Browse by Data capture method

1 January 1981
World Health Organization and International Collaborative Study of Medical Care Utilization (1981). WHO/ICS Medical Care Utilization Study Data, 1968-1969. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
18 November 1997
Ndeso-Atanga, S and Leonard, KL (1997). Survey on the Choice and Perception of Quality in Rural Health Institutions, Mbonge Subdivision, Southwest Province, Cameroun. [Data Collection]. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
16 October 2000
Roberts, J, Allen, P, Croxson, B, Taylor, L, Crawshaw, S and Archibald, K (2000). Risks, Contracts and Infectious Disease in the UK NHS Managed Market, 1997-1999. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
15 May 2003
Cowden, J, Hudson, M, Roberts, J, Roderick, P, Rodrigues, L, Sethi, D, Tompkins, D, Wall, P and Wheeler, J (2003). Study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in England, 1993-1996. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
Macdowall, W, Nanchahal, K, Fenton, K, Copas, A, Carder, C, Senior, M, Wellings, K, Ridgway, G, Russell, M, National Centre for Social Research and McCadden, A (2005). National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2000-2001. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service.
26 August 2006
Breeze, E, Wilkinson, P, Fletcher, A, Bulpitt, C, Jones, D and Tulloch, A (2006). Quality of Life among People Aged 75 and over in Great Britain, 1994-1998. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
1 September 2007
Aniteye, P, O'Brien, B and Mayhew, SH (2007). Data for: "Stigmatized by association: challenges for abortion service providers in Ghana". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
7 April 2010
Grundy, E (2010). Ethnicity and Economic Activity: Longitudinal Perspectives, 1971-2006. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
Grundy, E (2010). Limiting Long-Term Illness: Longitudinal Perspectives, 1971-2006. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, UK.
16 August 2010
Vyas, S and Watts, C (2010). Contested development?: intimate partner violence and women's employment in urban and rural Tanzania. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, UK.
31 July 2011
White, R and Dodd, P (2011). Casual and close contact data for buildings in South Africa and Zambia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Berhanu, D and Tadesse, S (2012). IDEAS project - Feasibility study for a Data Informed Platform for Health in Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Gautham, M, Bhattacharyya, S and Shrivastava, A (2013). IDEAS project - Data Informed Platform for Health feasibility study in Uttar Pradesh. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Spicer, N, Dimka, R, Fanta, F, Tamire-Woldemariam, A and Bhattacharya, D (2013). IDEAS project - Study of the scale-up of innovations to improve maternal and newborn health. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
1 March 2013
Seguin, M, Lewis, R, Razmadze, M, Amirejibi, T and Roberts, B (2013). Topic guide for "Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: A qualitative study". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 August 2013
Fielding, K, Lewis, J and Jiang, S (2013). Effectiveness of electronic reminders to improve medication adherence in tuberculosis patients: a cluster-randomised trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Berhanu, D and Tadesse, N (2014). IDEAS project - Community based newborn care evaluation: first round qualitative study field notes. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Gautham, M, Subharwal, M, Gupta, S, Spicer, N and Mishra, N (2014). IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in Uttar Pradesh. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Spicer, N, Fanta, F, Belete, F and Wickremasinghe, D (2014). IDEAS project - Scaling-up innovations to improve maternal and newborn health - Ethiopia case study resources. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Mpairwe, H and Webb, E (2014). SONA project - Asthma management questionnaire. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
1 September 2014
Gourlay, A, Wringe, A, Birdthistle, I, Mshana, G, Michael, D and Urassa, M (2014). "It Is Like That, We Didn't Understand Each Other": Exploring the Influence of Patient-Provider Interactions on Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV Service Use in Rural Tanzania (qualitative data). [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 November 2014
