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DAISIE: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
Data and code for validity of sanitation visual analogue scale
Data and code for: “Weight gain among children with severe malnutrition in therapeutic feeding programmes: a systematic review and meta-analysis”
Data and code from: Estimating the burden of dengue and the impact of release of wMel Wolbachia infected mosquitoes in Indonesia: a modelling study
Data and R code accompanying the manuscript "The impact of population-wide rapid antigen testing on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in Slovakia"
Data and R code to accompany 'Combined effects of hydrometeorological hazards and urbanisation on dengue risk in Brazil: a spatiotemporal modelling study'
Data and R code to accompany 'Spatial connectivity in mosquito-borne disease models: a systematic review of methods and assumptions'
Data and R code to accompany 'The impact of climate suitability, urbanisation, and connectivity on the expansion of dengue in 21st century Brazil' (version 1.0.0)
Data and R-code to accompany 'Towards an Early Warning System for Leptospirosis in North-Eastern Argentina'
Database of non-communicable disease reports contributing to UN high-level meeting process (2000-2020)
Database of Plasmodium knowlesi infections recorded in humans, macaque reservoirs and vectors
DATACHECK: Stata module to perform data checks and produce informative output
Data & code for SanQoL-5 discrete choice experiment in Mozambique
Data & code for SanQoL-5 validity
Data collection tools and dataset from tracer study of Q4D Lab, a locally developed and owned coding and biostatistics program in Liberia
Data collection tools for a study on establishing the feasibility of parent support groups for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome and their families in Colombia
Data collection tools for: "Changing rainfall patterns, household water use and health: risks and household responses in rural Gambia"
Data collection tools for: "Public attitudes to, and behaviours taken during, hot weather by vulnerable groups: results from a national survey in England."
Data collection tools for: "Understanding the social and physical menstrual health environment of secondary schools in Uganda: A qualitative methods study"
Data extraction results for a scoping review on AMR in food crops
Data file for Are migrant workers at greater risk of workplace deaths? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mortality risks and social determinants among migrant workers
Data file including CystiAgent simulation results, observed results from the Ring Strategy Trial, and all intervention settings for each village evaluated (n = 21 villages).
Data for: Acceptability and Preferences of two different Community Models of ART delivery in a high prevalence Urban Setting in Zambia, nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial.
Data for: “Adoption of C-reactive protein rapid tests in primary care in the Netherlands and England: a comparative health systems analysis”
Data for: Air-Conditioning and the Adaptation Cooling Deficit in Emerging Economies, Pavanello et al 2021
Data for: "An assessment of interobserver agreement on lesion size, morphology and clinical phenotype in cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania aethiopica in Ethiopia"
Data for: "Anemia, Blood Transfusion Requirements and Mortality Risk in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Adults Requiring Acute Medical Admission to Hospital in South Africa"
Data for: Antenatal versus general population HIV prevalence in Siaya, Western Kenya
Data for: "A robust SNP barcode for typing Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains"
Data for: "Assessing the association between endocrine therapy use in female breast cancer survivors and subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease"
Data for: "Association between cervical dysplasia and female genital schistosomiasis diagnosed by genital PCR in Zambian women"
Data for: "Association between Female Genital Schistosomiasis and HIV-1 incidence: a retrospective cohort study"
Data for: "Association of Female Genital Schistosomiasis with the Cervicovaginal Microbiota and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Zambian Women"
Data for: "A synbiotic intervention modulates meta-omics signatures of gut redox potential and acidity in elective caesarean born infants"
Data for: "Availability and use of rapid diagnostic tests for the management of acute childhood infections in Europe"
Data for: “BCG revaccination in Malawi: 30-year follow-up of a large, randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial”
Data for: "Boosting understanding of Lassa Fever virus epidemiology: field testing a novel assay to identify past Lassa Fever virus infection in blood and oral fluids of survivors and unexposed controls in Sierra Leone"
Data for: "Cervicovaginal Immune Activation in Zambian Women with Female Genital Schistosomiasis"
Data for: "Challenges for Data Monitoring Committees in neonatal intensive care trials"
Data for: Changes in self-reported risky sexual behaviour indicators among adults receiving regular risk reduction counselling and optional initiation of pre-exposure prophylaxis in an HIV vaccine preparedness study in Masaka, Uganda
Data for "Checklist and guidance on creating codelists for electronic health records research"
Data for: "Children, Cities and Climate: A cross-sectional survey of global urban youth on their cities and urban air quality"
Data for: "Clinical signs of trachoma are prevalent among Solomon Islanders who have no persistent markers of prior infection with Chlamydia trachomatis"
