, Mathanga, D, Mwapasa, V, Kapito, A, Mvalo, T, Msuku, H, Stanley, C, Njuguna, P, Kariuki, S, Otieno, L, Chimala, A, Afari, EA, Bejon, P, Maleta, K, Agbenyega, T, Snow, RWv, Zulu, M, Chinkhumba, J, Chinkumba, J, Abubakari, SW, Akumani, A, Adu-Gyasi, D, Agbokey, F, Amenga-Etego, S, Buabeng, P, Awini, E, Sylverken, J, Kampim, A, Koram, KA, Hodgson, A, Binka, FN, Tweneboah, PO, Ondiegi, B, Seda, B, Akach, D, Orwa, G, Nyang’au, I, Odunga, O, Gumba, F, Copeland, N, Mumo, E, Musa, M, English, M, Haji, A, Njoroge, J, Msuku, H, Samuel, V, Mariko, HT, Juliano, J, Msumba, L, Mungwira, RG, Zimba, BE, Desai, M, Furrer, E, Aponte, J, Alonso, P, Sillah, JS and Kalu, AA (2024). Replication Data for: Feasibility, safety, and impact of the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine when implemented through national immunisation programmes: evaluation of cluster-randomised introduction of the vaccine in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Aunger, R (2016). Hygiene Council Global Survey on Personal and Household Hygiene, 2011. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.

Aunger, R and Grigoryev, D (2024). Motives validation. [Data Collection]. Open Science Framework.

Avan, B (2017). Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Woman's Development Army Survey Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Avan, B and Berhanu, D (2017). Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Contextual. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Avan, B and Berhanu, D (2017). Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Health Centre Survey Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Avan, B and Berhanu, D (2017). Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Health Post and Health Extension Work Survey Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Avan, B and Berhanu, D (2020). IDEAS Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Ayieko, P, Hashim, R, Grosskurth, H and Kapiga, S (2021). Hand hygiene intervention to optimise soil transmitted helminths infection control among primary school children: endline survey data from a cluster randomised trial. [Data Collection]. Mendeley Data.


Baker, K, Dutta, A, Swain, T, Sahoo, S, Das, BS, Panda, B, Nayak, A, Bara, M, Bilung, B, Mishra, PR, Panigrahi, P, Cairncross, S and Torondel, B (2015). Menstrual Hygiene Practices, WASH Access and the Risk of Urogenital Infection in Women from Odisha, India. Case-control study data. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Balanza, N, Bassat, Q, Kain, KC, Hopkins, H, Mabey, DC and Lal, S (2025). Plasma biomarker data from the FIEBRE-Mozambique Cohort. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Baltzell, K, Harvard, K, Hanley, M, Gosling, R and Chen, I (2019). MOESM1 of What is community engagement and how can it drive malaria elimination? Case studies and stakeholder interviews. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Bancroft, D, Power, G, Jones, R, Massad, E, Bernstein Iriat, J, Preet, R, Kinsman, J and Logan, J (2021). ZikaPLAN – Research tools used for focus group discussion and interviews. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Barreaux, P, Koella, JC, N'Guessan, R and Thomas, MB (2022). Use of novel lab assays to examine the effect of pyrethroid-treated bed nets on blood-feeding success and longevity of highly insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Barreaux, P, Koella, JC, N'guessan, R and Thomas, MB (2022). Use of novel lab assays to examine the effect of pyrethroid-treated bed nets on blood-feeding success and longevity of highly insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Bennett, D, Naqvi, A and Schmidt, WP (2018). Learning, Hygiene and Traditional Medicine - Supporting Information. [Data Collection]. The Economic Journal, London, United Kingdom.

Berhanu, D, Meknonen, Y and Tadesse, N (2015). IDEAS project - Community based newborn care evaluation, midline qualitative study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Berhanu, D and Tadesse, N (2014). IDEAS project - Community based newborn care evaluation: first round qualitative study field notes. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Berhanu, D and Tadesse, S (2012). IDEAS project - Feasibility study for a Data Informed Platform for Health in Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Bhattacharyya, S (2015). IDEAS project - Qualitative data for the Data Informed Platform for Health formative study in West Bengal. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Bick, S, Ezezew, A, Opondo, C, Leurent, B, Argaw, W, Hunter, EC, Cumming, O, Allen, E and Dreibelbis, R (2024). Data for: Impact of a school-based water and hygiene intervention on child health and school attendance in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Borghi, J, Mamdani, M, Abdulla, S, Mayumana, I, Mashasi, I, Binyaruka, P, Patouillard, E, Njau, I and Maestad, O (2014). Evaluation of a pay for performance programme in Pwani region in Tanzania: A controlled before and after study, IMPACT. [Data Collection]. Ifakara Health Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Borghi, J, Mamdani, M, Abdulla, S, Mayumana, I, Mashasi, I, Binyaruka, P, Patouillard, E, Njau, I and Maestad, O (2014). Evaluation of a pay for performance programme in Pwani region in Tanzania: A controlled before and after study, PROCESS. [Data Collection]. Ifakara Health Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Bose, I, Dreibelbis, R, Green, R, Murray, K, Ceesay, O and Kovats, S (2024). Data collection tools for: "Changing rainfall patterns, household water use and health: risks and household responses in rural Gambia". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Brady, OJ and Bastos, L (2019). Code for simulating release of Wolbachia mosquitoes in Indonesia and assessing their cost effectiveness in different places over time. [Data Collection]. Github.