Marchant, T and Schellenberg, J (2014). Coverage and Content of Health Contacts for Mothers and Newborns in Uttar Pradesh, Ethiopia and Nigeria, 2012. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
7 December 2014
Michaels-Igbokwe, C (2014). Young people's preferences for family planning service providers in rural Malawi: a stated preference data set. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Berhanu, D, Meknonen, Y and Tadesse, N (2015). IDEAS project - Community based newborn care evaluation, midline qualitative study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Gautham, M, Manish, S, Sanjay, G and Spicer, N (2015). IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in West Bengal. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Bhattacharyya, S (2015). IDEAS project - Qualitative data for the Data Informed Platform for Health formative study in West Bengal. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Spicer, N, Gautham, M, Mohan, V, Haldar, K and Wickremasinghe, D (2015). IDEAS project - Scaling-up innovations to improve maternal and newborn health - Uttar Pradesh case study resources. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Spicer, N, Alkali, Y, Akogun, O, Atiku, J, Umar, N and Wickremasinghe, D (2015). IDEAS project - Scaling-up innovations to improve maternal and newborn health - Nigeria case study resources. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Hill, Z (2015). IDEAS project - Study of behaviour change in maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Hill, Z (2015). IDEAS project - Study of behaviour change in maternal and newborn care in Northeast Nigeria. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Schellenberg, J (2015). Improving newborn survival in Southern Tanzania endline impact survey 2013: Mtwara and Lindi regions. [Data Collection]. Ifakara Health Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Drabo, S, Kagambega, A, Keita, A, Kontiebo, S, Montel, L, Filippi, V, Soubeiga, A, Storeng, K, Da, S, Allahissem, C, Gali Gali, I and Yaogo, M (2015). Productivity, family planning and reproductive health in Burkina Faso: PopDev qualitative data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 July 2015
Chihana, M and Crampin, AC (2015). Karonga HDSS INDEPTH Core Dataset 2003 - 2011. [Data Collection]. INDEPTH Network.
27 July 2015
Chihana, M and Crampin, AC (2015). Malawi - Karonga HDSS INDEPTH Core Dataset 2003 - 2012 Release 2015. [Data Collection]. INDEPTH Network.
24 September 2015
Johnson, A (2015). National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
9 November 2015
Hulland, KRS, Chase, RP, Caruso, BA, Swain, R, Biswal, B, Sahoo, KC, Panigrahi, P and Dreibelbis, R (2015). Sanitation, Stress, and Life Stage: A Systematic Data Collection Study among Women in Odisha, India. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
10 November 2015
Nnko, S, Bukenya, D, Kavishe, BB, Biraro, S, Peck, R, Kapiga, S, Grosskurth, H and Seeley, J (2015). Chronic Diseases in North-West Tanzania and Southern Uganda. Public Perceptions of Terminologies, Aetiologies, Symptoms and Preferred Management. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
24 November 2015
Francis, SC, Hou, Y, Baisley, K, Van de wijgert, J, Watson-Jones, D, Ao, TT, Herrera, C, Maganja, K, Andreasen, A, Coulton, GR, Hayes, RJ and Shattock, RJ (2015). Data for: "Immune activation in the female genital tract: Expression profiles of soluble proteins in women at high risk for HIV infection". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
8 December 2015
Dodd, PJ, Looker, C, Plumb, ID, Bond, V, Schaap, A, Shanaube, K, Muyoyeta, M, Vynnycky, E, Godfrey-faussett, P, Corbett, E, Beyers, N, Ayles, H and White, R (2015). Age- and Sex-Specific Social Contact Patterns and Incidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection: Interview Questionnaire. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 December 2015
Houlihan, C, Baisley, K, Bravo, IG, Kapiga, S, de Sanjosé, S, Changalucha, J, Ross, D, Hayes, R and Watson-jones, D (2015). The Incidence of Human Papillomavirus in Tanzanian Adolescent Girls Before Reported Sexual Debut. [Data Collection]. The Journal of adolescent health.