Data for: "Comprehensive occupational health services for healthcare workers in Zimbabwe during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic"
Data for: Coverage and effectiveness of conditional cash transfer for people with drug resistant tuberculosis in Zimbabwe
Data for: "COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in Uganda: a case study of uptake and associated factors among health care workers and older people"
Data for: "Delaying first birth: an analysis of household survey data from rural Southern Tanzania"
Data for: "Differentiated HIV care cascade for youth in Zimbabwe"
Data for: "Distribution and viability of ocular and non-ocular Chlamydia trachomatis in households in a trachoma-endemic community in Oromia, Ethiopia"
Data for: "Does azithromycin given to women in labour decrease ocular bacterial infection in neonates? A double-blind, randomized trial"
Data for "Effect of a school-based hygiene behavior change campaign on handwashing with soap in Bihar, India: cluster-randomized trial"
Data for: "Estimates of the Burden of Group B Streptococcal Disease Worldwide for Pregnant Women, Stillbirths, and Children"
Data for: "Estimating force of infection from serologic surveys with imperfect tests"
Data for: "Estimation of country-level incidence of early-onset invasive Group B Streptococcus disease in infants using Bayesian methods"
Data for: Evaluation of a novel point-of-care lateral flow assay screening for Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection among pregnant women in Zimbabwe
Data for: Expert review of images from hand-held colposcopy in Zambian women with genital schistosomiasis
Data for: Feasibility of village health teams (VHTs) in using a smart phone guided intervention to link older Ugandans with chronic conditions to care
Data for: "Fertility desire for men and women: Magu Health and Demographic surveillance system"
Data for Figures and Tables in "Bounce backs amid continued losses: Life expectancy changes since COVID-19"
Data for: "Flavivirus integrations in Aedes aegypti are limited and highly conserved across samples from different geographic regions unlike integrations in Aedes albopictus"
Data for: "Foot thermometry with mHeath-based supplementation to prevent diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled trial"
Data for: "From kitchen to classroom: Assessing the impact of cleaner burning biomass-fuelled cookstoves on primary school attendance in Karonga district, northern Malawi"
Data for: "Genomic diversity and antimicrobial resistance in clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from tertiary hospitals in Southern Ghana"
Data for, "Genomic surveillance for hypervirulence and multi-drug resistance in invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae from south and southeast Asia."
Data for "HANDS project - Hand-hygiene of Attendants for Newborn Deliveries and Survival"
Data for: "High initial IgG antibody levels against Orientia tsutsugamushi are associated with an increased risk of severe scrub typhus infection"
Data for: "How and why does mode of birth affect processes for routine data collection and use? A qualitative study in Bangladesh and Tanzania."
Data for: "How does the sexual, physical and mental health of young adults not in education, employment or training (NEET) compare to workers and students?"
Data for: "Humanitarian sector (international non-governmental organisations) support to the community in Goma city/DRC during the COVID-19 pandemic period: expectations and reality"
Data for "Human judgement forecasting of COVID-19 in the UK" by Bosse et. al (2023)
Data for: Identifying human encounters that shape the transmission of Streptococcus pneumoniae and other acute respiratory infections
Data for: "Immune activation in the female genital tract: Expression profiles of soluble proteins in women at high risk for HIV infection"
Data for: Impact of a school-based water and hygiene intervention on child health and school attendance in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
Data for: "Impact of micro- and macronutrient status on the incidence of tuberculosis: an examination of an African cohort initiating antiretroviral therapy"
Data for: "Impact on childhood mortality of interventions to improve drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) to households: Systematic review and meta-analysis"
Data for: "Implementing a care pathway for small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months of age: a multi-country stakeholder consultation"
Data for: "Importance of ventilation and occupancy to Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission rates in congregate settings"
Data for: Incidental mosquitocidal effect of an ivermectin mass drug administration on Anopheles farauti conducted for scabies control in the Solomon Islands
Data for: "Inclusion of persons living with disabilities in a district-wide sanitation programme: a cross-sectional study in rural Malawi"
Data for: "Informed Decisions for Actions to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health: The role of context in the implementation of Nigeria Healthcare Quality Initiative in Lagos State, Nigeria"
Data for: "Investigations into the within-host genomic diversity and phenotypic variation of Plasmodium falciparum"
Data for: "Kankasha in Kassala: a prospective observational cohort study of the clinical characteristics, epidemiology, genetic origin, and chronic impact of the 2018 epidemic of Chikungunya virus infection in Kassala, Sudan"
Data for: Karachi adult tuberculosis prevalence and child Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection survey, 2018-2019
Data for: Laboratory evaluation of the regeneration time, efficacy and wash-resistance of PermaNet® Dual (a deltamethrin-chlorfenapyr net) against susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant strains of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato
