LSHTM Data Compass
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Cameroon data
Campylobacter coli strain, whole genome shotgun sequencing project
Campylobacter jejuni interactions with Acanthamoeba castellanii
Cancer Survival: England 1998-2003
Cancer Survival: England and Wales, 1991-2001, four major cancers
Cancer Survival: England and Wales, 1991-2001, less common cancers by age group
Cancer survival: England and Wales, 1991-2001, twenty major cancers
Cancer survival: England and Wales, 1991-2001, twenty major cancers by age group
Cancer survival: five year relative survival rates in England by Health Authority up to 1999
Cancer survival: five year relative survival rates in England by Health Authority up to 1999 - four further cancer sites
Cancer survival: five year relative survival rates in England by Health Authority up to 2000
Cancer survival: five year relative survival rates in England by Health Authority up to 2000 - four further cancer sites
Cancer Survival Group: UK Life Tables
Cancer survival in the 'Spearhead' Primary Care Trusts of England, 1996-2003
Cancer survival in the strategic health authorities of England, 1995-2002
Cancer survival in the Strategic Health Authorities of England, 1996-2003
Cancer survival in the Strategic Health Authorities of England, 1997-2004
Candidate coproantigen sequences in fasta format
Can visual interpretation of NucliSens graphs reduce the need for repeat viral load testing? S1 Dataset
Cape Town social contact data
Cardiovascular Risk Score Calculator
Casual and close contact data for buildings in South Africa and Zambia
Catastrophic expenditure on congenital Zika syndrome: results of a cross-sectional study of caregivers of children in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Causal Sim code
Causes and outcomes of admission and investigation of tuberculosis in adults with advanced HIV in South African hospitals: data from the TB Fast Track trial
CDC50 interacting partners of Plasmodium falcipraum
C. difficle p-cresol production
CEmimix ADO file
CEmimix Stata do-file - First version
Cereal grain mineral micronutrient and soil chemistry data from GeoNutrition surveys in Ethiopia and Malawi
cfr: Estimate Disease Severity and Case Ascertainment
cgaim: Constrained Groupwise Additive Index Models
CHAKA-SONA Normative dataset
Challenges of using modelling evidence in the visceral leishmaniasis elimination programme in India
CHANGE Cohort 1: Long-term Implications Of Nutrition (LION) dataset
CHANGE Cohort 2: Chronic disease outcomes after Severe Acute Malnutrition (ChroSAM). Malawi
CHANGE Cohort 3: Assessment of Long-Term Health Consequences of Acute Malnutrition (ACAM). Ethiopia
Change in maternal and newborn health care. Data from two cross-sectional surveys in Ethiopia, 2012 and 2015
Change in maternal and newborn health care. Data from two cross-sectional surveys in Gombe State, North-East Nigeria, 2012 and 2015
Change in maternal and newborn health care. Report from two cross-sectional surveys in six districts of Uttar Pradesh, India, 2012-2015.
CHANGE Project (CHild malnutrition & Adult NCD: Generating Evidence on mechanistic links to inform future policy/practice)
Changing Worlds (US): Psychological responses to the climate crisis in young people and their agency to build the world they hope to see
Characteristics of DREAMS beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries at time of cohort enrolment by invitation to DREAMS in Nairobi, Gem and uMkhanyakude
Characterizing herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 seroprevalence declines and epidemiological association in the United States
Characterizing the Transmission Potential of Zoonotic Infections from Minor Outbreaks: Simulation and Inference code
Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) expenditure report 2013-14
Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) expenditure report 2014-15
Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) expenditure report 2015-16
Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) expenditure report 2016-17
Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) expenditure report 2017-18
Charity Open Access Fund (COAF) expenditure report 2018-19
Chemogenomic profiling of anti-leishmanial efficacy and resistance in the related kinetoplastid parasite Trypanosoma brucei
Childcare in the Agta
Childhood obesity
Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition with No Access to Supplementary Feeding Programmes Experience High Rates of Deterioration and No Improvement: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study in Rural Ethiopia
Chjulian/sheffield_HT: Characterising within-hospital SARS-CoV-2 transmission events
Chromatin state at chromosome 10q24
Chronic Diseases in North-West Tanzania and Southern Uganda. Public Perceptions of Terminologies, Aetiologies, Symptoms and Preferred Management
CHSI costing study–Challenges and solutions for cost data collection in private hospitals in India. S1 File
Ciclosporin in the management of ENL reactions
CIN paediatric admissions
Circulation of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Gambia
CLAN: Stata module to perform cluster-level analysis of cluster randomised trials
cleanepi: Clean and Standardize Epidemiological Data
CLEAN study dataset
Climate Change mitigation and adaption options in the local environment: climate change solutions festival
Climate risk index for Italy
Clinical and Health Outcomes Knowledge Base
Clinical and laboratory-induced colistin-resistance mechanisms in Acinetobacter baumannii
Clinical code list - acute cardiovascular events
Clinical codelist - acute COPD exacerbation (used to help detect COPD exacerbations)
Clinical Code List - Acute Gastroenteritis - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Acute Gastroenteritis - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Acute Kidney Injury (ICD-10)
Clinical codelist - Acute Renal Failure - CPRD Aurum
Clinical Codelist - ADHD Codes
Clinical Codelist - AKI ICD-10 codes
Clinical code list - Alcohol
Clinical codelist - Alcohol - aurum
Clinical code list - alcohol codes
Clinical code list - Alcohol codes
Clinical codelist - Alcohol codes
Clinical codelist - Alcohol - gold
Clinical Code List - Alcohol - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical codelist - Alcohol or substance abuse (exclusion criteria)
Clinical Code List - Alcohol - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - alcohol related illness ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - alcohol related illness ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Alcohol status
Clinical codelist - Alcohol status read codes
Clinical code list - Alcohol use codes