Brooker, S (2017). Impact of malaria control and enhanced literacy instruction on educational outcomes among Kenyan school children: a multi-sectoral, prospective, randomised evaluation. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Brunn, A and Waage, J (2024). Data extraction results for a scoping review on AMR in food crops. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Burr, SE, Camara, B, Oluwalana, C, Bojang, E, Bottomley, C, Bojang, A, Bailey, RL, D'Alessandro, U and Roca, A (2017). Data for: "Does azithromycin given to women in labour decrease ocular bacterial infection in neonates? A double-blind, randomized trial". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Cairns, M, Woukeu, A and Tagbor, H (2015). Screening and treatment of malaria in pregnancy in West Africa. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Cano, J, Rodríguez, A, Simpson, H, Tabah, EN, Gómez, JF and Pullan, RL (2018). Additional file 2: of Modelling the spatial distribution of aquatic insects (Order Hemiptera) potentially involved in the transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Africa. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Cansado-Utrilla, C, Jeffries, CL, Kristan, M, Brugman, VA, Heard, P, Camara, G, Sylla, M, Beavogui, AH, Messenger, LA, Irish, SR and Walker, T (2020). An assessment of adult mosquito collection techniques for studying species abundance and diversity in Maferinyah, Guinea. [Data Collection]. Open Science Framework.

Carpenter, DO, Svefors, P, Rahman, A, Ekström, E, Khan, AI, Lindström, E, Persson, LA and Ekholm Selling, K (2016). MINIMat data. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.

Caruso, BA, Sclar, GD, Routray, P, Nagel, C, Majorin, F, Sola, S, Koehne, W, DeShay, R, Udaipuria, S, Williams, R and Clasen, T (2019). Impact of a multi-level intervention, Sundara Grama, on latrine use and safe disposal of child faeces in rural Odisha, India. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Caruso, B, Sclar, GD, Routray, P, Nagel, CL, Majorin, F, Sola, S, Koehne, W and Clasen, TF (2021). Low-Cost Behaviour Change Interventions to Improve Latrine Use and Safe Child Faeces Disposal in Rural Odisha, India. [Data Collection]. OSF.

Carvalho-Pereira, T, Eyre, MT, Zeppelini, CG, Espirito Santo, VF, Santiago, DC, Santana, R, Palma, F, Reis, M, Lustosa, R, Khalil, H, Diggle, PJ, Giorgi, E, Costa, F and Begon, M (2022). Dataset used in the assessment of the article "Basic urban services fail to neutralise environmental determinants of 'rattiness', a composite metric of rat abundance". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Chan, K, Tusting, LS, Bottomley, C, Saito, K and Lines, J (2022). Replication Data for: Malaria transmission and prevalence in rice-growing versus non-rice-growing villages in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ogobara, J and Greenwood, B (2020). AZ-SMC Trial - School child parasitaemia dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O and Ouedraogo, J (2020). AZ-SMC Trial - In vivo treatment efficacy dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ouedraogo, J and Greenwood, B (2020). AZ-SMC Trial - Cross-sectional dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ouedraogo, J and Greenwood, B (2020). AZ-SMC Trial - Drug administration dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ouedraogo, J and Greenwood, B (2020). AZ-SMC Trial - Person-Time dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ouedraogo, J and Greenwood, B (2020). AZ-SMC Trial - Weekly survey dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chandramohan, D, Dicko, A, Zongo, I, Sagara, I, Cairns, M, Kuepfer, I, Diarra, M, Barry, A, Tapily, A, Nikiema, F, Yerbanga, S, Coumare, S, Thera, I, Traore, A, Milligan, P, Tinto, H, Doumbo, O, Ouedraogo, J and Greenwood, B (2020). Data repository for AZ-SMC - a trial of seasonal malaria chemoprevention combined with azithromycin in African children. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Chauhan, K, Schmidt, WP, Aunger, R, Gopalan, B, Saxena, D, Yashobant, S, Patwardhan, V and Curtis, V (2019). The 5 Star Toilet Campaign: Improving toilet use in rural Gujarat. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Chico, M, Cano, J, Ariti, C, Collier, T, Chandramohan, D, Roper, C and Greenwood, B (2015). Influence of malaria transmission intensity and the 581G mutation on the efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]. John Wiley & Sons.

