Browse by Data capture method

1 January 1989
Joshi, H, Layard, P and Owen, S (1989). Female Employment and Fertility by Cohort, 1950-1974. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
23 December 2009
Porta, D, Milani, S, Lazzarino, A, Perucci, CA and Forastiere, F (2009). Systematic review of epidemiological studies on health effects associated with management of solid waste. [Data Collection]. Environmental Health.
21 April 2010
Edwards, P, Felix, L, Harris, J, Ferguson, E, Free, C, Landon, J, Lock, K, Michie, S, Miners, A and Murray, E (2010). Assessing the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of adaptive e-Learning to improve dietary behaviour: systematic review protocol. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Cancer Survival Group (2012). Cancer Survival Group: UK Life Tables. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
May 2012
Falconer, J (2012). Search strategies for: "The organisation and delivery of health improvement in general practice and primary care: a scoping study". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 August 2014
Priego, E, Lewandowski, T, Atenas, J, Atenas, J, Galina, I, Levin, J, Murtagh, J, Brun, L, Whitton, M, de Castro, P, Molloy, S, Petersen, S and Gutierrez, S (2014). Articles with Ebola mentioned online anytime as tracked by Altmetric, with crowdsourced type of access and license. [Data Collection]. City, University of London.
October 2014
Falconer, J (2014). Search strategies for "Self-sampling kits to increase HIV testing among black Africans in the UK: the HAUS mixed-methods study". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Falconer, J (2014). Search strategies for: "Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
21 October 2014
Camacho, A, Kucharski, A, Funk, S, Breman, J, Piot, P and Edmunds, J (2014). Potential for large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease: Supplementary Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Spika, D, Rachet, B, Bannon, F, Woods, LM, Maringe, C, Bonaventure, A and Coleman, MP (2015). Life tables for the CONCORD-2 study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
January 2015
Voller, S and Becker, A (2015). IDEAS project - Interview guide and survey design documents for grantee dissemination activity. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 January 2015
Kovacs, SD, Mulholland, K, Bosch, J, Campbell, H, Forouzanfar, MH, Khalil, I, Lim, S, Liu, L, Maley, SN, Mathers, CD, Matheson, A, Mokdad, AH, O’Brien, K, Parashar, U, Schaafsma, TT, Steele, D, Hawes, SE and Grove, JT (2015). Deconstructing the differences: a comparison of GBD 2010 and CHERG’s approach to estimating the mortality burden of diarrhea, pneumonia, and their etiologies - Additional files. [Data Collection]. Biomed Central.
2 February 2015
Lawson, S and Murtagh, J (2015). London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine APCs 2014. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
6 March 2015
Kucharski, A, Mills, H, Pinsent, A, Fraser, C, Kerkhove, MV and Riley, S (2015). Data from: Distinguishing between reservoir exposure and human-to-human transmission for emerging pathogens using case onset data. [Data Collection]. Dryad.
7 May 2015
Lawson, S and Murtagh, J (2015). LSHTM RCUK APCs 2013-14. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
4 June 2015
Lazzarino, A, Hamer, M, Carvalho, L, Gaze, D, Collinson, P and Steptoe, A (2015). The mediation of coronary calcification in the association between risk scores and cardiac troponin T elevation in healthy adults: Is atherosclerosis a good prognostic precursor of coronary disease? [Data Collection]. Preventive Medicine.
21 June 2015
Ortega, J, Moraga-serrano, P, Nikolay, B, Rebollo, M, Okorie, P, Davies, E, Bockarie, M and Brooker, S (2015). An investigation of the disparity in estimates of microfilaraemia and antigenaemia in lymphatic filariasis surveys. [Data Collection]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
30 July 2015
Goodman, A, van Sluijs, EM and Ogilvie, D (2015). Cycle training for children: Which schools offer it and who takes part? [Data Collection]. Journal of Transport & Health.
30 September 2015
Chico, M, Cano, J, Ariti, C, Collier, T, Chandramohan, D, Roper, C and Greenwood, B (2015). Influence of malaria transmission intensity and the 581G mutation on the efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]. John Wiley & Sons.
3 November 2015
Rosello, A, Mossoko, M, Flasche, S, Vanhoek, A, Mbala, P, Camacho, A, Funk, S, Kucharski, A, Ilunga, BK, Edmunds, J, Piot, P, Baguelin, M and Tamfum, JM (2015). Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1976-2014: Figures and Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 November 2015
Head, MG, Fitchett, J, Derrick, G, Wurie, FB, Meldrum, J, Kumari, N, Beattie, B, Counts, CJ and Atun, R (2015). Additional file 1: of Comparing research investment to United Kingdom institutions and published outputs for tuberculosis, HIV and malaria: a systematic analysis across 1997–2013. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
25 November 2015
Miasnikof, P, Giannakeas, V, Gomes, M, Aleksandrowicz, L, Shestopaloff, AY, Alam, D, Tollman, S, Samarikhalaj, A and Jha, P (2015). Naive Bayes classifiers for verbal autopsies: comparison to physician-based classification for 21,000 child and adult deaths. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
10 December 2015
Blencowe, H, Cousens, S, Bianchi jassir, F, Say, L, Chou, D, Mathers, C, Hogan, D, Shiekh, S, Qureshi, Z, You, D and Lawn, J (2015). National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
January 2016
Head, MG, Fitchett, J, Nageshwaran, V, Kumari, N, Hayward, A and Atun, R (2016). Research Investments in Global Health: A Systematic Analysis of UK Infectious Disease Research Funding and Global Health Metrics, 1997–2013. [Data Collection]. EBioMedicine.