Data for: “Loss to follow-up and associated factors in an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort study in Masaka, Uganda”
Data for: Low Prevalence of Conjunctival Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in a Treatment-Naïve Trachoma-Endemic Region of the Solomon Islands
Data for: "Menstrual health and school absenteeism among adolescent girls in Uganda (MENISCUS): feasibility study"
Data for: "Menstrual health intervention and school attendance in Uganda (MENISCUS-2): A pilot intervention study"
Data for: Mobile Interventions for Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (m-UPAVAN)
Data for: "Morbidity Operational Research for Bilharziasis Implementation Decisions for Girls and Women (MORBID-FGS) cross sectional study"
Data for: "Neonatal mortality risk for vulnerable newborn types in 15 countries using 125.5 million nationwide birth outcome records, 2000–2020"
Data for: "Neonatal mortality risk of large for gestational age and macrosomic live births in 15 countries including 115.6 million nationwide linked records, 2000–2020"
Data for: Onchocerciasis prevalence, human migration and risks for onchocerciasis elimination in the Upper Mouhoun, Nakambé and Nazinon river basins in Burkina Faso
Data For: Optimising Instructional Materials for COVID-19 Rapid Tests for Self-Sampling and Testing: Mapping the Optimization Process of Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use for Self-Testing RDTs Intended for Low Literacy Contexts
Data for: Partnership preferences, economic drivers, and health consequences of Gambian men's interactions with foreign tourists
Data for: "Performance-based financing in the context of the complex remuneration of health workers: findings from a mixed-method study in rural Sierra Leone"
Data for: "Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors and Risk of Malignant Melanoma: Matched Cohort Study Using Primary Care Data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink"
Data for: PrEP preference among adolescent boys and young men in three sub-Saharan African countries
Data for Preventing Violence Against Children in Schools (PVACS) main trial analyses
Data for prospective cohort study
Data for: "Public accountability needs to be enforced - a case study of the governance arrangements and accountability practices in a rural health district in Ghana"
Data for: "Quantification of risk factors for herpes zoster: population based case-control study"
Data for: Rapid Assessment of Hearing Loss survey in Malawi
Data for risk factor survey of active trachoma in the Oromia region of Ethiopia
Data for: "Sanitation-related Quality of Life (SanQoL) in Maputo, Mozambique"
Data for: "Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention combined with Community Case Management of malaria in children under 10 years of age, over 5 months, in southern Senegal: a cluster-randomized trial"
Data for: "Shifting a food system conference online mitigates structural barriers to equitable participation, but hinders meaningful interpersonal connections"
Data for: "Stigmatized by association: challenges for abortion service providers in Ghana"
Data for: "Temporal Variations of Water Productivity in Irrigated Corn: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Yield and Water Use across Central Nebraska"
Data for: "The effectiveness of mobile app-based interventions in facilitating behaviour change towards healthier and more sustainable diets: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
Data for: "The effectiveness of putative wearable repellent technologies to protect against mosquito biting and Aedes-borne diseases, and their economic impact"
Data for: "The good, the bad, and the ugly: Compliance of e-pharmacies serving India and Kenya with regulatory requirements and best practices"
Data for "The Health of Fashion Models Working in London: A Qualitative Study"
Data for: "The impact of COVID-19 on clinical research for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs): A case study of bubonic plague"
Data for: "The nutritional status of children living within institutionalized care: a retrospective analysis with control charts for program monitoring"
Data for the paper on “Does early growth failure influence later school performance? A cohort study in Karonga district, northern Malawi”
Data for the paper on "Early school failure predicts teenage pregnancy and marriage: a large population-based cohort study in Northern Malawi"
Data for: “The presence of hemoglobin in cervicovaginal lavage is not associated with genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women from the BILHIV study”
Data for: "The utility of repeat Xpert MTB/RIF testing to diagnose tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults with initial negative result"
Data for Thinking Healthy Programme India trial (THPP-India)
Data for Thinking Healthy Programme Pakistan trial (THPP-Pakistan)
Data for: "Travel and tuberculosis in migrants"
Data for: "Understanding end-user preferences for hand hygiene enabling technologies: a mixed-methods study in peri-urban Lusaka"
Data for: "Vaccine Confidence and Hesitancy at the start of COVID-19 vaccine deployment in the UK: An embedded mixed-methods study"
Data for: "Variation in missed doses and reasons for discontinuation of anti-tuberculosis drugs during hospital treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa"
Data for "Where are patients missed in the tuberculosis diagnostic cascade? A prospective cohort study in Ghana"
Data for: Young People’s use of Technology, and mental health and well-being