Marchant, T (2016). Change in maternal and newborn health care. Report from two cross-sectional surveys in six districts of Uttar Pradesh, India, 2012-2015. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 January 2016
Målqvist, M, Hoa, DPT, Persson, LA and Selling, KE (2016). Effect of Facilitation of Local Stakeholder Groups on Equity in Neonatal Survival; Results from the NeoKIP Trial in Northern Vietnam: SPSS file containing NeoKIP data for analysis. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
7 January 2016
Tam, C and Viviani, L (2016). Second Study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in the United Kingdom, 2008-2009. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex.
21 January 2016
Green, J, Steinbach, R, Mullan, P and Garnett, E (2016). Evaluation of Graduated Driving Licence in the UK - Baseline Qualitative Study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
26 April 2016
Shen, H, Tang, S, Mahapatra, T, Tucker, JD, Huang, S, Yang, B, Zhao, J, Detels, R and Tang, W (2016). Condomless Vaginal Intercourse and Its Associates among Men Who Have Sex with Men in China. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
May 2016
Karat, A, Tlali, M, Fielding, K, Charalambous, S, Chihota, VN, Churchyard, GJ, Hanifa, Y, Johnson, S, McCarthy, K, Martinson, NA, Omar, T, Kahn, K, Chandramohan, D and Grant, AD (2016). Measuring mortality due to HIV-associated tuberculosis among adults in South Africa: comparing verbal autopsy, minimally-invasive autopsy, and research data. Data from the Lesedi Kamoso study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
9 May 2016
Filippi, V (2016). The effects of obstetric complications and their costs on the long-term economic and social well being of women and their families. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
28 July 2016
Powell-Jackson, T (2016). Survey of Pharmacists and Undercover Patients, Madhya Pradesh, India, 2013: Special Licence Access. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
August 2016
Hanifa, Y, Fielding, K, Grant, AD and Churchyard, GJ (2016). Data for: "The utility of repeat Xpert MTB/RIF testing to diagnose tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults with initial negative result". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Hanifa, Y, Fielding, K, Grant, AD and Churchyard, GJ (2016). XPHACTOR Clinical Score dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
12 August 2016
Hewett, PC, Nalubamba, M, Bozzani, F, Digitale, J, Vu, L, Yam, E and Nambao, M (2016). Additional file 1: of Randomized evaluation and cost-effectiveness of HIV and sexual and reproductive health service referral and linkage models in Zambia. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
15 September 2016
Chantler, T, Lwembe, S, Saliba, V, Raj, T, Mays, N, Ramsay, M and Mounier-jack, S (2016). “It’s a complex mesh”- how large-scale health system reorganisation affected the delivery of the immunisation programme in England: a qualitative study. [Data Collection]. BMC Health Services Research.
26 October 2016
Van den Eynden, V, Knight, G and Anca, V (2016). Open Research: practices, experiences, barriers and opportunities. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
12 November 2016
Van Belle, S and Mayhew, S (2016). Data for: "Public accountability needs to be enforced - a case study of the governance arrangements and accountability practices in a rural health district in Ghana". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
7 December 2016
Rhodes, T, Bernays, S, Seeley, J, Namukwaya Kihika, S and Paparini, S (2016). Adhering to HIV treatment during adolescence: A multi method qualitative study in Uganda. [Data Collection]. UK Data Archive, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
Dennis, M, Chelwa, N, Owolabi, O, Cresswell, J, Filippi, V and Campbell, O (2017). Zambia Signal Functions study 2016 dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 January 2017
