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S1 Data. Causes of mortality data for Ethiopia from 1990 to 2015, retrieved from the Global Burden of Disease Study, IHME
S1 Data File for: "Characterising antibody avidity in individuals of varied Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status using surface plasmon resonance"
S1 Data for: "Absence of Association between Cord Specific Antibody Levels and Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Disease in Early Infants: A Case Control Study from Coastal Kenya"
S1 Data for: "Comparison of new and emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant transmissibility through active contact testing. A comparative cross-sectional household seroprevalence study"
S1 Data for: "Impacts of climate change on diarrhoeal disease hospitalisations: How does the global warming targets of 1.5–2°C affect Dhaka, Bangladesh?"
S1 Data for "Improved household flooring is associated with lower odds of enteric and parasitic infections in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S1 Data for "Internet-accessed sexually transmitted infection (e-STI) testing and results service: A randomised, single-blind, controlled trial"
S1 Data for: "Is There a Need for Viral Load Testing to Assess Treatment Failure in HIV-Infected Patients Who Are about to Change to Tenofovir-Based First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy? Programmatic Findings from Myanmar"
S1 Data for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S1 Data - Removing the societal and legal impediments to the HIV response: An evidence-based framework for 2025 and beyond
S1 Dataset for "Associations between health systems capacity and mother-to-child HIV prevention program outcomes in Zambia"
S1 Dataset for "Sociodemographic characteristics, community engagement and stigma among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) who attend MSM-led versus public sexual health clinics: A cross-sectional survey in China"
S1 Dataset for "Transmission Dynamics of Zika Virus in Island Populations: A Modelling Analysis of the 2013–14 French Polynesia Outbreak"
S1 Dataset for "Viral etiology, seasonality and severity of hospitalized patients with severe acute respiratory infections in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2007–2014"
S1 Data Sheet for: "Occupational exposure to unburnt tobacco and potential risk of toxic optic neuropathy: A cross-sectional study among beedi rollers in selected rural areas of coastal Karnataka, India"
S1 Data - The impact of delayed treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria on progression to severe malaria: A systematic review and a pooled multicentre individual-patient meta-analysis
S1 File Dataset for "The impact of Joint Commission International accreditation on time periods in the operating room: A retrospective observational study"
S1 File for "Multi-criteria suitability analysis for neglected and underutilised crop species in South Africa"
S1 File for "Vitamin D status of tuberculosis patients with diabetes mellitus in different economic areas and associated factors in China"
S1 Questionnaire - Levels and correlates of physical activity and capacity among HIV-infected compared to HIV-uninfected individuals
S1 Raw Data for: "Activation loop phosphorylation and cGMP saturation of PKG regulate egress of malaria parasites"
S1 Table for "Assessing vulnerability for future Zika virus outbreaks using seroprevalence data and environmental suitability maps"
S1 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S2 Data - The impact of delayed treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria on progression to severe malaria: A systematic review and a pooled multicentre individual-patient meta-analysis
S2 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S3 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S4 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S5 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S6 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S7 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
S8 Table for "Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
SADD synthetic cost-effectiveness dataset
Safety and efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine combined with either methylene blue or primaquine in children with falciparum malaria in Burkina Faso: A randomized controlled trial
Safety of discontinuing cotrimoxazole prophylaxis among HIV infected adults stabilized on ART in Uganda: randomised controlled trial
SAGE Well-Being of Older People Study-2009, Wave 1
SAGE Well-Being of Older People Study-2013, Wave 2
Sample accession list for "Malaria protection due to sickle haemoglobin depends on parasite genotype"
Sample quality control summary in Malawi and Mali
Sample Vital Registration with Verbal Autopsy, (SAVVY)
Samvad Project Datasets
Samvedana Plus: Reducing Violence and Increasing Condom Use in the Intimate Partnerships of female Sex Workers in Bagalkote District, North Karnataka, South India
Sanitation conditions and STH infection among school-aged children in Kwale County, Kenya, 2015
Sanitation, Stress, and Life Stage: A Systematic Data Collection Study among Women in Odisha, India
SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Kenya dataset
SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in The Gambia dataset
SARS-CoV-2 variants-associated outbreaks of COVID-19 in a tertiary institution, North-Central Nigeria: Implications for epidemic control. S1 Data
Saving Lives at Birth; development of a retrospective theory of change, impact framework and prioritised metrics
Scabies Dataset for "Learning Clinical Epidemiology with R" tutorial
SCALE prevalence survey
School Child Chest Health Survey, 1966
School's Out: Seasonal Variation in the Movement Patterns of School Children. S1 Dataset. Reported individual travel patterns.