Clinical Code List - Alcohol Use - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Alcohol Use - Read Codes
Clinical code list - all Cancer read codes
Clinical code list - All Cancer types
Clinical code list - Alopecia areata - ICD-10 codes
Clinical Code List - Alopecia areata - Read codes
Clinical code list - Anaemia
Clinical codelist - Anaphylaxis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Angina
Clinical code list - Anorexia
Clinical codelist - Anxiety and depression ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Anxiety and depression read codes
Clinical codelist - Anxiety and depression Read codes
Clinical codelist - Anxiety codes
Clinical Codelist - Anxiety Symptoms and Diagnoses
Clinical codelist - any fracture - aurum
Clinical codelist - any fracture - gold
Clinical codelist - any fracture - HES
Clinical Codelist - Appendicectomy Codes
Clinical code list - Arrhythmia
Clinical Codelist - Arrhythmia ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Arrhythmia Read codes
Clinical codelist - Asthma
Clinical code list - asthma codes
Clinical codelist - Asthma codes
Clinical codelist - Asthma codes (exclusion criteria)
Clinical Codelist - Asthma Dagnostic - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Asthma diagnostic ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Asthma Diagnostic - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Codelist - Asthma diagnostic Read codes
Clinical Code List - Asthma - ICD-10
Clinical codelist - asthma ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - asthma ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - Asthma ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - asthma ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Asthma read codes
Clinical codelist - Asthma Read codes
Clinical Code List - Asthma - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic Eczema Diagnoses - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic eczema diagnostic ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic Eczema Diagnostic - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic eczema diagnostic Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic Eczema Diagnostic - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Atopic Eczema - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Atopic Eczema - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic Eczema Therapies - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic Eczema Therapy (Phototherapy) - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Atopic eczema therapy Read codes (phototherapy)
Clinical code list - Atrial Fibrillation
Clinical codelist - Atrial fibrillation - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Atrial Fibrillation ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Atrial Fibrillation read codes
Clinical Codelist - Aurum - Psychosis
Clinical codelist - Aurum - uveitis and retinal detachment
Clinical codelist- autoimmune disease ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - autoimmune disease ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Autoimmune disease (Read)
Clinical code list - Back pain
Clinical code list - Basal cell carcinoma
Clinical code list - Blood pressure recording
Clinical codelist - Body Mass Index - Aurum
Clinical codelist - Bone marrow suppression
Clinical code list - Breast Cancer
Clinical Codelist - Breast Cancer Diagnoses
Clinical codelist - Breathlessness (used to help detect COPD exacerbations)
Clinical code list - Cancer
Clinical codelist - Cancer
Clinical codelist - cancer - aurum
Clinical code list - Cancer codes
Clinical codelist - Cancer codes
Clinical Codelist - Cancer Diagnostic - ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Cancer Diagnostic - ICD-9 codes
Clinical Codelist - Cancer Diagnostic - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - cancer - gold
Clinical codelist - Cancer read codes
Clinical codelist - Cardiac arrhythmias except palpitations - CPRD Aurum
Clinical Codelist - Cardiac Failure
Clinical code list - Cardiomyopathy
Clinical code list - Cardiovascular disease
Clinical code list - Carer codes
Clinical codelist - Cellulitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Cerebrovascular disease
Clinical codelist - cerebrovascular disease ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - cerebrovascular disease ICD9 codes
Clinical code list - Charlson Comorbidity codes
Clinical Code List - Charlson Comorbidity - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Charlson Comorbidity - OPCS Codes
Clinical Code List - Charlson Comorbidity - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic cardiac disease
Clinical Codelist - Chronic Heart Failure - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic hypoxic conditions
Clinical codelist - chronic kidney disease
Clinical code list - Chronic kidney disease
Clinical codelist - Chronic kidney disease - aurum
Clinical code list - chronic kidney disease codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic kidney disease - gold
Clinical codelist - chronic kidney disease - HES
Clinical codelist - Chronic Kidney Disease ICD-10
Clinical codelist - Chronic Kidney Disease ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Kidney Disease (Read)
Clinical codelist - Chronic Kidney Disease read codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Kidney Disease Read codes
Clinical codelist - chronic liver disease
Clinical codelist - Chronic liver disease codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Liver Disease ICD-10
Clinical codelist - Chronic Liver Disease ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Liver Disease read codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Liver Disease Read codes
Clinical codelist - chronic neurological conditions other than dementia
Clinical codelist - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ICD-10
Clinical codelist - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease read codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Read codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic pulmonary disease codes
Clinical codelist - Chronic respiratory disease other than asthma
Clinical codelist - coeliac - aurum
Clinical codelist - coeliac - gold
Clinical codelist - coeliac - HES
Clinical Codelist - Cognitive Dysfunction (symptoms and diagnoses)
Clinical codelist - Cognitive impairment exclusion ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Cognitive impairment exclusion Read codes
Clinical codelist - Cognitive Impairment ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Cognitive impairment incident codes
Clinical codelist - Cognitive impairment read codes