Glynn, JR, Bower, H, Houlihan, C, Oza, S, Checchi, F, Johnson, S, Turay, C, Sesay, D, Mansaray, SH, Kamara, O, Kamara, JA, Bangura, MS, Montesano, C, Dicks, S, Samuel, D, Tedder, R and Sebba, C (2017). Asymptomatic infection and family contact patterns in households of Ebola Virus Disease survivors, Sierra Leone 2015. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 February 2017
Elmes, J, Skovdal, M, Nhongo, K, Ward, H, Campbell, C, Hallett, TB, Nyamukapa, C, White, PJ and Gregson, S (2017). Selected interview transcript quotes from: "A reconfiguration of the sex trade: How social and structural changes in eastern Zimbabwe left women involved in sex work and transactional sex more vulnerable". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
16 April 2017
Schmidt, W (2017). Data for "Effect of a school-based hygiene behavior change campaign on handwashing with soap in Bihar, India: cluster-randomized trial". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
24 April 2017
Ferrand, R, Weiss, H, Simms, V, Dauya, E, Bandason, T, McHugh, G and Dakshina, S (2017). ZENITH Adolescent HIV prevalence survey dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
8 May 2017
Liverani, M, Nguon, C, Sok, R, Kim, D, Nou, P, Nguon, S and Yeung, S (2017). Improving access to health care amongst vulnerable populations: a qualitative study of village malaria workers in Kampot, Cambodia. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
11 October 2017
Makungu, C, Stephen, S, Kumburu, S, Govella, NJ, Dongus, S, Hildon, ZJ, Killeen, GF and Jones, C (2017). Informing new or improved vector control tools for reducing the malaria burden in Tanzania: a qualitative exploration of perceptions of mosquitoes and methods for their control among the residents of Dar es Salaam. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
2 November 2017
Sanya, RE, Tumwesige, E, Elliott, AM and Seeley, J (2017). Perceptions about interventions to control schistosomiasis among the Lake Victoria island communities of Koome, Uganda. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
3 November 2017
Liverani, M (2017). Health data and information sharing across the borders in LMICs: views from stakeholders in Cambodia and Vietnam. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 December 2017
Bright, T, Mulwafu, W, Thindwa, R, Zuurmond, M and Polack, S (2017). Data from: Reasons for low uptake of referrals to ear and hearing services for children in Malawi. [Data Collection]. Dryad Digital Repository.
8 March 2018
Kelly, C, Dube, A and Mortimer, K (2018). Data for: "From kitchen to classroom: Assessing the impact of cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstoves on primary school attendance in Karonga district, northern Malawi". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
20 March 2018
Snowdon, C, Brocklehurst, P, Tasker, RC, Platt, M and Elbourne, D (2018). Data for: "Challenges for Data Monitoring Committees in neonatal intensive care trials". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
April 2018
Soremekun, S (2018). inSCALE Baseline Cross-Sectional Survey Uganda. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
2 April 2018
Harvey, S, Lees, S, Mshana, G, Pilger, D, Hansen, C, Kapiga, S and Watts, C (2018). Additional files for: "A cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact on intimate partner violence of a 10-session participatory gender training curriculum delivered to women taking part in a group-based microfinance loan scheme in Tanzania (MAISHA CRT01): study protocol". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
31 May 2018
Ziraba, A, Orindi, B, Muuo, S, Floyd, S, Birdthistle, IJ, Mumah, J, Osindo, J, Njoroge, P and Kabiru, CW (2018). Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS. S7 Table. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
4 June 2018
Lamanna, C, Hachhethu, K, Chesterman, S, Singhal, G, Mwongela, B, Ngendo, M, Farhikhtah, A, Kadiyala, S, Bauer, J and Rosenstock, T (2018). Minimum Acceptable Diet Survey. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Lamanna, C, Hachhethu, K, Chesterman, S, Singhal, G, Mwongela, B, Ngendo, M, Farhikhtah, A, Kadiyala, S, Bauer, J and Rosenstock, T (2018). Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women Survey. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
3 July 2018