Screening and treatment of malaria in pregnancy in West Africa
Screening tools - critical illness - Tanzania
Screening tool to identify adolescents living with HIV in a community setting in Zimbabwe: A validation study
seabbs/badtobetter: Initial release
seabbs/CovidInterventionReview: CC0 license
Search strategies for "Articulating a global research agenda on the effects of climate change hazards on hygiene-related health and wellbeing outcomes"
Search strategies for "A Scoping Review of the Influence of Environmental Exposures on Health Outcomes in Kenya"
Search strategies for: "Climate action for health and wellbeing in cities: a protocol for the systematic development of a database of peer-reviewed studies using machine learning methods"
Search strategies for "Clinical Guidelines of the British Infection Society: Eosinophilia in returning travellers and migrants from the tropics"
Search strategies for "Consolidating emerging evidence surrounding HIV self-testing (HIVST) & HIV self-sampling (HIVSS)"
Search strategies for: "Diagnostic accuracy of tests to detect Hepatitis C antibody: a meta-analysis and review of the literature"
Search strategies for "Evidence for the use of administrative controls to reduce the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcare settings: a systematic review"
Search strategies for: How can e-health interventions reduce the ‘syndemic’ of HIV/STIs and sexual risk, substance use and mental ill health among men who have sex with men?
Search strategies for "Impact of tree-based interventions in addressing health and wellbeing outcomes in rural low-and-middle income settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
Search strategies for: "Interventions to improve drinking water supply and quality, sanitation and handwashing facilities in health care facilities, and their effect on health care-associated infections in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and supplementary scoping review"
Search strategies for "Interventions to negate aggravated diarrheal disease due to climate change - A scoping review"
Search strategies for “Life cycle environmental impacts of alcohol production: a systematic review”
Search strategies for: "Recent dengue outbreaks in Africa: what are the gaps in research?"
Search strategies for: "Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health"
Search strategies for "Scoping study of Economic and Data System Considerations for Climate Change and Pandemic Preparedness in Africa"
Search strategies for "Self-sampling kits to increase HIV testing among black Africans in the UK: the HAUS mixed-methods study"
Search strategies for: "The organisation and delivery of health improvement in general practice and primary care: a scoping study"
Search strategies for: Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance abuse and violence and improve educational attainment
Search strategies to investigate STI testing amongst PrEP users
Search strategy for "Diagnostic accuracy of tests to detect hepatitis B surface antigen: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis"
Search strategy for "Improving practice in Ugandan drug shops: a holistic approach to regulation"
Search strategy for "Quantifying the effectiveness and health co-benefits of climate change mitigation actions across sectors: a protocol for an umbrella review"
Search strategy for the systematic review informing recommendations 6 & 7 of the WHO Guideline 'Responding to children and adolescents who have been sexually abused'.