Churcher, T, Stopard, I, Hamlet, A, Dee, D, Sanou, A, Rowland, M, Guelbeogo, M, Emidi, B, Mosha, J, Challenger, J, Denz, A, Charles, G, Russell, E, Fitzjohn, R, Winskill, P, Fornadel, C, Mclean, T, Digre, P, Wagman, J, Mosha, F, Cook, J, Akogbéto, M, Djogbenou, L, Ranson, H, Manjurano, A, N'fale, S, Protopopoff, N, Accrombessi, M, Ngufor, C, Foster, G and Sherrard-Smith, E (2023). MINT-data-v20230208. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Clasen, T (2015). Evaluation of WaterAid sanitation in Odisha, India (Household Baseline) (June 2015). [Data Collection]. Research Gate.

Collinson, S, Timothy, J, Zayzay, SK, Kollie, KK, Lebas, E, Candy, N, Halliday, KE, Pullan, RL, Fallah, M, Walker, SL and Marks, M (2020). The prevalence of scabies in Monrovia, Liberia: A population-based survey. Study Dataset. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Cruz-Saavedra, L, Vallejo, GA, Guhl, F, Messenger, LA and Ramírez, JD (2020). Transcriptional remodeling during metacyclogenesis in Trypanosoma cruzi I. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Czerniewska, A (2019). Dataset for behaviour-microbiology studies of face washing techniques for trachoma control: a pilot study within the Stronger SAFE project. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Czerniewska, A, Aunger, R, Muangi, WC, Massa, K and Curtis, V (2019). Theory-driven formative research to inform the design of a national sanitation campaign in Tanzania - Household Interview Guide. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Davies, K (2024). Data for: "Understanding end-user preferences for hand hygiene enabling technologies: a mixed-methods study in peri-urban Lusaka". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Davies, K, Panulo, M, MacLeod, C, Tracy, M, Chidziwisano, K and Dreibelbis, R (2024). Data for: "Inclusion of persons living with disabilities in a district-wide sanitation programme: a cross-sectional study in rural Malawi". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

De Maio, N, Wu, C, O'Reilly, KM and Wilson, D (2015). New Routes to Phylogeography: A Bayesian Structured Coalescent Approximation. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

De barra, M (2013). Infectious disease and disgust sensitivity in Bangladesh. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Dennis, M, Radovich, E, Wong, K, Owolabi, O, Cavallaro, F, Mbizvo, MT, Binagwaho, A, Waiswa, P, Lynch, C and Benova, L (2017). Pathways to increased coverage: an analysis of time trends in contraceptive need and use among adolescents and young women in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Diallo, K, Gamougam, K, Daugla, DM, Harrison, OB, Bray, JE, Caugant, DA, Lucidarme, J, Trotter, CL, Hassan-King, M, Stuart, JM, Manigart, O, Greenwood, BM and Maiden, MCJ (2017). Hierarchical genomic analysis of carried and invasive serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis during the 2011 epidemic in Chad. [Data Collection]. Figshare.


Early, AM, Lievens, M, MacInnis, BL, Ockenhouse, CF, Volkman, SK, Adjei, S, Agbenyega, T, Ansong, D, Gondi, S, Greenwood, B, Hamel, M, Odero, C, Otieno, K, Otieno, W, Owusu-agyei, S, Asante, KP, Sorgho, H, Tina, L, Tinto, H, Valea, I, Wirth, DF and Neafsey, DE (2018). Electronic Supplementary Material for: "Host-mediated selection impacts the diversity of Plasmodium falciparum antigens within infections". [Data Collection]. Nature Communications.

Erens, B, Williams, L, Exley, J, Ettelt, S, Manacorda, T, Hajat, S and Mays, N (2021). Data collection tools for: "Public attitudes to, and behaviours taken during, hot weather by vulnerable groups: results from a national survey in England.". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Falconer, J (2019). Search strategies for: "Interventions to improve drinking water supply and quality, sanitation and handwashing facilities in health care facilities, and their effect on health care-associated infections in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and supplementary scoping review". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Falconer, J, Gerard, J and D'Mello-Guyett, L (2024). Search strategies for "Articulating a global research agenda on the effects of climate change hazards on hygiene-related health and wellbeing outcomes". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Falconer, J and Kristan, M (2024). Search strategies for: "Recent dengue outbreaks in Africa: what are the gaps in research?". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Fernández-Grandon, GM, Gezan, SA, Armour, JAL, Pickett, JA and Logan, J (2020). Raw data for both dizygotic and monozygotic twins from Y-tube olfactometer experiment. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.