Sirrs, C (2018). Health and Safety in the British Regulatory State, 1961-2001: the Health and Safety Commission, Health and Safety Executive and the Management of Occupational Risk in Britain. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
30 July 2018
Nampijja, M (2018). The role of the home environment in neurocognitive development of children in Uganda. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
1 August 2018
Foster, N, Hanifa, Y, Pillai, N, Roycent, T, Fielding, K, Vassall, A and Grant, AD (2018). XPHACTOR cross-sectional patient cost dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
29 August 2018
Candfield, S, Mukora, R, Monkwe, S, Charalambous, S, Sweeney, S, Grant, AD, Fielding, K and Vassall, A (2018). TB Fast Track patient cost data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
11 September 2018
Sabot, K (2018). IDEAS project - Professional advice network study in Ethiopia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 September 2018
Schmidt, W (2018). Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural south india: retrospective cohort and nested case-control study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 November 2018
Choko, A, Corbett, E and Fielding, K (2018). Baseline and primary data for the partner-provided HIV self-testing and linkage (PASTAL) adaptive multi-arm multi-stage cluster randomized trial in Blantyre, Malawi. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
3 December 2018
Wickremasinghe, D (2018). IDEAS Phase 2 project – Village Health Worker Scheme sustainability study in Gombe State, Nigeria: Protocol and topic guides. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 December 2018
Chimbindi, N, Birdthistle, I, Shahmanesh, M, Osindo, J, Mushati, P, Ondeng’e, K, Zuma, T, Chiyaka, T, Kyegombe, N, Hargreaves, J, Busza, J, Floyd, S and Seeley, J (2018). Translating DREAMS into practice: Early lessons from implementation in six settings. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
April 2019
Watson, J (2019). Determinants of child handwashing in a IDP camp in Northern Iraq - Qualitative dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
24 April 2019
Miller, L, Chaudhri, S, Beaumont, D, Kayani, A, Javaid, K, Chaudhri, R, Edwards, P, Brenner, A, Roberts, I and Shakur-still, H (2019). WOMAN-2 Pilot Study Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
July 2019
Spicer, N and Wickremasinghe, D (2019). Protocol for the IDEAS qualitative study of scalability and sustainability of maternal and newborn health innovations in northeast Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uttar Pradesh, India. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
9 August 2019
Banks, M (2019). Disability-inclusive social protection in Vietnam and Nepal data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
3 September 2019
Arunga, S (2019). The management of microbial keratitis within Uganda’s primary health system: a situational analysis. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
19 September 2019
Webb, E and Mpairwe, H (2019). SONA project - Asthma management data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
1 October 2019
Webb, E and Mpairwe, H (2019). SONA project - Asthma risk factors data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
29 October 2019
Chauhan, K, Schmidt, WP, Aunger, R, Gopalan, B, Saxena, D, Yashobant, S, Patwardhan, V and Curtis, V (2019). The 5 Star Toilet Campaign: Improving toilet use in rural Gujarat. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
11 November 2019
Czerniewska, A, Aunger, R, Muangi, WC, Massa, K and Curtis, V (2019). Theory-driven formative research to inform the design of a national sanitation campaign in Tanzania - Household Interview Guide. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 November 2019
Chanvatik, S, Donnua, S, Lekagul, A, Kaewkhankhaeng, W, Vongmongkol, V, Athipunyakom, P, Khamlar, S, Prommintara, M and Tancharoensathien, V (2019). Antibiotic use in mandarin production (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in major mandarin-producing areas in Thailand: A survey assessment. [Data Collection]. PLOS One.