Seasonal variation in haematological and biochemical reference values for healthy young children in The Gambia
Secondary data for a cluster-randomised trial of community-led delivery of HIV self-testing in Malawi (HIV Self-Testing Africa [STAR])
Second Study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in the United Kingdom, 2008-2009
Sedentarisation and maternal childcare networks: role of risk, gender and demography
Selected interview transcript quotes from: "A reconfiguration of the sex trade: How social and structural changes in eastern Zimbabwe left women involved in sex work and transactional sex more vulnerable"
Selection bias in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cohort studies assessing sputum culture conversion. S1 Data
Selection signatures at chromosome 10q24
Selective Whole Genome Amplification of Plasmodium malariae DNA from clinical samples reveals high genetic diversity and population structure of this neglected malaria parasite
Semi-field evaluation of the cumulative effects of a “Lethal House Lure” on malaria mosquito mortality
Sensitivity (95%CI) of NS1 RDTs in capturing DENV1-4 infections stratified by immune status among patients from Vietnam (N:1,217)
Sensitivity analyses on the effect of DREAMS on experiences of violence among AGYW
Sensitivity analysis for missing data in cost-effectiveness analysis: Stata code
Sequence-Based Analysis Uncovers an Abundance of Non-Coding RNA in the Total Transcriptome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Sequence of the UbeK trypanosomal degron
Sequences of oligonucleotides and other synthetic DNA used in this study
Sequencing of M/XDR isoaltes from Pakistan
Serologically Defined Variations in Malaria Endemicity in Pará State, Brazil. Supplementary dataset
Seroprevalence of Chikungunya virus and living conditions in Feira de Santana, Bahia-Brazil. S1 Database
Sex and the risk of acute reductions in kidney function after renin-angiotensin blockade: parallel analyses of a primary care cohort and two randomised trials
Sexual and Physical Abuse among Patients with Severe Mental Illness in Kampala and Masaka – Coding Framework Data
SHARE-ENV - Exposure to Environmental Hazards
“She held my hand and advised me”: Young migrants’ experiences of individual peer support to access health and social services in two small towns in southwestern Uganda. Thematic table
Shielding individuals at high risk of COVID-19: a micro-simulation study. Model and analyses
Shigella induces epigenetic reprogramming of zebrafish neutrophils
Shigella sonnei infection of zebrafish reveals that O-antigen mediates neutrophil tolerance and dysentery incidence
SHINE 7-year Follow-up
Shortening duration of ertapenem in outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy for complicated urinary tract infections: A retrospective study
SHS Questionnaire
Significant under expression of the DosR regulon in M. tuberculosis complex lineage 6 in sputum
Simulation results for "COVID-19 vaccination in Sindh Province, Pakistan: a modelling study of health impact and cost-effectiveness"
Simulation Results: Global Childhood Cancer Survival
Skin microbiome alters attractiveness to Anopheles mosquitoes
SLGiHub/FIEBRE_Adult_severity_scores: FIEBRE Adult Severity Scores
Small for gestational age babies and depressive symptoms of mothers during pregnancy : Results from a birth cohort in India
smcfcs: Multiple Imputation of Covariates by Substantive Model Compatible Fully Conditional Specification
SNP quality control summary in Malawi and Mali
Social and Economic Impact of Congenital Zika Syndrome questionnaire
Social conditions and disability related to the mortality of older people in rural South Africa: Supplementary Data
Social contact data for China mainland
Social contact data for Hong Kong
Social contact data for IDPs in Somaliland (2019)
Social contact data for Taiwan
Social contact data for the BHDSS and FWHDSS in the Gambia (2022)
Social contact data for UK
Social Contact Data for Vietnam
Social contact data for Zambia and South Africa (CODA dataset)
Social contact data from CoMix survey (Belgium)
Social contact information from PIPSA residents in uMkhanyakude before and during the Covid-19 pandemic – data from the Umoya Omuhle and Covid Social Contacts studies
Social contact patterns relevant for infectious disease transmission in Cambodia
Social Contact Rates (SOCRATES) Data Tool
Social contacts and other risk factors for respiratory infections among internally displaced people in Somaliland. Data and analyses.