Clinical code list - Colorectal cancer
Clinical codelist - Colorectal cancer (ICD-10)
Clinical codelist - Conditions likely to interfere with ability of person to take part in an RCT (exclusion criteria)
Clinical codelist - Congenital malformation codes
Clinical code list - Constipation
Clinical code list - COPD codes
Clinical codelist - COPD ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - COPD ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Cough (used to help detect COPD exacerbations)
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - acute respiratory infection and influenza/influenza-like-illness codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - Amnesia
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - aplastic anaemia
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - asthma
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - atrial fibrillation
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - bone marrow transplant
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - cardiovascular disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - chronic kidney disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - chronic liver disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - chronic neurological disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - chronic respiratory disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - COVID-19
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - dementia
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - diabetes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - erectile dysfunction
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - haematological cancers
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - HIV
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - hypertension
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - Immuosuppressive conditions
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - Influenza vaccine
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - learning and intellectual disability
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - major adverse cardiovascular event
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - Migraine
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - non-haematological cancers
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - permanent immune deficiency
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - Pneumococcal vaccine
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - rheumatoid arthritis
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - severe mental illness
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - solid organ transplant
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - spleen dysfunction
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - systemic lupus erythematosus
Clinical codelist - CPRD Aurum - unspecified immune deficiency
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - acute respiratory infection and influenza/influenza-like-illness codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - aplastic anaemia
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - asthma
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Asthma
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - autoimmune conditions
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - bone marrow or stem cell transplant
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - cardiovascular disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - chronic kidney disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - chronic kidney disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Chronic kidney disease read codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - chronic liver disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - chronic liver disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - chronic neurological disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - chronic respiratory disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Coronary heart disease read codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - dementia diagnoses and administrative codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - dementia diagnoses and subtypes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - depression
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - diabetes
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Diabetes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Diabetes read codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Diabetic retinopathy read codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - eye conditions acute and chronic
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - haematological malignancies
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - harmful alcohol use
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Heart failure read codes
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - herpes simplex
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - herpes zoster
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - HIV
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - hypertension
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Hypertension
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Hypertension
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Immuosuppressive conditions
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Influenza vaccine
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - ischaemic heart disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Ischemic stroke
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Mild cognitive impairment
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Neuropathy
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - other immunodeficiency conditions
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Peripheral vascular disease
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - permanent immunodeficiency conditions
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - Pneumococcal vaccine
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - Smoking
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - solid organ transplant
Clinical codelist - CPRD GOLD - spleen dysfunction
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - stroke
Clinical codelist - CPRD Gold - traumatic brain injury
Clinical code list - Creatine
Clinical Codelist - Creatinine - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - CVD ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - CVD outcome read codes
Clinical code list - Deep Vein Thrombosis
Clinical codelist - Delirium - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Dementia