Data from a cluster randomized trial in Uganda concerning the management of fever cases in public health facilities
Data from: Analysis-ready datasets for insecticide resistance phenotype and genotype frequency in African malaria vectors
Data from: A randomized feasibility trial comparing four antimalarial drug regimens to induce Plasmodium falciparum gametocytemia in the controlled human malaria infection model
Data from: Assessment of markers of antimalarial drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria
Data from: "Association between probable postnatal depression and increased infant mortality and morbidity: findings from the DON population-based cohort study in rural Ghana"
Data from a study of Guinea worm infection in northern Nigeria, 1971-1974
Data from: A systematic review and meta-analysis of seroprevalence surveys of ebolavirus infection
Data from: Camp stability predicts patterns of hunter–gatherer cooperation
Data from: Changing patterns of cataract services in North-West Nigeria: 2005–2016
Data from: Clarifying life lost due to cold and heat: a new approach using annual time series
Data from: Distinguishing between reservoir exposure and human-to-human transmission for emerging pathogens using case onset data
Data from: Dynamics of cough frequency in adults undergoing treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis
Data from: Ecological host fitting of Trypanosoma cruzi TcI in Bolivia: mosaic population structure, hybridization and a role for humans in Andean parasite dispersal
Data from: Effective population size of malaria mosquitoes: large impact of vector control
Data from: Empirical and theoretical investigation into the potential impacts of insecticide resistance on the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets
Data from: Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil
Data from: Examining the human infectious reservoir for Plasmodium falciparum malaria in areas of differing transmission intensity
Data from: Functional antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites are associated with a longer time to qPCR-detected infection among schoolchildren in Burkina Faso
Data from: Genetic isolation within the malaria mosquito Anopheles melas
Data from: Global distribution maps of the Leishmaniases
Data from: Global yellow fever vaccination coverage from 1970 to 2016: an adjusted retrospective analysis
Data from: Higher gametocyte production and mosquito infectivity in chronic compared to incident Plasmodium falciparum infections
Data from: How do patients and health workers interact around malaria rapid diagnostic testing, and how are the tests experienced by patients in practice? A qualitative study in western Uganda
Data from: Human cytomegalovirus epidemiology and relationship to tuberculosis and cardiovascular disease risk factors in a rural Ugandan cohort
Data from: Low levels of hypertension screening in HIV care clinics in rural Uganda: a mixed methods study
Data from: Mandated reporters’ experiences with reporting child maltreatment: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
Data from: Monogamy promotes altruistic sterility in insect societies
Data from: Novel R pipeline for analyzing Biolog phenotypic microarray data
Data from: Polygyny without wealth: popularity in gift games predicts polygyny in BaYaka Pygmies
Data from: Population need for primary eye care in Rwanda: a national survey
Data from: Predicting mosquito infection from Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte density and estimating the reservoir of infection
Data from: Prescription of antibiotics at drug shops and strategies to improve quality of care and patient safety: a cross-sectional survey in the private sector in Uganda
Data from: Process evaluation of a national primary eye care programme in Rwanda
Data from: Prominent intra-specific genetic divergence within Anopheles gambiae sibling species triggered by habitat discontinuities across a riverine landscape
Data from: Quantification of sporozoite expelling by Anopheles mosquitoes infected with laboratory and naturally circulating P. falciparum gametocytes
Data from: Reasons for low uptake of referrals to ear and hearing services for children in Malawi
Data from: Rodent trapping studies as an overlooked information source for understanding endemic and novel zoonotic spillover
Data from: Safety and immunogenicity of H1/IC31®, an adjuvanted TB subunit vaccine, in HIV-infected adults with CD4+ Lymphocyte counts greater than 350 cells/mm3: a phase II, multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Data from: Safety of single low-dose primaquine in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient falciparum-infected African males: two open-label, randomized, safety trials
Data from: Seasonal influenza vaccination delivery through community pharmacists in England: evaluation of the London pilot
Data from: Socioeconomic determinants of antibiotic consumption in the state of São Paulo, Brazil: the effect of restricting over-the-counter sales
Data from: Spatio-temporal genetic structure of Anopheles gambiae in the Northwestern Lake Victoria Basin, Uganda: implications for genetic control trials in malaria endemic regions
Data from: Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte densities frequently result in mosquito infection
Data from: Substantial contribution of submicroscopical Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage to the infectious reservoir in an area of seasonal transmission
Data from: Temperature and population density determine reservoir regions of spatial persistence in highland malaria
Data from: The ace-1 locus is amplified in all resistant Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes: fitness consequences of homogeneous and heterogeneous duplications.