Social Contacts Data
Social mixing in Fiji: Who-eats-with-whom contact patterns and the implications of age and ethnic heterogeneity for disease dynamics in the Pacific Islands
Socialmixr: Social Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease Modelling
Social Mobilization Action Consortium: Community Engagement data from the 2014-2016 Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak
Social Protection & Disability in Asia-Pacific & Africa dataset
Social Support and Feeding Your Baby Survey
Socio-demographic characteristics of participants
softcopy of daily diaries
Software and results for: An agent-based model for simulating the impact of social norms on active commuting interventions
Software and results for: Incorporating social norms into a configurable agent-based model of commuting behaviour
Software Contributor Roles Crosswalk
SONA Project - Anxiety Disorders and Asthma Dataset
SONA project - Asthma management data
SONA project - Asthma management questionnaire
SONA project - Asthma risk factors data
SONA Project Resources
SONA project - Risk factors for allergy-related diseases among schoolchildren in Uganda
sophie-a-lee/spatial_smooth_framework: Data and R code to accompany 'A Bayesian modelling framework to quantify multiple sources of spatial variation for disease mapping'
Source code for analysis of the zoonotic niche of Ebolavirus
Source data for "Date of introduction and epidemiologic patterns of SARS-CoV-2 in Mogadishu, Somalia: estimates from transmission modelling of satellite-based excess mortality data in 2020"
Source data for: "Dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in hamsters and novel association with progressive motor dysfunction"
Source data for graphs
Source files for 3D printed hamster anaesthesia delivery nosecone
Spatial and temporal development of deltamethrin resistance in malaria vectors of the Anopheles gambiae complex from North Cameroon
Spatial dynamics and control of a crop pathogen with mixed-mode transmission
SPIRIT Checklist for: Efficacy and safety of long acting injectable cabotegravir and rilpivirine in improving HIV-1 control in Sub Saharan Africa: Protocol for a phase 3b open label randomized controlled trial (IMPALA)
SpyCATS REDCap Data Dictionary
S. stercoralis genes (n = 328) differentially expressed in gut-dwelling (dark blue) versus non-gut-dwelling (light blue) life stages of the nematode with those containing predicted epitopes indicated
Stan code and input data for estimating adjusted seroprevalence.
Stan models for diagnostic tests accuracy simulation; Accompaniment for Journal Article
Staphylococcus Aureus BSAC study data
StAR2D Patient Interview and Focus Group Guide: Formative Intervention development study
STATA Do files for "Factors associated with excess mortality in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cohort analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Databank"
Stata Do Files for pooling and analysis
StatinWISE - A series of randomised controlled N-of-1 trials in patients who have discontinued or are considering discontinuing statin use due to muscle- related symptoms to assess if atorvastatin treatment causes more muscle symptoms than placebo
StatinWISE study data
St-ATT: The Starting Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment Cohort in the Philippines
STD906927 Supplemental material - Supplemental material for Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men who have experienced problematic chemsex
Stimulating Influenza Vaccination via Prosocial Motives. S3 Dataset
STIs prevalence among young adults aged 18-24years in Mbeya-Tanzania
STROBE and SRQR checklist for the study titled "Management of microbial keratitis by private pharmacies in Uganda: a study of knowledge, attitude, and practice"
Strobe statement for: "Health-related quality of life of adults with cutaneous leishmaniasis at ALERT Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia"
Stronger-SAFE trial: Baseline and follow-up face washing data
Structural and social factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers and older people in Uganda: A qualitative analysis. Data file
Studies of microbial keratitis treatment, prevention and diagnosis in Nepal and East Africa
Study database for: "Adverse pregnancy outcomes are associated with Plasmodium vivax malaria in a prospective cohort of women from the Brazilian Amazon"
Study database from the baseline survey of the impact evaluation of the PBF program in Burkina Faso
Study data for “Identifying underweight in infants and children using growth charts, lookup tables and a novel “MAMI” slide chart: a cross-over diagnostic and acceptability study”
Study data for "Impact of ivermectin administered for scabies treatment on the prevalence of head lice in Atoifi, Solomon Islands"
Study investigating the clinical manifestations of Rift Valley fever in humans: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Study of Infectious Intestinal Disease in England, 1993-1996
Study populations and leprosy association statistics at rs2015583 in the Chinese replication analysis
Study toolkit for: Effectiveness of community-based burden estimation to achieve elimination of lymphatic filariasis: a comparative cross-sectional investigation in Côte d’Ivoire
Summary characteristics of AGYW by schooling status at baseline and by invitation to DREAMS
Summary of posterior draws from pulmonary tuberculosis model
Summary statistics for association tests between human and Plasmodium falciparum genetic variants in 3,346 severe malaria cases from The Gambia and Kenya
Summary table of the elements recorded in the 43 studies included in our review from Mathematical modelling to study the horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria: current state of the field and recommendations
SungmokJung/mpox_global: Initial release
SungmokJung/Projection_Japan_COVID19 v1.0.0
Supplemental Data for "A validated pangenome-scale metabolic model for the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex."