Clinical codelist - Dementia
Clinical codelist - Dementia exclusion ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Dementia exclusion Read codes
Clinical codelist - Dementia ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Dementia read codes
Clinical code list - Dementia symptoms
Clinical code list - Depression
Clinical code list - Depression codes
Clinical codelist - Depression codes
Clinical Codelist - Depression codes
Clinical Codelist - Depression (symptoms and diagnoses)
Clinical codelist - Dermatitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Diabetes
Clinical codelist - Diabetes
Clinical code list - Diabetes care related codes
Clinical code list - Diabetes codes
Clinical codelist - Diabetes codes
Clinical codelist - Diabetes codes
Clinical code list - Diabetes diagnoses
Clinical Code List - Diabetes - ICD-10
Clinical codelist - Diabetes ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes ICD-10 codes
Clinical Code List - Diabetes - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes mellitus diagnostic ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes Mellitus Diagnostic - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes mellitus diagnostic Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes Mellitus Diagnostic - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Diabetes Mellitus read codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes Mellitus Read codes
Clinical codelist - Diabetes read codes
Clinical codelist - Diabetes Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Diabetes - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Diabetes - Read Codes
Clinical code list - Disturbances in smell and taste
Clinical code list - Diverticular disease
Clinical codelist - Dry cough codes
Clinical codelist - Dysphagia - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - eating disorders - aurum
Clinical codelist - eating disorders - gold
Clinical codelist - eating disorders - HES
Clinical codelist - Eczema codes
Clinical Code List - Eczema Diagnosis - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Eczema - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Eczema Therapy - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Read codes
Clinical codelist - epilepsy - aurum
Clinical codelist - epilepsy - gold
Clinical codelist - epilepsy - HES
Clinical codelist - Ethnicity codes
Clinical Code List - Exclusion Codes
Clinical code list - Fatigue
Clinical Codelist - Fatigue (symptoms and diagnoses)
Clinical Codelist - Fatigue Syndrome
Clinical Codelist - Female Sexual Dysfunction (symptoms and diagnoses)
Clinical code list - Fever
Clinical code list for: "Validation of asthma recording in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)"
Clinical Code List - Fractures - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Fractures - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Gait disturbance - CPRD Aurum
Clinical Codelist - Glioma Codes
Clinical codelist - GOLD - uveitis and retinal detachment
Clinical Codelist - Harmful Alchohol - Read Codes
Clinical Codelist - Harmful Alcohol Drinking - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Harmful Alcohol Use - Read Codes
Clinical code list - Hearing loss
Clinical codelist -Hearing loss - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Heart failure
Clinical codelist - Heart failure codes
Clinical codelist - Heart failure ICD-10
Clinical Codelist - Heart Failure ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Heart failure read codes
Clinical codelist - Heart failure Read codes
Clinical codelist - Heart Failure read codes
Clinical Codelist - Heart Failure Read codes
Clinical codelist - Heavy alcohol use ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Heavy Alcohol Use read codes
Clinical code list - Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation codes
Clinical codelist - herpes simplex virus ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - herpes simplex virus ICD9 codes
Clinical code list - Herpes zoster codes
Clinical codelist - herpes zoster ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - herpes zoster ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - HES - acute respiratory infection and influenza/influenza-like-illness codes
Clinical codelist - HES - cardiovascular disease and major adverse cardiovascular events
Clinical codelist - HES - chronic liver disease
Clinical codelist - HES - COVID-19
Clinical codelist - HES - haematological cancers
Clinical codelist - HES - major adverse cardiovascular event
Clinical codelist - HES - Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event
Clinical codelist - HES - non-haematological cancers
Clinical Codelist - Hidradenitis Suppurativa - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Hip fracture - CPRD Aurum
Clinical Code List - Hip Fracture - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Hip Fracture - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - hip fractures - Aurum
Clinical codelist - hip fractures - gold
Clinical Code List - Hip Fractures - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Hip Fractures - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - HIV and AIDS read codes
Clinical code list - HIV codes
Clinical codelist - Hyperlipidemia codes
Clinical code list - Hypertension
Clinical codelist - Hypertension
Clinical codelist - Hypertension
Clinical codelist - Hypertension codes
Clinical codelist - hypertension ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - Hypertension ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Hypertension ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - hypertension ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Hypertension read codes
Clinical codelist - Hypertension Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Hypertension read codes
Clinical Codelist - Hypertension Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Hypertension - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - ICD10
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Acute Kidney Injury
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Acute Kidney Injury
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Arrhythmia
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Cardiac Failure
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Cerebral Infarction
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Death
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Diabetes Mellitus
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - End-Stage Renal Disease
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Clinical codelist - ICD-10 GI bleeding