Data from: The global compendium of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus occurrence
Data from: The impact of hotspot-targeted interventions on malaria transmission in Rachuonyo south district in the western Kenyan highlands: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Data from: The impact of long-term azithromycin on antibiotic resistance in HIV-associated chronic lung disease
Data from: The microsporidian parasite Vavraia culicis as a potential late life-acting control agent of malaria
Data from: The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected health Data (RECORD) statement: methods for arriving at consensus and developing reporting guidelines
Data from: The temporal dynamics and infectiousness of subpatent Plasmodium falciparum infections in relation to parasite density
Data from: The topology of a discussion: the #occupy case
Data from: Topographic mapping of the interfaces between human and aquatic mosquito habitats to enable barrier-targeting of interventions against malaria vectors
Data from: Transmission of multidrug-resistant and drug-susceptible tuberculosis within households: a prospective cohort study
Data from: Tuberculosis research in road construction sites
Data from: Two-year impact of community-based health screening and parenting groups on child development in Zambia: follow-up to a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Data from: Understanding willingness to use oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men in China
Data from: Unravelling the immune signature of Plasmodium falciparum transmission-reducing immunity
Data from: Weekend admission as an independent predictor of mortality: an analysis of Scottish hospital admissions
Data from: Women's experiences of mistreatment during childbirth: a comparative view of home- and facility-based births in Pakistan
Data Management for interview and focus group resources in health
Data Management for MSc Summer Projects
Data repository for AZ-SMC - a trial of seasonal malaria chemoprevention combined with azithromycin in African children
Data repository for manuscript "A new approach to Health Benefits Package design: an application of the Thanzi La Onse model in Malawi"
Dataset 1: Genotyping results for 111 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) typed in 2486 Plasmodium falciparum samples collected from primary school children during a parasitological survey in western Kenya in 2009 and 2010
Dataset 2: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and distance differences between Plasmodium falciparum parasite pairs sampled during a parasitological survey of primary school children in western Kenya.
Dataset and code underpinning "Classification of lapses in smokers attempting to stop: A supervised machine learning approach using data from a popular smartphone application."
Dataset and dictionary for inpatient mortality in a TB ward in the Philippines
Dataset and R code for article "Topical emollient therapy with sunflower seed oil alters the skin microbiota of young children with severe acute malnutrition in Bangladesh: a randomised, controlled study"
Dataset: Cash transfer project
Dataset codebook for a 30-year population-based study examining the contribution of remote M.tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis
Dataset containing the collected data from PlanetRomeo.
Dataset Files 1 and 2 for version 1 of "Linking health facility data from young adults aged 18-24 years to longitudinal demographic data: Experience from The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System"
Dataset for Analysis of ecological drivers of Rattus norvegicus positivity for Leptospira sp. and Seoul Hantavirus
Dataset for article Berrang-Ford et al. "Systematic mapping of global research on climate and health using machine learning" The Lancet Planetary Health
Dataset for behaviour-microbiology studies of face washing techniques for trachoma control: a pilot study within the Stronger SAFE project
Dataset for calcified NCC (Matapalo area villages)
Data set for: Challenges in estimating the counterfactual placebo HIV incidence rate from a registration cohort: the PrEPVacc trial
Dataset for: "Community based distribution of oral HIV self-testing kits in Zambia: a cluster-randomised trial nested in four HPTN 071 (PopART) intervention communities"
Dataset for: "Comparing patterns of recent and remote Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection determined using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus assay in a high TB burden setting"
Dataset for "Confirmation of cholera by rapid diagnostic test amongst patients admitted to the cholera treatment centre in Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo"
Data set for: Contraceptive use, prevalence and incidence of pregnancy and associated factors among women participating in a vaccine preparedness cohort study in Masaka, Uganda, a retrospective secondary analysis
Dataset for: Defining seropositivity thresholds for use in trachoma elimination studies
Data set for describing resistance and identifying risk factors for resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, among highly TB exposed gold miners in South Africa
Dataset for: Developing HIV risk prediction tools in four African settings
Dataset for epilepsy figures (Tumbes region)
Dataset for: Factors associated with self-reported diagnosed asthma in urban and rural Malawi: observations from a population-based study of 3 non-communicable diseases
Dataset for: "Factors associated with use of community-based, peer-led sexual and reproductive health services by adolescent boys and young men aged 18-24 in Lusaka, Zambia: A case control study nested in the Yathu Yathu Trial."