Supplemental material for: The Long and Winding Road: Archiving and Re-Using Qualitative Data from 12 Research Projects Spanning 16 Years
Supplemental material for Women’s understanding of economic abuse in North-Western Tanzania
Supplementary appendix 1b of Oliphant NP, Ray N, Curtis A et al. Optimising scale and deployment of community health workers in Sierra Leone: a geospatial analysis. 2022.
Supplementary appendix 1b of Oliphant NP, Ray N, Curtis A et al. Optimizing scale and deployment of CHWs in Sierra Leone: a geospatial analysis. 2021.
Supplementary Appendix 1b of "Optimising geographical accessibility to primary health care: a geospatial analysis of community health posts and community health workers in Niger"
Supplementary Appendix 1b of "Optimizing geographical accessibility to primary health care at community level in Niger: a geospatial analysis"
Supplementary Appendix 1c of "Optimising geographical accessibility to primary health care: a geospatial analysis of community health posts and community health workers in Niger"
Supplementary Appendix 1c of "Toward a geography of community health workers in Niger: a geospatial analysis"
Supplementary data files & video for Carrasco-Tenezaca published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 'The relationship between house height and mosquito house entry: an experimental study in rural Gambia
Supplementary data file to "International food trade contributes to dietary risks and mortality at global, regional, and national levels"
Supplementary data for “Comparisons of Staphylococcus aureus infection and other outcomes between users of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers: lessons for COVID-19 from a nationwide cohort study”
Supplementary Data for: "The comparative immunology of wild and laboratory mice, Mus musculus domesticus"
Supplementary data to "Options for reforming agricultural subsidies from health, climate, and economic perspectives"
Supplementary data to "The global and regional costs of healthy and sustainable dietary patterns: a modelling study"
Supplementary files 2 and 3 for "Linking health facility data from young adults aged 18-24 years to longitudinal demographic data: Experience from The Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System"
Supplementary information, CDC50 orthologues in Plasmodium falciparum have distinct roles in merozoite egress and trophozoite maturation
Supplementary information files for The effect of COVID rehabilitation for ongoing symptoms post hospitalisation with COVID-19 (PHOSP-R): protocol for a randomised parallel group controlled trial on behalf of the PHOSP consortium
Supplementary information for: "Qualitative study exploring the barriers to menstrual hygiene management faced by adolescents and young people with a disability, and their carers in the Kavrepalanchok district, Nepal"
Supplementary Material: Climate-sensitive disease outbreaks in the aftermath of extreme climatic events: a scoping review
Supplementary material for paper
Supplementary material for Pisani et al: Substandard and falsified medicines: proposed methods for case finding and sentinel surveillance
Supplementary material for: "Preconception management of hyperthyroidism and thyroid status in subsequent pregnancy: a population-based cohort study"
Supplementary material for the article, "Measles Outbreak Investigation Process in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Methods and Costs of Contact Tracing"
Supplementary material from "A biphasic model of lifespan in nematode Caenorhabditis elegans worm"
Supplementary material from "Climate risk index for Italy"
Supplementary material from "Exploring the role of competition induced by non-vaccine serotypes for herd protection following pneumococcal vaccination"
Supplementary material from "Interventions targeting non-symptomatic cases can be important to prevent local outbreaks: SARS-CoV-2 as a case study"
Supplementary material from "Sedentarization and maternal childcare networks: role of risk, gender and demography"
Supplementary material from "Simulating contact networks for livestock disease epidemiology: a systematic review"
Supplementary materials for "Health system responsiveness to the mental health needs of Syrian refugees: mixed-methods rapid appraisals in eight host countries in Europe and the Middle East "
Supplementary Table 1 from Cross-cultural evidence does not support universal acceleration of puberty in father-absent households