23 January 2016
Vermund, SH, Mayhew, S, Ploubidis, G, Sloggett, A, Church, K, Obure, CD, Birdthistle, I, Sweeney, S, Warren, CE, Watts, C, Vassall, A and Integra Initiative (2016). Innovation in Evaluating the Impact of Integrated Service-Delivery: The Integra Indexes of HIV and Reproductive Health Integration. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
26 January 2016
Kretzschmar, MEE, Tosas Auguet, O, Betley, JR, Stabler, R, Patel, A, Ioannou, A, Marbach, H, Hearn, P, Aryee, A, Goldenberg, SD, Otter, JA, Desai, N, Karadag, T, Grundy, C, Gaunt, M, Cooper, BS, Edgeworth, JD and Kypraios, T (2016). Evidence for Community Transmission of Community-Associated but Not Health-Care-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strains Linked to Social and Material Deprivation: Spatial Analysis of Cross-sectional Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS Medicine.
4 February 2016
Murtagh, J (2016). London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine APCs 2015. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
21 March 2016
Loganathan, T, Ng, C, Lee, W and Jit, M (2016). Technical appendix to "The hidden health and economic burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in Malaysia: an estimation using multiple data sources". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
11 April 2016
Goodman, A (2016). Bikeability Dataset based on Millennium Cohort Study, Fifth Survey, 2012. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
16 June 2016
Ali, GC, Ryan, G and De Silva, MJ (2016). Validated screening tools for common mental disorders in low and middle income countries: A systematic review. (Ali et al., 2016) PLOS ONE. S1 Results Database. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
October 2016
Falconer, J (2016). Search strategies for "Consolidating emerging evidence surrounding HIV self-testing (HIVST) & HIV self-sampling (HIVSS)". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
12 October 2016
O'Reilly, KM (2016). Outbreak Risk datasets. [Data Collection]. GitHub.
17 November 2016
Angkurawaranon, C, Nitsch, D, Larke, N, Rehman, AM, Smeeth, L and Addo, J (2016). Ecological Study of HIV Infection and Hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is There a Double Burden of Disease? [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
December 2016
Falconer, J (2016). Search strategies for: "Diagnostic accuracy of tests to detect Hepatitis C antibody: a meta-analysis and review of the literature". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Falconer, J (2016). Search strategy for "Diagnostic accuracy of tests to detect hepatitis B surface antigen: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
11 January 2017
Grollman, C, Arregoces, L, Pitt, C, Borghi, J, Martinez-Alvarez, M, Powell-Jackson, T, Hsu, J and Greco, G (2017). Countdown ODA+ Dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 January 2017
Tobías, A, Armstrong, B and Gasparrini, A (2017). R Code and Data for: "Investigating Uncertainty in the Minimum Mortality Temperature: Methods and Application to 52 Spanish Cities". [Data Collection]. Github.