10 December 2019
Der, J, Grint, D, Narh, CT, Bonsu, F and Grant, AD (2019). Data for "Where are patients missed in the tuberculosis diagnostic cascade? A prospective cohort study in Ghana". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
31 December 2019
Mugisha, J (2019). Data for: Feasibility of village health teams (VHTs) in using a smart phone guided intervention to link older Ugandans with chronic conditions to care. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
3 February 2020
Smythe, T, Nogaro, M, Clifton, LJ, Mudariki, D, Theologis, T and Lavy, C (2020). ACT and photograph scores dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
10 February 2020
Nair, M, Kumar, P, Pandey, S, Kazmi, S, Moreto-Planas, L, Ranjan, A and Burza, S (2020). Quality of life perceptions amongst patients co-infected with Visceral Leishmaniasis and HIV: A qualitative study from Bihar, India. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
24 February 2020
Mudzengi, D, Sweeney, S, Hippner, P, Kufa, T, Fielding, K, Grant, AD, Churchyard, GJ and Vassall, A (2020). The patient costs of care for those with TB and HIV: a cross-sectional study from South Africa. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
11 May 2020
Sturt, A, Webb, E and Bustinduy, A (2020). BILHIV Genital Self-Sampling Dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
18 May 2020
Matos, M, Reis, J, Smythe, T, Duttine, A, Ferrite, S and Kuper, H (2020). The feasibility of a group intervention for children with congenital zika syndrome – qualitative dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 August 2020
Mayhew, S and Richards, P (2020). Ebola Gbalo: Building Resilient Health Systems in post-Ebola Sierra Leone. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 August 2020
Ssali, A, Namugumya, R, Nalubega, P, Kyohere, M, Seeley, J and Le Doare, K (2020). Exploring the consent process among pregnant and breastfeeding women taking part in a maternal vaccine clinical trial in Kampala, Uganda: a qualitative study. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
8 October 2020
Mpairwe, H and Webb, E (2020). SONA Project - Anxiety Disorders and Asthma Dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 January 2021
MacPherson, P (2021). petermacp/tbcascade. [Data Collection]. Github.
14 January 2021
NatCen Social Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Russell, M and Senior, M (2021). National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012: Biological Data: Secure Access. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service.
Russell, M, NatCen Social Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Senior, M (2021). National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012: Secure Access. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
20 January 2021
Okere, N, Meta, J, Maokola, W, Martelli, G, van Praag, E, Naniche, D, Gomez, G, Pozniak, A, Rinke de Wit, T, de Klerk, J and Hermans, S (2021). Quality of care in a differentiated HIV service delivery intervention in Tanzania: A mixed methods study. [Data Collection]. Dryad.
5 February 2021
Ouansafi, I (2021). Friendship Bench problem-solving therapy and its impact on adherence to ART among young people – Interview transcripts. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 February 2021
Bancroft, D, Power, G, Jones, R, Massad, E, Bernstein Iriat, J, Preet, R, Kinsman, J and Logan, J (2021). ZikaPLAN – Research tools used for focus group discussion and interviews. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
11 March 2021
Wilbur, J, Kayastha, S, Mahon, T, Torondel, B, Hameed, S, Sigdel, A, Gyawali, A and Kuper, H (2021). Supplementary information for: "Qualitative study exploring the barriers to menstrual hygiene management faced by adolescents and young people with a disability, and their carers in the Kavrepalanchok district, Nepal". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
29 March 2021
Simms, V and Chinoda, S (2021). Effectiveness of a peer-led adolescent mental health intervention on HIV virological suppression and mental health in Zimbabwe: Baseline and Endline questionnaires. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
10 May 2021
Smythe, T, Reichenberger, V, Pinzón, EM, Hurtado, IC, Rubiano, L and Kuper, H (2021). Data collection tools for a study on establishing the feasibility of parent support groups for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome and their families in Colombia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
24 June 2021
Sturt, A, Rafferty, H and Bustinduy, A (2021). Data for: "Association between cervical dysplasia and female genital schistosomiasis diagnosed by genital PCR in Zambian women". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
1 July 2021
Sturt, A, Webb, E and Bustinduy, A (2021). Data for: "Association of Female Genital Schistosomiasis with the Cervicovaginal Microbiota and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Zambian Women". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
9 August 2021
Lubyayi, L and Webb, E (2021). EMaBS 1 to 5 years illness data and ARD outcomes at 9 years. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
12 August 2021
Naiga, S, Nabirye, C, Kayendeke, M and Chandler, C (2021). Anti-Microbials in Society - Uganda Study, 2017-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex.