Dataset for "Genomic characterisation of Salmonella enterica serovar Wangata isolates obtained from different sources reveals low genomic diversity"
Dataset for: Hepcidin in Tanzanian children with sickle cell disease
Dataset for "Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial"
Dataset for: Meta-analysis of quantitative individual patient data: two stage or not two stage?
Dataset for: Metabolic disorders and post-acute hospitalization in black/mixed-race patients with long COVID in Brazil: A cross-sectional analysis
Dataset for: "Prevalence and risk factors of M. Tuberculosis Infection in young people across 14 communities in Zambia and South Africa"
Dataset for: Prevalence of impaired renal function in Malawi
Dataset for: Results of a cluster-randomised controlled equivalence trial of the Surprise Soap hand washing intervention among older children living in a refugee settlement in Sudan
Data set for the comparison of the performance of QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus with QuantiFERON-T Gold in-tube among highly TB exposed gold miners in South Africa
Dataset for: The effect of cumulative early life adversities, and their differential mediation through hair cortisol levels, on childhood growth and cognition: Three-year follow-up of a birth cohort in rural India
Dataset for: "The impact of community-based, peer-led sexual and reproductive health services on knowledge of HIV-status among adolescents and young people aged 15-24 in Lusaka, Zambia: the Yathu Yathu cluster randomized trial"
Dataset for: "Tuberculosis prevalence after four years of population-wide systematic TB symptom screening and universal testing and treatment for HIV in the HPTN 071 (PopART) community-randomised trial in Zambia and South Africa: findings from the TREATS study"
Dataset for: Using the Mothers Object Relations Scale for early childhood development research in rural India
Dataset from an observational cohort study of heat stress in pregnant farmers in The Gambia
Data set from a proof-of-concept trial of an intervention designed to improve food hygiene behaviours among caregivers of young children living in low-income areas of Nairobi, Kenya
Dataset from: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and associated risk in rural South Africa: a population-based cohort study
Dataset From: Forgotten but not gone in rural South Africa: Urinary schistosomiasis and implications for chronic kidney disease screening in endemic countries
Dataset: Hygiene opportunities and practices captured using a novel method (pictorial 24 hr recall) compared to structured observations
Dataset: India ICEMR Severe P. vivax and falciparum Cohort
Dataset: LLINEUP2 Cluster Randomized Trial
Dataset: LLINEUP Cluster Randomized Trial
Dataset: NECTAR1 Randomized Controlled Trial
Dataset: NECTAR2 Randomized Controlled Trial
Dataset: NECTAR3 Randomized Controlled Trial
Dataset: NECTAR4 Randomized Controlled Trial
Dataset of 1241 clients of RMNCH services during the COVID-19 outbreak in Lagos
Dataset of 16S rRNA sequences of 111 healthy and Newcastle disease infected caecal samples from multiple chicken breeds of Pakistan
Dataset of 569 metagenome-assembled genomes from the caeca of multiple chicken breeds from commercial and backyard farming setups of Pakistan
Dataset of active ulcer cases included in the analysis
Data set of primary outcome changes in interventional clinical trials registered on
Dataset of Study: Estimated number of deaths directly avoided because of COVID-19 vaccination among older adults in Colombia
Dataset: PRISM2 ICEMR Cohort
Datasets and code for "Mapping the plague through natural language processing"
Dataset: Seasonality and immunity to laboratory-confirmed seasonal coronaviruses (HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43, and HCoV-229E): results from the Flu Watch cohort study
Datasets for the study “Sustainable Programme Incorporating Nutrition & Games (SPRING): a multi-country-randomised controlled trial”
Dataset used in the assessment of the article "Basic urban services fail to neutralise environmental determinants of 'rattiness', a composite metric of rat abundance"
Data set used to explore relationship between socio-economic position and HIV status among young rural Zimbabwean women
DataSheet_1_Genetic Correlation and Bidirectional Causal Association Between Type 2 Diabetes and Pulmonary Function.xlsx
Data_Sheet_1_Participatory Approach to Develop Evidence-Based Clinical Ethics Guidelines for the Care of COVID-19 Patients: A Mixed Method Study From Nepal
Data_Sheet_1_Reduced Placental Transfer of Antibodies Against a Wide Range of Microbial and Vaccine Antigens in HIV-Infected Women in Mozambique
Data_Sheet_2_Natural Killer Cells Dampen the Pathogenic Features of Recall Responses to Influenza Infection
Data supporting "Anthelminthic treatment receipt and its predictors in Lake Victoria fishing communities, Uganda: intervention coverage results from the LaVIISWA cluster randomised trial"
Data supporting "A Snapshot of the Practicality of, and Barriers to, Implementation of COVID-19 Interventions: Public Health and Healthcare Workers' Perceptions"
Data supporting "Does schistosome or malaria exposure contribute to urban-rural differences in vaccine responses in Uganda? A causal mediation analysis using data from three linked randomised controlled trials."