April 2017
Mwenge, L, Sande, L, Mangenah, C, Ahmed, N, Kanema, S, d'Elbee, M, Sibanda, E, Kalua, T, Ncube, G, Johnson, CC, Hatzold, K, Cowan, FM, Corbett, EL, Ayles, H, Maheswaran, H and Terris-Prestholt, F (2017). HIV Self-Testing Africa (STAR) - Facility-based HIV testing cost data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 September 2017
Howard, N, Guinness, L and Rowland, M (2017). Economic data for the Afghan refugee malaria control programme in Pakistan 1990-1995. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
9 October 2017
Walsham, M, Kuper, H, Banks, M and Blanchet, K (2017). Social Protection & Disability in Asia-Pacific & Africa dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
20 October 2017
Liverani, M (2017). International health cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. [Data Collection]. UK Data Archive, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
10 November 2017
Falconer, J (2017). Search strategies for "Evidence for the use of administrative controls to reduce the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcare settings: a systematic review". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
1 December 2017
Leurent, B, Gomes, M and Carpenter, J (2017). Missing data in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis review dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 May 2018
Scheelbeek, P (2018). Systematic review for: "Effect of environmental changes on vegetable and legume yields and nutritional quality". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
June 2018
Woodd, S, Montoya, A, Barreix, M, Pi, L, Calvert, C, Rehman, AM, Chou, D and Campbell, O (2018). Incidence of maternal peripartum infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
26 July 2018
Bobrovitz, N, Heneghan, C, Onakpoya, I, Fletcher, B, Collins, D, Tompson, A, Lee, J, Nunan, D, Fisher, R, Scott, B, O’Sullivan, J, Van Hecke, O, Nicholson, BD, Stevens, S, Roberts, N and Mahtani, KR (2018). Additional file 2: of Medications that reduce emergency hospital admissions: an overview of systematic reviews and prioritisation of treatments. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
28 September 2018
Doyle, AM, Floyd, S, Baisley, K, Orindi, B, Kwaro, D, Mthiyane, TN, Muuo, S, Shahmanesh, M, Ziraba, A and Birdthistle, I (2018). Who are the male sexual partners of adolescent girls and young women? Comparative analysis of population data in three settings prior to DREAMS roll-out. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
3 October 2018
Zeeb, H, Jembere, GB, Cho, Y and Jung, M (2018). S1 Data. Causes of mortality data for Ethiopia from 1990 to 2015, retrieved from the Global Burden of Disease Study, IHME. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
December 2018
Falconer, J and Parajuli, A (2018). Draft search strategies for: "Novel strategies and approaches for testing populations at risk for sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review protocol". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
March 2019
Falconer, J (2019). Search strategies for: "Interventions to improve drinking water supply and quality, sanitation and handwashing facilities in health care facilities, and their effect on health care-associated infections in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and supplementary scoping review". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
2 May 2019
Regassa, LD, Gete, YK and Mekonnen, FA (2019). Time to acute kidney injury and its predictors among newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic patients at government hospitals in Harari Region, East Ethiopia. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
10 July 2019
Leclerc, QJ, Lindsay, JA and Knight, GM (2019). Summary table of the elements recorded in the 43 studies included in our review from Mathematical modelling to study the horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria: current state of the field and recommendations. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
22 January 2020
Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). Pathways to Low Fertility. [Data Collection]. Zenodo, London, United Kingdom.
27 January 2020
Clifford, S, Quilty, B, CMMID nCoV working group, Pearson, C, Flasche, S and Eggo, RM (2020). Effectiveness of airport-based interventions at detecting travellers and delaying an outbreak of COVID-19 (formerly 2019-nCoV). [Data Collection]. Github.
29 January 2020
Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). Wuhan Seeding Vs Transmission. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
28 February 2020
Simpson, KMJ, Mor, SM, Ward, MP, Collins, J, Flint, J, Hill-Cawthorne, GA and El Ghany, MA (2020). Dataset for "Genomic characterisation of Salmonella enterica serovar Wangata isolates obtained from different sources reveals low genomic diversity". [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
12 March 2020
Oliveira, JFd, Pescarini, JM, Rodrigues, MdS, Almeida, BdA, Henriques, CMP, Gouveia, FC, Rabello, ET, Matta, GC, Barreto, ML and Sampaio, RB (2020). The global scientific research response to the public health emergency of Zika virus infection. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
29 April 2020
Mwangi, N, Bascaran, C, D'Esposito, F, Gordon, I, Mutie, D, Niyonzima, J, Khanal, S, Kwamboka, L, Mdala, S, Lopez Ulloa, JA, Ramke, J, Evans, JR and Burton, MJ (2020). Interventions to promote successful referral to eye services for people with suspected diabetic retinopathy or macula oedema in low- and middle income countries: protocol for a rapid review. [Data Collection]. Open Science Framework.
May 2020
Falconer, J (2020). Search strategies for: How can e-health interventions reduce the ‘syndemic’ of HIV/STIs and sexual risk, substance use and mental ill health among men who have sex with men? [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 May 2020
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2020). LSHTM COVID-19 Projections. [Data Collection]. The Humanitarian Data Exchange.
19 June 2020
Glynn, J (2020). Systematic analysis of infectious disease outcomes by age. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
28 July 2020
Scortichini, M, Schneider dos santos, R, De' Donato, De Sario, M, Michelozzi, P, Davoli, M, Masselot, P, Sera, F and Gasparrini, A (2020). gasparrini/ItalyCOVIDdeath. [Data Collection]. Github.
26 August 2020
Vazquez-Montes, Maria D. L. A., Debray, TPA, Taylor, KS, Speich, B, Jones, N, Collins, GS, Hobbs, F. D. R. Richard, Magriplis, E, Maruri-Aguilar, H, Moons, KGM, Parissis, J, Perera, R, Roberts, N, Taylor, CJ, Kadoglou, NPE and Trivella, M (2020). Additional file 1 of UMBRELLA protocol: systematic reviews of multivariable biomarker prognostic models developed to predict clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
29 September 2020
Kerac, M, Brugaletta, C and Le Roch, K (2020). Breastfeeding assessment tools for at-risk and malnourished infants aged under 6 months old: a systematic review. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 October 2020
Simpson, H, Deribe, K, Tabah, EN, Maman, I, Frimpong, M, Ampadu, E, Saunderson, P, Pullan, RL and Cano, J (2020). Occurrences of Buruli ulcer infections in humans and Mycobacterium ulcerans in animal and environmental samples. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
29 October 2020
Clifford, S and Quilty, B (2020). cmmid/pcr_test_trace. [Data Collection]. Github.