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 heart failure
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Hip Fracture
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Hyperkalaemia
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Hypertension
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Intracranial Bleeding
Clinical Code List - ICD-10 - Ischaemic Heart Disease
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Myocardial Infarction
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Pneumonia
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 UTI
Clinical Codelist - ICD-10 Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
Clinical codelist - ICD9
Clinical Codelist - Immunisation against Streptococcus pneumoniae
Clinical codelist - Immunisation codes for pneumococcal vaccination
Clinical Code List - Immunosuppression Codes
Clinical codelist - immunosuppression ICD10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Immunosuppression - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical codelist - immunosuppression ICD9 codes
Clinical Codelist - Immunosuppression - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Incident Dementia read codes
Clinical code list - Incompletely specified Cancer read codes
Clinical codelist - inflammatory bowel disease - Aurum
Clinical codelist - Inflammatory bowel disease codes
Clinical code list - Inflammatory Bowel Disease codes
Clinical codelist - inflammatory bowel disease - gold
Clinical codelist - inflammatory bowel disease - HES
Clinical codelist - Inflammatory Bowel Disease ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Inflammatory Bowel Disease ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Inflammatory Bowel Disease Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Inflammatory Bowel Disease read codes
Clinical codelist - Influenza vaccination codes
Clinical Codelist - Intellectual Disability Codes
Clinical codelist - Intracranial hypertension - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Clinical codelist - Ischaemic heart disease
Clinical Codelist - Ischaemic Heart Disease ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Ischaemic Heart Disease Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Ischemic Heart Disease - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - learning disabilities
Clinical code list - Leukaemia codes
Clinical codelist - liver disease - aurum
Clinical codelist - liver disease - gold
Clinical codelist - liver disease - HES
Clinical codelist - liver disease ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - liver disease ICD9 codes
Clinical Code List - Liver Injury Codes
Clinical codelist - Lower respiratory tract infections ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Lower respiratory tract infections Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Lower Respiratory Tract Infections read codes
Clinical codelist - LRTI (used to help detect COPD exacerbations)
Clinical codelist - lung/respiratory conditions other than COPD (exclusion criteria)
Clinical codelist - Lupus - Aurum
Clinical codelist - Lupus - Gold
Clinical codelist - Lupus - HES
Clinical code list - Lymphoma codes
Clinical codelist - Major colorectal surgery (OPCS)
Clinical code list - Malaise
Clinical code list - Melanoma codes
Clinical Code List - Melanoma - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Melanoma - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Moderate Immunosuppression ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Moderate Immunosuppression OPCS Codes
Clinical Code List - Moderate Immunosuppression Read Codes
Clinical codelist - mood disorders ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - mood disorders ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Multiple Sclerosis ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Multiple Sclerosis ICD-10 Codes
Clinical codelist - Multiple Sclerosis Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Multiple Sclerosis read codes
Clinical code list - Myeloma codes
Clinical code list - Myocardial Infarction
Clinical codelist - Myocardial infarction codes
Clinical codelist - Myocardial Infarction ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Myocardial Infarction read codes
Clinical code list - Non-melanoma skin cancer
Clinical Code List - Non-specific Asthma Codes
Clinical code list - Obesity
Clinical codelist - Obstructive sleep opnoea ICD-10
Clinical Codelist - Obstructive Sleep Opnoea ICD-10 Codes
Clinical codelist - Obstructive sleep opnoea Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Obstructive Sleep Opnoea read codes
Clinical codelist - Oedema - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - OPCS Charlson Comorbidity codes
Clinical Codelist - OPCS codes for phototherapy
Clinical Codelist - OPCS Codes - Procedures Associated with Immunosuppression
Clinical Code List - OPCS - End stage renal disease
Clinical Codelist - Osgood–Schlatter disease codes
Clinical codelist - Osteoporosis - Aurum
Clinical codelist - Osteoporosis - Gold
Clinical codelist - other cardiovascular disease ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - other cardiovascular disease ICD9 codes
Clinical code list - Other immunosuppressive diseases codes
Clinical codelist- Oxygen therapy (exclusion criteria)
Clinical Codelist - Pain (broad definition)
Clinical codelist - Palpitations - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Pancreatitis
Clinical codelist - Pancreatitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Pancytopenia - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Parkinson's disease ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - Parkinson's disease ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - pelvic fracture - Gold
Clinical codelist - pelvic fractures - aurum
Clinical Code List - Pelvic Fractures - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Pelvis Fractures - Read Codes
Clinical code list - Pericarditis
Clinical Codelist - Peripheral Artery Disease - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Peripheral neuropathy - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Peripheral Vascular Disease
Clinical codelist - Petechiae - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Phlebitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical Code List - PHN - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Phototherapy for Atopic Eczema - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Phototherapy - OPCS
Clinical Codelist - Phototherapy - OPCS Codes
Clinical codelist - Pneumonia - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Pneumonia detection
Clinical Codelist - Product codes for pneumococcal vaccination.