“Data supporting findings in: Allergen skin test reactivity and asthma are inversely associated with IgG4/IgE and total IgE/allergen-specific IgE ratios in Ugandan communities”
Data supporting "Helminth-driven gut inflammation and microbial translocation are linked to altered vaccine responses in rural Uganda"
Data supporting "Prevalence of subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis and its association with HIV in household contacts of tuberculosis in two South African provinces: analysis of a cluster-randomised trial"
Data supporting "Profiles of inflammation in rural and urban Uganda"
Data supporting "The economic burden incurred by families caring for a young child with developmental disability in Uganda"
Data supporting: "The effect of BCG revaccination on the response to unrelated vaccines in urban Ugandan adolescents: results of the POPVAC C randomised, controlled trial"
Data supporting “The effect of current helminth infection on vaccine responses among adolescents living in helminth-endemic islands of Lake Victoria, Uganda”
Data supporting "The effect of intensive praziquantel treatment on vaccine-specific responses among schoolchildren in Ugandan schistosomiasis-endemic islands: results of the POPVAC A randomised, controlled trial"
Data supporting "The effect of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine on vaccine-specific responses among schoolchildren in rural Uganda: results of the POPVAC B randomised, controlled trial"
dchodge/hero-study: Version submitted with WOR reviewers comments
Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation - Exercises
Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation R Code
Decoding the network of Trypanosoma brucei proteins that determines sensitivity to apolipoprotein-L1
Deconstructing the differences: a comparison of GBD 2010 and CHERG’s approach to estimating the mortality burden of diarrhea, pneumonia, and their etiologies - Additional files
Decreased community-acquired pneumonia coincided with rising awareness of precautions before governmental containment policy in Japan
Defining the genes required for survival of Mycobacterium bovis in the bovine host offers novel insights into the genetic basis of survival of pathogenic mycobacteria
De-identified clinical survey data in SPSS
Deidentified survey data for: "Crowdsourcing to expand HIV testing among men who have sex with men in China: A closed cohort stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial"
De-identified symptom duration data in SPSS
Delivering the English immunisation programme – survey response dataset
Delta shape data
Demographic characteristics of the reporting study population at enrolment
Demonstration data for: "An interactive data visualisation application to investigate nosocomial transmission of infections"
Dengue and microcephaly cases in Brazil used in Carvalho et al
Dengue virus type 4 isolate DET-P-0428-1 polyprotein (POLY) gene, complete cds; and sfRNA2 lncRNA gene, partial sequence
Dengue virus type I isolate DEN-P-1098-1 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds
De Novo Assembly of Plasmodium knowlesi Genomes From Clinical Samples Explains the Counterintuitive Intrachromosomal Organization of Variant SICAvar and kir Multiple Gene Family Members
denvax: Simple Dengue Test and Vaccinate Cost Thresholds
Depression among healthcare workers in Lusaka, Zambia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Depressive symptoms and HIV risk behaviours among adolescents enrolled in the HPTN071 (PopART) trial in Zambia and South Africa. Aggregate dataset.