20 November 2020
Ratnayake, R (2020). ruwanepi/Detection-analysis. [Data Collection]. Github.
3 December 2020
Besançon, L, Deforet, M, Leyrat, C, Segalas, C, Jiang, H and Masuzzo, P (2020). Open Science during the pandemic. [Data Collection]. OSF.
7 December 2020
Falconer, J (2020). Search strategies to investigate STI testing amongst PrEP users. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 January 2021
Bascaran, C, Mwangi, N, D’Esposito, F, Cleland, C, Gordon, I, Ulloa, JAL, Maswadi, R, Mdala, S, Ramke, J, Evans, JR and Burton, MJ (2021). Additional file 3 of Effectiveness of interventions to increase uptake and completion of treatment for diabetic retinopathy in low- and middle-income countries: a rapid review protocol. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
19 January 2021
Powell-Jackson, T, Kovacs, R and Borghi, J (2021). Code for: "Socioeconomic inequalities in the quality of primary care under Brazil’s national pay-for-performance programme: a longitudinal study of family health teams". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
12 February 2021
Belesova, K, Callaghan, M, Minx, J, Creutzig, F, Turcu, C, Hutchinson, E, Milner, J, Crane, M, Haines, A, Davies, M and Wilkinson, P (2021). Search strategies for: "Climate action for health and wellbeing in cities: a protocol for the systematic development of a database of peer-reviewed studies using machine learning methods". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
21 February 2021
Liu, Y, Sandmann, F, Barnard, RC, Pearson, CAB, LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Davies, NG and Jit, M (2021). Country Level COVID-19 Vaccination Prioritisation Decision Support Tool for WHO EUR. [Data Collection].
3 March 2021
Simpson, H, Tabah, EN, Phillips, RO, Frimpong, M, Maman, I, Ampadu, E, Timothy, J, Saunderson, P, Pullan, RL and Cano, J (2021). Total area predicted suitable and population living in suitable areas for Buruli ulcer, M. ulcerans, and both, by country in African continent. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
19 March 2021
Mbivnjo, EL, Lynch, M and Huws, JC (2021). Supplementary material for the article, "Measles Outbreak Investigation Process in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Methods and Costs of Contact Tracing". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
2 April 2021
Quilty, B (2021). cmmid/quar_test_contact_tracing. [Data Collection]. Github.
25 April 2021
Marshall, O, Blaylock, R, Murphy, C and Sanders, J (2021). Risk messages relating to pregnancy and fertility: a media content analysis (dataset). [Data Collection]. Figshare.
27 April 2021
Krauer, F and Schmid, BV (2021). Datasets and code for "Mapping the plague through natural language processing". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
24 May 2021
Kucharski, AJ (2021). adamkucharski/covid-import-model. [Data Collection]. Github.
9 June 2021
Leclerc, QJ (2021). qleclerc/COVID_bed_occupancy. [Data Collection]. Github.
22 June 2021
Kazibwe, J, Tran, PB and Annerstedt, KS (2021). Additional file 1 of The household financial burden of non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
13 September 2021
Bottomley, C (2021). christian-bottomley/mixture_model_sarscov2. [Data Collection]. Github.
15 October 2021
Falconer, J and Bonell, C (2021). Search strategies for: Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance abuse and violence and improve educational attainment. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 October 2021
Keating, P, Murray, J, Schenkel, K, Merson, L and Seale, A (2021). Support files for: "Electronic data collection, management and analysis tools used for outbreak response in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and stakeholder survey". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
17 November 2021
Kadia, BM, Dimala, CA, Fongwen, NT and Smith, AD (2021). Additional file 1 of Barriers to and enablers of uptake of antiretroviral therapy in integrated HIV and tuberculosis treatment programmes in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
29 November 2021
Muleya, M and Salter, A (2021). Ileal amino acid digestibility and DIAAS values of world foods. [Data Collection]. Mendeley Data.