Ferrand, R, Weiss, H, Simms, V, Dauya, E, Bandason, T, McHugh, G and Dakshina, S (2017). ZENITH Adolescent HIV prevalence survey dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Fongnikin, A, Odjo, A, Akpi, J, Kiki, L and Ngufor, C (2022). Detailed experimental hut data against wild free-flying pyrethroid resistant An gambiae s.l. in Cove, Benin. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Frison, S (2020). Wasting prevention CHNRI dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Gallandat, K (2022). Water Supply Service Index. [Data Collection]. OSF.

Gautham, M, Bhattacharyya, S and Shrivastava, A (2013). IDEAS project - Data Informed Platform for Health feasibility study in Uttar Pradesh. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Gautham, M, Manish, S, Sanjay, G and Spicer, N (2015). IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in West Bengal. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Gautham, M, Subharwal, M, Gupta, S, Spicer, N and Mishra, N (2014). IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in Uttar Pradesh. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Glunt, KD, Coetzee, M, Huijben, S, Koffi, AA, Lynch, PA, N'Guessan, R, Oumbouke, WA, Sternberg, ED and Thomas, MB (2017). Data from: Empirical and theoretical investigation into the potential impacts of insecticide resistance on the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets. [Data Collection]. Dryad.

Green, N, Agossa, F, Yovogan, B, Oxborough, R, Kitau, J, Müller, P, Constant, E, Rowland, M, Tchacaya, EFS, Benjamin, KG, Churcher, TS, Betancourt, M and Sherrard-Smith, E (2022). An evidence synthesis approach for combining different data sources illustrated using entomological efficacy of insecticides for indoor residual spraying. Datasets for analyses. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Greenland, K (2024). Stronger-SAFE trial: Baseline and follow-up face washing data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Greenland, K and White, S (2019). Observation notes for: "Selecting behaviour change priorities for trachoma ‘F’ and ‘E’ interventions: a formative research study in Oromia, Ethiopia". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Greenwood, B, Greenwood, A and Bradley, A (2017). Data from a study of Guinea worm infection in northern Nigeria, 1971-1974. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Halliday, K, Oswald, W, Mcharo, C, Beaumont, E, Gichuki, P, Kepha, S, Witek-mcmanus, S, Matendechero, S, El-Busaidy, H, Muendo, R, Chiguzo, A, Cano, J, Karanja, M, Musyoka, L, Safari, T, Mutisya, L, Muye, I, Sidigu, M, Anderson, R, Allen, E, Brooker, S, Mwandawiro, C, Njenga, S and Pullan, RL (2019). Household and Parasitology Survey, Kwale County, Kenya, 2015. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Halliday, K, Witek-mcmanus, S, Opondo, C, Mtali, A, Allen, E, Bauleni, A, Ndau, S, Phondiwa, E, Ali, D, Kachigunda, V, Sande, J, Verney, A, Chimuna, T, Melody, D, Moestue, H, Roschnik, N, Brooker, S and Mathanga, D (2017). Learner Treatment Kit (school-based malaria diagnosis and treatment in southern Malawi): Study data and support materials. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

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Hanson, C, Waiswa, P, Marchant, T, Marx, M, Manzi, F, Mbaruku, G, Rowe, A, Tomson, G, Schellenberg, J and Peterson, S (2016). Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power for Maternal and Newborn Health in Africa (EQUIP). [Data Collection]. Ifakara Health Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Hendy, A, Sluydts, V, Tushar, T, De Witte, J, Odonga, P, Loum, D, Nyaraga, M, Lakwo, T, Dujardin, J, Post, R, Kalinga, A and Echodu, R (2017). Esperanza Window Traps for the collection of anthropophilic blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Uganda and Tanzania. S1 Table. Trap data. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Herman, LS, Fornace, K, Phelan, J, Grigg, MJ, Anstey, NM, William, T, Moon, RW, Blackman, MJ, Drakeley, CJ and Tetteh, KKA (2018). Identification and validation of a novel panel of Plasmodium knowlesi biomarkers of serological exposure. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Hill, Z (2015). IDEAS project - Study of behaviour change in maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Hill, Z (2015). IDEAS project - Study of behaviour change in maternal and newborn care in Northeast Nigeria. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Howard, N, Guinness, L and Rowland, M (2017). Economic data for the Afghan refugee malaria control programme in Pakistan 1990-1995. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

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