Design of a variant surface antigen-supplemented microarray chip for whole transcriptome analysis of multiple Plasmodium falciparum cytoadherent strains, and identification of strain-transcendent rif and stevor genes: Additional files
Detailed experimental hut data against wild free-flying pyrethroid resistant An gambiae s.l. in Cove, Benin
Detail of expressed protein targets
Detection of a historic reservoir of bedaquiline/clofazimine resistance-associated variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Detection of a novel insect-specific flavivirus across ecologically diverse populations of Aedes aegypti on the Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia
Determinants of child handwashing in a IDP camp in Northern Iraq - Qualitative dataset
Determinants of uptake of first dose of intermittent preventive treatment among pregnant women in a secondary health Centre in Maiduguri, Nigeria
deusthindwa/Electronic-Data-Capture-for-Large-Scale-Typhoid-Surveillance---STRATAA: edc
deusthindwa/ optimal.age.targeting.pneumo.vaccines: OptionaAgeTargetingPneumococcalVaccines
Development of a 2,4-Diaminothiazole Series for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis Highlights the Importance of Static–Cidal Screening of Analogues
Development of an intervention delivered by mobile phone aimed at decreasing unintended pregnancy among young people in three lower middle income countries
Devices and furniture for small and sick newborn care: systematic development of a planning and costing tool
deworm3 Electronic Treatment Register
Dhaka household cholera dataset
Diagnoses code list - Anxiety ICD-10 codes
Diagnoses code list - Anxiety Read codes
Diagnoses code list - Asthma ICD-10 codes
Diagnoses code list - Asthma Read codes
Diagnoses code list - Bipolar disease and Schizophrenia Read codes
Diagnoses code list - Bipolar disease & Schizophrenia ICD-10 codes
Diagnoses code list - Depression ICD-10 codes
Diagnoses code list - Depression Read codes
Diagnoses code list - Eczema ICD-10 codes
Diagnoses code list - Eczema Read codes
Diagnoses code list - Harmful alcohol use Read codes
Diagnoses code list - Smoking Read codes
Diagnosis codelist - arrhythmia codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - arrhythmia codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - diabetes codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - diabetes codes (opcs)
Diagnosis codelist - end stage kidney disease codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - end stage kidney disease codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - heart failure codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - heart failure codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - ischaemic heart disease codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - ischaemic heart disease codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - Lyme disease codes
Diagnosis codelist - myocardial infarction codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - myocardial infarction codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - peripheral arterial disease codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - peripheral arterial disease codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - retinopathy codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - retinopathy codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis codelist - retinopathy codes (opcs)
Diagnosis codelist - stroke/transient ischaemic attack codes (icd-10)
Diagnosis codelist - stroke/transient ischaemic attack codes (medcodes)
Diagnosis/symptom codelist - fatigue codes
Diagnostic accuracy of lateral flow urine LAM assay for TB screening of adults with advanced immunosuppression attending routine HIV care in South Africa
Diagnostic Accuracy of Lateral Flow Urine LAM Assay for TB Screening of Adults with Advanced Immunosuppression Attending Routine HIV Care in South Africa
Diagnostic accuracy of tests to detect Hepatitis C antibody: a meta-analysis and review of the literature
Diagnostics development for the neglected parasitic diseases strongyloidiasis and visceral leishmaniasis
DidDrog11/data_for_gbif: Final version for Gigabyte
Diet during pregnancy and infancy and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Differential effects of antiretroviral treatment on immunity and gut microbiome composition in people living with HIV in rural versus urban Zimbabwe
Directional gene flow and ecological separation in Yersinia enterocolitica
Disability-inclusive social protection in Vietnam and Nepal data
Discovery and validation of a prognostic proteomic signature for tuberculosis progression: A prospective cohort study
Discovery of a Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 33F capsular polysaccharide locus that lacks wcjE and contains a wcyO pseudogene
Distinct evolutionary dynamics of horizontal gene transfer in drug resistant and virulent clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae
Distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei and soil properties within a 300-cm deep profile
Distribution of H. ducreyi and T. pallidum positive participants per site
Divergent roles for the RH5 complex components, CyRPA and RIPR in human-infective malaria parasites
Diverse and weakly immunogenic var gene expression facilitates malaria infection
Diversity in gene expression profiles captured through highly resolved whole-transcriptome profiling of clinical and laboratory-adapted malaria parasite isolates
dlnm: Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models
DNA methylation in children from The Gambia
DNA methylome analysis in infants from The Gambia / Aflatoxin / Seasonality study
DNAPlotter: circular and linear interactive genome visualization
DNDI-6148: A Novel Benzoxaborole Preclinical Candidate for the Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis
Draft search strategies for: "Novel strategies and approaches for testing populations at risk for sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review protocol"
DREAMS baseline study in females aged 15-24 years in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2006-2015
DREAMS baseline study in young men aged 20-29 years in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2006-2015
Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) data analysis scripts
Dual RNA-seq of zebrafish larvae infected with Shigella sonnei
Duration of protection of CoronaVac plus heterologous BNT162b2 booster in the Omicron period in Brazil
Durations of asymptomatic, symptomatic, and care-seeking phases of tuberculosis disease with a Bayesian analysis of prevalence survey and notification data
Dynamic molecular changes during the first week of human life follow a robust developmental trajectory
Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection over two epidemic waves in Manaus, Brazil: a serological study of seven thousand blood donors
Dyslipidemias and cardiovascular risk scores in urban and rural populations in north-western Tanzania and southern Uganda