Clinical codelist - Proteinuria diagnosis codes
Clinical codelist - proximal humeral fractures - aurum
Clinical codelist - proximal humerus fracture - Gold
Clinical Code List - Proximal Humerus Fractures - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Proximal Humerus Fractures - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Proximal Humerus Fractures Sensitivity Analysis - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Proximal Humerus Fractures Sensitivity Analysis - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Psoriasis
Clinical codelist - Psoriasis ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Psoriasis ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Psoriasis Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Psoriasis read codes
Clinical Codelist - Psoriasis - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Psoriasis - Read Codes
Clinical code list - Pulmonary Embolism
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Arrhythmia
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Cardiac Failure
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Death
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Diabetes Mellitus
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - End-Stage Renal Disease
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Anxiety
Clinical code list - Read codes for any alcohol related code
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Asthma
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Atrial Fibrillation
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Cancer
Clinical codelist - Read codes for chronic liver disease
Clinical codelist - Read codes for congestive heart failure
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for COPD
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Coronary Heart Disease
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Dementia
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Depression
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Diabetes
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Diabetes Mellitus
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Epilepsy
Clinical codelist - Read codes for GI bleeding
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Heart Failure
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Hypertension
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Hypothyroidism
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Osteoporosis
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Peripheral Arterial Disease
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for pneumococcal vaccination
Clinical Codelist - Read Codes for Renal replacement therapy (RRT)
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clinical codelist - Read codes for RRT
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for severe mental illness
Clinical Codelist - Read codes for stroke and transient ischaemic attack
Clinical Code list - Read codes for substance abuse
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Hyperkalaemia
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Hypertension
Clinical code list - Read codes indicating AUDIT or FAST screening
Clinical Codelist - Read codes indicating harmful alcohol drinking
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Ischaemic heart disease
Clinical code List - Read Codes - Prostatic Hypertrophy
Clinical code list - Read codes relating to alcohol drinking status or level of use
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Renal Structural Anomalies
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Urinary Calculi
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Urinary Tract Infection
Clinical Code List - Read Codes - Urological Malignancies
Clinical codelist - renal disease ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - renal disease ICD9 codes
Clinical Codelist - Renal Replacement Therapy and Dialysis - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Renal replacement therapy codes
Clinical code list - Revascularisation
Clinical codelist - Rhematoid Arthritis ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Rhematoid Arthritis ICD-10 Codes
Clinical codelist - Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clinical codelist - rheumatoid arthritis - aurum
Clinical codelist - Rheumatoid arthritis codes
Clinical code list - Rheumatoid Arthritis codes
Clinical codelist - rheumatoid arthritis - gold
Clinical codelist - rheumatoid arthritis - HES
Clinical codelist - Rheumatoid Arthritis read codes
Clinical codelist - Rheumatoid Arthritis Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Rosacea - Read Codes
Clinical code lists – Asthma, Eczema and Hay fever
Clinical Codelist - Selected Anxiety Disorders
Clinical Codelist - Selected Depressive Disorders
Clinical Codelist - Selected Sexual Disorders
Clinical Codelist - Self-harm
Clinical codelist - Sepsis ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Sepsis ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Sepsis Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Sepsis read codes
Clinical codelist - serum creatinine - gold
Clinical Codelist - Serum Creatinine Measure Read codes