Stoner, MCD, Kilburn, K, Godfrey-faussett, P, Ghys, P and Pettifor, AE (2021). Supporting files for "Cash transfers for HIV prevention: A systematic review". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 January 2022
Beckwith, P, Tlali, M, Charalambous, S, Churchyard, GJ, Fielding, K, Hoffmann, CJ, Johnson, S, Wood, N, Grant, AD and Karat, AS (2022). Causes and outcomes of admission and investigation of tuberculosis in adults with advanced HIV in South African hospitals: data from the TB Fast Track trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 February 2022
Fernández-Niño, JA, Rojas Botero, ML, Arregoces, L and Ruiz, F (2022). Dataset of Study: Estimated number of deaths directly avoided because of COVID-19 vaccination among older adults in Colombia. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
8 February 2022
Belesova, K, Green, R, Falconer, J, Whitmee, S and Haines, A (2022). Search strategy for "Quantifying the effectiveness and health co-benefits of climate change mitigation actions across sectors: a protocol for an umbrella review". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
2 March 2022
Malawi Government, Phiri, K, Saunders, J, Muleya, M, Joy, E, Tang, K, Smith, G and Pitchford, N (2022). Unified Region Based Covariates for Investigating the Causes of Early Childhood Adversity, 2010-2017. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
18 March 2022
Ruiz Cuenca, P, Key, S, Lindblade, KA, Vythilingam, I, Drakeley, C and Fornace, K (2022). Is there evidence of sustained human-mosquito-human transmission of the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium knowlesi? A systematic literature review. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
14 April 2022
Falconer, J (2022). Search strategy for the systematic review informing recommendations 6 & 7 of the WHO Guideline 'Responding to children and adolescents who have been sexually abused'. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
21 April 2022
Raj, E, Calvo-Urbano, B, Heffernan, C, Halder, J and Webster, JP (2022). Additional file 4 of Systematic review to evaluate a potential association between helminth infection and physical stunting in children. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
20 July 2022
Muriithi, FG, Banke-Thomas, A, Gakuo, R, Pope, K, Coomarasamy, A and Gallos, ID (2022). Supporting files for: "Individual, health facility and wider health system factors contributing to maternal deaths in Africa: A scoping review". [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
21 July 2022
Wang, SV, Sreedhara, SK, Schneeweiss, S, Franklin, JM, Gagne, JJ, Huybrechts, KF, Patorno, E, Jin, Y, Lee, M, Mahesri, M, Pawar, A, Barberio, J, Bessette, LG, Chin, K, Gautam, N, Ortiz, AS, Sears, E, Stefanini, K, Zakarian, M, Dejene, S, Rogers, JR, Brill, G, Landon, J, Lii, J, Tsacogianis, T, Vine, S, Garry, EM, Gibbs, LR, Gierada, M, Isaman, DL, Payne, E, Alwardt, S, Arlett, P, Bartels, DB, Bate, A, Berlin, J, Bourke, A, Bradbury, B, Brown, J, Burnett, K, Brennan, T, Chan, KA, Choi, N, de Vries, F, Eichler, H, Filion, KB, Freeman, L, Hallas, J, Happe, L, Hennessy, S, Jónsson, P, Ioannidis, J, Jimenez, J, Kahler, KH, Laine, C, Loder, E, Makady, A, Martin, D, Nguyen, M, Nosek, B, Platt, R, Platt, RW, Seeger, J, Shrank, W, Smeeth, L, Sørensen, HT, Tugwell, P, Uyama, Y, Willke, R, Winkelmayer, W and Zarin, D (2022). Reproducible Evidence: Practices to Enhance and Achieve Transparency (REPEAT). [Data Collection]. OSF.
29 July 2022
Cleary, F, Prieto-Merino, D and Nitsch, D (2022). A systematic review of statistical methodology used to evaluate progression of chronic kidney disease using electronic healthcare records. Data extraction spreadsheet. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
6 August 2022
Gibbs, H, Waterlow, NR, Cheshire, J, Danon, L, Liu, Y, Grundy, C, Kucharski, AJ and Eggo, RM (2022). hamishgibbs/facebook_population_2020_2021. [Data Collection]. Github.