3 September 2021
Cox, S and Faguer, B (2021). Patterns of non-communicable comorbidities at start of tuberculosis treatment in three regions of the Philippines: St-ATT cohort baseline data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
9 September 2021
Serpa Pimentel, Ad, Mshana, G, Aloyce, D, Peter, E, Mchome, Z, Malibwa, D, Dwarumpudi, A, Kapiga, S and Stöckl, H (2021). Supplemental material for Women’s understanding of economic abuse in North-Western Tanzania. [Data Collection]. SAGE Journals.
29 September 2021
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7 February 2022
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24 March 2022
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30 March 2022
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5 May 2022
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1 July 2022
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4 July 2022
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8 August 2022
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19 August 2022
Katende, A, Nakiyingi, L, Andia-Biraro, I, Katairo, T, Muhumuza, R, Ssemata, AS, Nsereko, C, Semitala, FC and Meya, DB (2022). Antiretroviral therapy initiation and outcomes of hospitalized HIV-infected patients in Uganda - An evaluation of the HIV test and treat strategy. Health care worker interview guide. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
31 August 2022
Grant, A and Kielmann, K (2022). Qualitative and quantitative data for tuberculosis Infection prevention and control in South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape). [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, South Africa.
27 September 2022
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17 November 2022
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25 November 2022
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19 January 2023
Mujumbusi, L, Nalwadda, E, Ssali, A, Pickering, L, Seeley, J, Meginnis, K and Lamberton, PHL (2023). Raw data extracted and anonymised data after coding. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
8 February 2023
Roy, R, Sikander, S and Soremekun, S (2023). Surveys of the Sustainable Programme Incorporating Nutrition & Games 2012-2017. [Data Collection]. The World Bank Microdata Library.
5 March 2023
Floyd, S and Schaap, A (2023). Dataset for: "The impact of community-based, peer-led sexual and reproductive health services on knowledge of HIV-status among adolescents and young people aged 15-24 in Lusaka, Zambia: the Yathu Yathu cluster randomized trial". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
7 March 2023
Katumba, K, Tann, C, Webb, E, Tenywa, P, Nampijja, M, Seeley, J and Greco, G (2023). Data supporting "The economic burden incurred by families caring for a young child with developmental disability in Uganda". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
13 March 2023
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8 April 2023
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26 April 2023
Choko, A and Corbett, EL (2023). Baseline data for the fishermen’s schistosomiasis and HIV services (FISH) cluster randomized trial in Mangochi, Malawi. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 June 2023
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21 November 2023
Fivian, E, Kadiyala, S, Harris-fry, H, Allen, E, Parida, M, Satyanarayan, M, Satyaranjan, B, Shibanath, P and Ronali, P (2023). Data for: Mobile Interventions for Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (m-UPAVAN). [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
18 January 2024
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19 January 2024
Buller, AM, Howard-Merrill, L, Pichon, M, Sono, R, Gimunta, V, Rutenge, O, Ally, H, Kori, V, Lucas, J, Tibesigwa, E and Vuri, V (2024). Longitudinal in-depth interview data with adolescent girls and their caregivers evaluating a radio drama aimed at changing the social norms driving age-disparate transactional sex in Tanzania. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
26 January 2024
Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E (2024). Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help? Qualitative interview and focus group data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 February 2024
Davies, K, Panulo, M, MacLeod, C, Tracy, M, Chidziwisano, K and Dreibelbis, R (2024). Data for: "Inclusion of persons living with disabilities in a district-wide sanitation programme: a cross-sectional study in rural Malawi". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
28 February 2024
Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E (2024). Promoting Inclusion in Decent Work for Ugandan Young People, 2020. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service.