Supplement to: "Comparative efficacy of low-dose versus standard-dose azithromycin for patients with yaws: a randomised non-inferiority trial in Ghana and Papua New Guinea"
Support files for: "Electronic data collection, management and analysis tools used for outbreak response in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and stakeholder survey"
Support files for: The acceptability of the AMBITION-cm treatment regimen for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis: findings from a qualitative methods study of participants and researchers in Botswana and Uganda
Supporting data for: "Caribbean multi-centre study of Klebsiella pneumoniae: whole-genome sequencing, antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors"
Supporting data for "chiA and gbpA genes are not uniformly distributed amongst diverse Vibrio cholerae"
Supporting data for "Genomic contextualisation of ancient DNA molecular data from an Argentinian fifth pandemic Vibrio cholerae infection"
Supporting data for "Genomics of the Argentinian cholera epidemic elucidate the contrasting dynamics of epidemic and endemic Vibrio cholerae"
Supporting data for 'High quality reference genomes for toxigenic and non-toxigenic Vibrio cholerae serogroup O139'
Supporting data for: Identifying market risk for substandard and falsified medicines: an analytic framework based on qualitative research in China, Indonesia, Turkey and Romania
Supporting data for: Risk factors common to leading eye health conditions and major non-communicable diseases: A rapid review and commentary
Supporting data for: "The social determinants of national tuberculosis incidence rates in 116 countries: a longitudinal ecological study between 2005– 2015"
Supporting files for "Cash transfers for HIV prevention: A systematic review"
Supporting files for: "Durability of three types of dual active ingredient long-lasting insecticidal net compared to a pyrethroid-only LLIN in Tanzania: methodology for a prospective cohort study nested in a cluster randomized controlled trial"
Supporting files for: "Individual, health facility and wider health system factors contributing to maternal deaths in Africa: A scoping review"
Supporting files for: Performance bonuses and the quality of primary health care delivered by family health teams in Brazil: A difference-in differences analysis
Supporting information for National, regional, and worldwide estimates of low birthweight rates in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis
Supportive supervision of close-to-community providers of health care: Findings from action research conducted in two counties in Kenya
Survey data on decision-making for childhood vaccination in crisis settings
Survey data on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding Malaria and bed net usage on Bubaque Island, Guinea-Bissau
Survey data on willingness to participate in COVID-19 vaccine trials among healthcare workers in three Ugandan hospitals
Survey of Ophthalmologists-in-Training in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa - Survey data and questionnaire
Survey of Pharmacists and Undercover Patients, Madhya Pradesh, India, 2013: Special Licence Access
Survey on the Choice and Perception of Quality in Rural Health Institutions, Mbonge Subdivision, Southwest Province, Cameroun
Survey Questions for LMIC stakeholders
Surveys of the Sustainable Programme Incorporating Nutrition & Games 2012-2017
Survival rates in England by Strategic Health Authority up to 2001
Swabbable Vagina and Vulva - Medical training device
SWPERMUTE: Stata module to compute Permutation tests for Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomised Trials
Syndromic survey de-identified data in SPSS
Synthetic datasets for: "Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and mortality: an analysis of the UK Biobank"
Systematic analysis of infectious disease outcomes by age
Systematic longitudinal survey of invasive Escherichia coli in England demonstrates a stable population structure only transiently disturbed by the emergence of ST131
Systematic review for: "Effect of environmental changes on vegetable and legume yields and nutritional quality"
Systematic review of epidemiological studies on health effects associated with management of solid waste
Systemic PFOS and PFOA exposure and disturbed lipid homeostasis in humans: what do we know and what not?
Systems Biology to Identify Biomarkers of Neonatal Vaccine Immunogenicity