15 August 2022
Straneo, M, Beňová, L, van den Akker, T, Pembe, AB, Smekens, T and Hanson, C (2022). Bivariate analysis of outcome (home, primary care facility or hospital birth) by independent variables among rural women with a recent live birth, by year of DHS survey. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
Straneo, M, Beňová, L, van den Akker, T, Pembe, AB, Smekens, T and Hanson, C (2022). Main sample characteristics of rural women with a recent live birth from Tanzania in each DHS survey analysed. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
Straneo, M, Beňová, L, van den Akker, T, Pembe, AB, Smekens, T and Hanson, C (2022). Predicted margins (percentage) with 95% CI for each outcome level (home/PHC/hospital) birth in rural Tanzania by year of DHS survey and wealth group in women at parity 0 and ≥5. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
24 August 2022
Hawkey, J, Wyres, KL, Judd, LM, Harshegyi, T, Blakeway, L, Wick, RR, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2022). Additional file 1 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Hawkey, J, Wyres, KL, Judd, LM, Harshegyi, T, Blakeway, L, Wick, RR, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2022). Additional file 3 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Hawkey, J, Wyres, KL, Judd, LM, Harshegyi, T, Blakeway, L, Wick, RR, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2022). Additional file 4 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
26 August 2022
Weibel, S, Popp, M, Reis, S, Skoetz, N, Garner, P and Sydenham, E (2022). Research Integrity Assessment (RIA) Tool for RCTs in evidence synthesis. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
7 September 2022
Ingleby, F, Woods, LM, Atherton, I and Belot, A (2022). Life Table According to Age, Sex and Individual Socio-economic Status for the England and Wales Population, 2011. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
1 October 2022
Palileo-Villanueva, LM, Palafox, B, Amit, AML, Pepito, VCF, Ab-Majid, F, Ariffin, F, Balabanova, D, Isa, M, Mat-Nasir, N, My, M, Renedo, A, Seguin, ML, Yusoff, K, Dans, AL and Mckee, M (2022). Additional file 1 of Prevalence, determinants and outcomes of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine use for hypertension among low-income households in Malaysia and the Philippines. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
10 October 2022
Zhang, J, Pitol, AK, Braun, L, Hazell, L and Templeton, MR (2022). The efficacy of soap against schistosome cercariae: A systematic review. Search results. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
15 October 2022
Welsh, J, Hounkpatin, H, Gross, MM, Hanson, C and Moller, A (2022). Additional file 2 of Do in-service training materials for midwifery care providers in sub-Saharan Africa meet international competency standards? A scoping review 2000–2020. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
17 October 2022
Page, AE, Migliano, AB, Dyble, M, Major-Smith, D, Viguier, S and Hassan, A (2022). Supplementary material from "Sedentarization and maternal childcare networks: role of risk, gender and demography". [Data Collection]. The Royal Society.
7 November 2022
Keay, L, Ren, K, Nguyen, H, Vajdic, C, Odutola, M, Gyawali, R, Toomey, M, Peters, R, Ee, N, Dillon, L, Hackett, M, Ah Tong, B, D'Esposito, F, Faulmann, D, Burton, MJ, Ramke, J and Jalbert, I (2022). Supporting data for: Risk factors common to leading eye health conditions and major non-communicable diseases: A rapid review and commentary. [Data Collection]. Dryad.
10 November 2022
Rodriguez, CA, Lodi, S, Horsburgh, CR, Bastard, M, Hewison, C, Huerga, H, Khan, M, Khan, PY, Khan, U, Oyewusi, L, Padayachee, S, Mitnick, CD and Franke, MF (2022). Selection bias in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cohort studies assessing sputum culture conversion. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
13 November 2022
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17 November 2022
Elliott, HR, Burrows, K, Min, JL, Tillin, T, Mason, D, Wright, J, Santorelli, G, Davey Smith, G, Lawlor, DA, Hughes, AD, Chaturvedi, N and Relton, CL (2022). Additional file 4 of Characterisation of ethnic differences in DNA methylation between UK-resident South Asians and Europeans. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
25 November 2022
Atkins, S, Heimo, L, Carter, DJ, Ribas Closa, M, Vanleeuw, L, Chenciner, L, Wambi, P, Sidney-Annerstedt, K, Egere, U, Verkuijl, S, Brands, A, Masini, T, Viney, K, Wingfield, T, Lönnroth, K and Boccia, D (2022). Additional file 1 of The socioeconomic impact of tuberculosis on children and adolescents: a scoping review and conceptual framework. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
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1 December 2022
Meier, S, Seddon, JA, Maasdorp, E, Kleynhans, L, du Plessis, N, Loxton, AG, Malherbe, ST, Zak, DE, Thompson, E, Duffy, FJ, Kaufmann, SHE, Ottenhoff, THM, Scriba, TJ, Suliman, S, Sutherland, JS, Winter, J, Kuivaniemi, H, Walzl, G and Tromp, G (2022). List of differentially expressed genes at all time points. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
8 December 2022
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12 December 2022
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2022). London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Activity File. [Data Collection]. International Aid Transparency Initiative.
21 December 2022
Timire, C, Sandy, C, Ferrand, RA, Mubau, R, Shiri, P, Mbiriyawanda, O, Mbiba, F, Houben, Rein M. G. J., Pedrazzoli, D, Bond, V, Foster, N and Kranzer, K (2022). Dataset: Cash transfer project. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
11 January 2023
Glynn, JR (2023). Dataset codebook for a 30-year population-based study examining the contribution of remote M.tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 February 2023
Timire, C (2023). Data for: Coverage and effectiveness of conditional cash transfer for people with drug resistant tuberculosis in Zimbabwe. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
3 June 2023
Osayande, I, Ogunyemi, O, Gwacham-Anisiobi, U, Olaniran, A, Yaya, S and Banke-Thomas, A (2023). Additional file 2 of Prevalence, indications, and complications of caesarean section in health facilities across Nigeria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
19 June 2023
Záhonová, K, Low, RS, Warren, CJ, Cantoni, D, Herman, EK, Yiangou, L, Ribeiro, CA, Phanprasert, Y, Brown, IR, Rueckert, S, Baker, NL, Tachezy, J, Betts, EL, Gentekaki, E, van der Giezen, M, Clark, CG, Jackson, AP, Dacks, JB and Tsaousis, AD (2023). Evolutionary analysis of cellular reduction and anaerobicity in the hyper-prevalent gut microbe Blastocystis. [Data Collection]. Current Biology.