14 March 2024
Fivian, E, Harris-Fry, H, Pradhan, R, Mohanty, S, Padhan, S, Rath, S, James, P, Koniz-Booher, P, Nair, N, Haghparast-Bidgoli, H, Kishor Mishra, N, Rath, S, Beaumont, E, Danton, H, Krishnan, S, Parida, M, Kumar, A, Upadhyay, A, Tripathy, P, Skordis, J, Sturgess, J, Elbourne, D, Prost, A, Allen, E and Kadiyala, S (2024). Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) study data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
26 March 2024
Bose, I, Dreibelbis, R, Green, R, Murray, K, Ceesay, O and Kovats, S (2024). Data collection tools for: "Changing rainfall patterns, household water use and health: risks and household responses in rural Gambia". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 April 2024
Fivian, E, Parida, M, Mohanty, S, Harris-fry, H, Padhan, S and Kadiyala, S (2024). Mobile Interventions for Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (m-UPAVAN): Qualitative Interview Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
29 May 2024
Sliversteri, S, Ssali, A, Bahemuka, UM, Nsubuga, D, Muwanga, M, Nsereko, C, Ssemwanga, E, Robert, A, Seeley, J, Elliott, A and Ruzagira, E (2024). Structural and social factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers and older people in Uganda: A qualitative analysis. Data file. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
3 June 2024
Humphrey, A (2024). Transcripts from an interview-based study of remote GP consultations with patients from marginalised groups. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 June 2024
Buller, AM, Howard-Merrill, L, Pichon, M, Sono, R, Gimunta, V, Hofer, E, Kiluvia, F, Alfred, M, Yohanna, E, Dyanka, J, Ephraim, T, James, N, Joseph, W, Kinanda, I, Mbaga, M, Rogers, MR and Stanley, S (2024). Focus group discussions with adolescent girls and their caregivers evaluating a radio drama aimed at changing the social norms driving age-disparate transactional sex in Tanzania. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
11 June 2024
Simms, V and Ferrand, R (2024). VITALITY: Vitamin D for adolescents with HIV to reduce musculoskeletal morbidity and immunopathology - Baseline Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 July 2024
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24 July 2024
Panulo, M, Lamb, J, Chidziwisano, K, White, B, Dreibelbis, R and Morse, T (2024). Assessment of infrastructure, behaviours, and user satisfaction of guardian waiting shelters for secondary level hospitals in southern Malawi. S2 Checklist. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
5 August 2024
Frampton, S, Seeley, J, Orievulu, K, Matthews, PC and Hordern, J (2024). Infecting Minds? The past, present and future of vaccine hesitancy in South Africa. [Data Collection]. Africa Health Research Institute.
27 August 2024
Kumwenda, MK, Mukoka, M, Mhango, O and Choko, AT (2024). Data For: Optimising Instructional Materials for COVID-19 Rapid Tests for Self-Sampling and Testing: Mapping the Optimization Process of Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use for Self-Testing RDTs Intended for Low Literacy Contexts. [Data Collection]. Qualitative Data Repository.
10 October 2024
Kiragga, A, Todd, J, Kajungu, D, Wamukoya, M, Crampin, AC and Urassa, M (2024). Exploring Climate and Health Pathways in the INSPIRE Network. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
11 October 2024
Ruysen, H, Majid, T, Shamba, D, Mhajabin, S, Minja, J, Rahman, AE, Ngopi, T, Ramesh, M, Arifeen, SE, Steege, R, Seeley, J, Lawn, JE, Day, LT and EN-BIRTH 2, SG (2024). Data for: "How and why does mode of birth affect processes for routine data collection and use? A qualitative study in Bangladesh and Tanzania.". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 November 2024
Tumwesige, E, Kawuma, R, Asiimwe, A, Nabimanya, P, Nakate, S, Bernays, S and Seeley, J (2024). “She held my hand and advised me”: Young migrants’ experiences of individual peer support to access health and social services in two small towns in southwestern Uganda. Thematic table. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.
3 February 2025
Kinyanda, E, Rutakumwa, R, Mpango, RS, Kyohangirwe, L, Settuba, E and Ninsiima, S (2025). Ebola Survivors Lived Experiences – Coding Framework. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.