15 July 2023
Olubodun, T, Macharia, PM, Wong, KL, Gwacham-Anisiobi, U, Ogunyemi, O, Beňová, L, Omolade Abejirinde, I, Makanga, PT, Wang, J, Afolabi, BB and Banke-Thomas, A (2023). Geocoded database of health facilities with verified capacity for caesarean section in urban Nigeria. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
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16 August 2023
Sanderson, T (2023). Processed INSDC dataset for MOV analysis. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
29 September 2023
Sbarra, AN (2023). Evaluating scope and bias of population-level measles serosurveys: a systematic review and bias assessment. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
19 October 2023
Suárez-Idueta, L, Ohuma, EO, Chang, C, Hazel, EA, Yargawa, J, Okwaraji, YB, Bradley, E, Gordon, A, Sexton, J, Lawford, H, Paixao cruz, ES, Falcão, IR, Lisonkova, S, Wen, Q, Velebil, P, Jírová, J, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Alvarez Lopez, S, Broeders, L, van Dijk, AE, Alyafei, F, AlQubaisi, M, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Matthews, R, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Wood, R, Monteath, K, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Lawn, JE and Blencowe, H (2023). Data for: "Neonatal mortality risk of large for gestational age and macrosomic live births in 15 countries including 115.6 million nationwide linked records, 2000–2020". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
7 November 2023
Suárez-Idueta, L, Blencowe, H, Okwaraji, YB, Yargawa, J, Bradley, E, Gordon, A, Flenady, V, Paixao Cruz, ES, Barreto, ML, Lisonkova, S, Wen, Q, Velebil, P, Jírová, J, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Barranco, A, Broeders, L, van Dijk, AE, Alyafei, F, Olukade, TO, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Draper, ES, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Wood, R, Monteath, K, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Ohuma, EO and Lawn, JE (2023). Data for: "Neonatal mortality risk for vulnerable newborn types in 15 countries using 125.5 million nationwide birth outcome records, 2000–2020". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
19 November 2023
Cunningham-Oakes, E, Bronowski, C, Chinyama, E, Jere, KC, Sindhu, KNC, Kang, G, Iturriza-Gómara, M, Darby, AC and Parker, EPK (2023). Increased bacterial taxonomic and functional diversity is associated with impaired rotavirus vaccine immunogenicity in infants from India and Malawi. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
14 December 2023
Downs, LO, Campbell, C, Abouyannis,, M, Otiende, M, Kapulu, M, Obiero, CW, Hamaluba, M, Ngetsa, C, Andersson, M, Githinji, G, Warimwe, G, Baisley, K, Scott, JAG, Matthews, PC and Etyang, A (2023). Replication Data for: Where Do Those Data Go? Reuse of screening results from clinical trials to estimate population prevalence of HBV infection in adults in Kilifi, Kenya. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
20 February 2024
Muriithi, FG, Banke-Thomas, A, Forbes, G, Gakuo, RW, Thomas, E, Gallos, ID, Devall, A, Coomarasamy, A and Lorencatto, F (2024). ROBVIS generic dataset. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Muriithi, FG, Banke-Thomas, A, Forbes, G, Gakuo, RW, Thomas, E, Gallos, ID, Devall, A, Coomarasamy, A and Lorencatto, F (2024). A systematic review of behaviour change interventions to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Framework analysis and coding. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Muriithi, FG, Banke-Thomas, A, Forbes, G, Gakuo, RW, Thomas, E, Gallos, ID, Devall, A, Coomarasamy, A and Lorencatto, F (2024). A systematic review of behaviour change interventions to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Included studies and extracted data. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Muriithi, FG, Banke-Thomas, A, Forbes, G, Gakuo, RW, Thomas, E, Gallos, ID, Devall, A, Coomarasamy, A and Lorencatto, F (2024). A systematic review of behaviour change interventions to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Quality assessment. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
27 February 2024
Falconer, J, Scheelbeek, P and Leung, J (2024). Search strategies for “Life cycle environmental impacts of alcohol production: a systematic review”. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
20 April 2024
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2024). Measles Seroprevalence Systematic Review and Bias Assessment 1962-2019. [Data Collection]. Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx).
30 May 2024
Falconer, J, Hutchinson, E and Kitutu, F (2024). Search strategy for "Improving practice in Ugandan drug shops: a holistic approach to regulation". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
5 June 2024
Falconer, J, Gerard, J and D'Mello-Guyett, L (2024). Search strategies for "Articulating a global research agenda on the effects of climate change hazards on hygiene-related health and wellbeing outcomes". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
21 June 2024
Falconer, J and Kristan, M (2024). Search strategies for: "Recent dengue outbreaks in Africa: what are the gaps in research?". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
9 August 2024
Bwire, C and Juel, R (2024). Historical Weather Data for Events and Non-Events Thresholds. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 August 2024
Adegbola, AJ, Ijarotimi, OA, Ubom, AE, Adesoji, BA, Babalola, OE, Hocke, EF, Hansson, H, Mousa, A, Bolaji, OO, Alifrangis, M and Roper, C (2024). Additional file 1 of A snapshot of the prevalence of dihydropteroate synthase-431V mutation and other sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance markers in Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Nigeria. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
14 August 2024
Kamuyu, R, Tarus, A, Bundala, F, Msemo, G, Shamba, D, Paul, C, Tillya, R, Murless-Collins, S, Oden, M, Richards-Kortum, R, Powell-Jackson, T, Kumar, MB, Salim, N and Lawn, JE (2024). Additional file 3 of Investment case for small and sick newborn care in Tanzania: systematic analyses. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
3 September 2024
Falconer, J, Checkley, A, Thakker, C and Warrell, C (2024). Search strategies for "Clinical Guidelines of the British Infection Society: Eosinophilia in returning travellers and migrants from the tropics". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 September 2024
Brunn, A and Waage, J (2024). Data extraction results for a scoping review on AMR in food crops. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
17 September 2024
Burke, R (2024). HIV hospitalisation systematic review data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
26 September 2024
Haque, F, Lampe, FC, Hajat, S, Stavrianaki, K, Hasan, SMT, Faruque, ASG, Ahmed, T, Jubayer, S and Kelman, I (2024). S1 Data for: "Impacts of climate change on diarrhoeal disease hospitalisations: How does the global warming targets of 1.5–2°C affect Dhaka, Bangladesh?". [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
1 October 2024
Lovas, S, Pál, L, Kovács, N, Diószegi, J, Mckee, M and Szűcs, S (2024). The concentrations of volatile organic compounds in residential, office, and educational buildings in the Member States of the European Union between 2010 and 2023. [Data Collection]. Mendeley Data.
2 October 2024
Lau, K (2024). Data file for Are migrant workers at greater risk of workplace deaths? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mortality risks and social determinants among migrant workers. [Data Collection]. St George's, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
17 October 2024
Falconer, J and Brunn, A (2024). Search strategies for "A Scoping Review of the Influence of Environmental Exposures on Health Outcomes in Kenya". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
23 October 2024
Falconer, J and Murage, P (2024). Search strategies for "Impact of tree-based interventions in addressing health and wellbeing outcomes in rural low-and-middle income settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 November 2024
Jamaluddine, Z and Checchi, F (2024). ZeinaJamaluddine/gaza_mortality_capture_recapture. [Data Collection]. Github.
12 November 2024
Jones, R (2024). Data for: "The effectiveness of putative wearable repellent technologies to protect against mosquito biting and Aedes-borne diseases, and their economic impact". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
26 November 2024
Falconer, J, Hartman, E, Zimmerman, C, Kiss, L, Ranganathan, M and Smith, C (2024). Addressing Child Labor: Are Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Child Labor Working? Protocol draft search strategy. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 December 2024
Falconer, J, Ruiz, F and Madriz Montero, A (2024). Search strategies for "Interventions to negate aggravated diarrheal disease due to climate change - A scoping review". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 January 2025
Palafox, B (2025). Data for: "The good, the bad, and the ugly: Compliance of e-pharmacies serving India and Kenya with regulatory requirements and best practices". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 January 2025
Curtin, E (2025). Data for: "The effectiveness of mobile app-based interventions in facilitating behaviour change towards healthier and more sustainable diets: a systematic review and meta-analysis". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
14 February 2025
Falconer, J, Mak, J and Barker, R (2025). Search strategies for "Systematic review of qualitative research on children and young people's involvement in violence". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
27 February 2025
Jelmar Sietsma, A and Nájera Espinosa, S (2025). Code for "Mapping the evidence of novel plant-based foods: A systematic review of nutritional, health, and environmental impacts in high-income countries". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Falconer, J and Brunn, A (2025). Search strategies for "Scoping study of Economic and Data System Considerations for Climate Change and Pandemic Preparedness in Africa". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 March 2025
Falconer, J, Hartman, E, Zimmerman, C, Kiss, L, Ranganathan, M and Smith, C (2025). Search strategies for: "Addressing Child Labor: Are Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Child Labor Working?". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 March 2025
Falconer, J, Pastorino, S, Green, R, Picetti, R and Milner, J (2025). Search strategies for "Systematic review of public food procurement policies in Europe to address environmental, nutrition and health outcomes". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 March 2025
Falconer, J, Briggs, A, Ruiz, F, Cubi-Molla, P, Dasgupta, S and Whitmee, S (2025). Search strategies for "Guidance on the economic evaluation of the health impacts of climate action". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.