Clinical Code List - Severe Immunesuppression CPRD - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Severe Immunesuppression CPRD - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Severe mental illness ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Severe mental illness Read codes
Clinical codelists for: "A comparison of the prevalence of electronic health record diagnoses of herpes zoster and simplex with self-reported prevalence from national population surveys and cohorts in England"
Clinical codelists for: "Association of Relative Age in the School Year With Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Depression"
Clinical codelists for: "Atopic eczema in adulthood and mortality: UK population-based cohort study, 1998–2016"
Clinical code lists for: "Benefits and limitations of using individual and different combinations of linked English routine data sources in cancer epidemiology studies"
Clinical code lists for: "Metformin use and risk of cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes: A cohort study of primary care records using inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models"
Clinical code lists for: "Partner bereavement and risk of chronic urticaria, alopecia areata and vitiligo: cohort studies in the United Kingdom and Denmark"
Clinical codelists for: "Severe and predominantly active atopic eczema in adulthood and long term risk of cardiovascular disease: population based cohort study"
Clinical code lists for: "The effects of antenatal care, ethnicity and social deprivation on the risk of stillbirth in the UK: A cohort study using routinely collected data"
Clinical code lists for: "The relationship between partner bereavement and the first diagnosis of dementia"
Clinical codelists - Immunosuppression
Clinical codelist - Skin and soft tissue infection ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Skin and soft tissue infections ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Skin and soft tissue infections read codes
Clinical codelist - Skin and soft tissue infections Read codes
Clinical code list - SLE codes
Clinical Codelist - Sleep Disorder (symptoms and diagnoses)
Clinical code list - Smoking
Clinical codelist - Smoking - Aurum
Clinical code list - smoking codes
Clinical code list - Smoking codes
Clinical codelist - Smoking codes
Clinical codelist - Smoking - gold
Clinical Codelist - Smoking Read codes
Clinical Codelist - Smoking - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Smoking - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Smoking Read Codes
Clinical Code list - Smoking SNOMED Codes
Clinical codelist - Smoking status
Clinical codelist - Smoking status read codes
Clinical code list - Smoking use
Clinical Code List - Smoking Use - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Smoking Use - Read Codes
Clinical code list - Solar keratosis codes
Clinical Code List - Specific Asthma Codes
Clinical codelist - spinal fractures - aurum
Clinical codelist - spine fracture - gold
Clinical Code List - Spine Fractures - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Spine Fractures - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Sputum (used to help detect COPD exacerbations)
Clinical code list - Squamous cell carcinoma
Clinical code list - Statins
Clinical code list - Stroke
Clinical codelist - Stroke ICD-10 codes
Clinical Codelist - Stroke ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Stroke read codes
Clinical codelist - Stroke Read codes
Clinical code list - Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Clinical codelist - Systematic lupus erythematosus codes
Clinical code list - Talking therapies
Clinical code list - Tamoxifen
Clinical codelist - Tendinitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Tendon rupture - CPRD Aurum
Clinical Code List - Terminal Disease - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Terminal Disease - Read Codes
Clinical code list - Terminal illness
Clinical codelist - Thrombocythemia - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Tinnitus - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - traumatic brain injury ICD10 codes
Clinical codelist - Traumatic brain injury ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - traumatic brain injury ICD9 codes
Clinical codelist - Traumatic brain injury read codes
Clinical codelist - Traumatic brain injury Read codes
Clinical codelist - Upper Gastro-Intestinal bleeding - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Urinary tract infections ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Urinary Tract Infections ICD-10 codes
Clinical codelist - Urinary tract infections read codes
Clinical codelist - Urinary tract infections Read codes
Clinical code list - Urticaria - ICD-10 codes
Clinical code list - Urticaria - Read codes
Clinical codelist - Uveitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Valvular heart disease
Clinical Code List - Varicella - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Varicella - Read Codes
Clinical codelist - Vasculitis - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Venous thromboembolism
Clinical codelist - Vertigo - CPRD Aurum
Clinical codelist - Vision loss - CPRD Aurum
Clinical code list - Vitiligo - ICD-10 codes
Clinical code list - Vitiligo - Read codes
Clinical code list - Weakness
Clinical code list - Weight loss
Clinical codelist - wrist fracture - gold
Clinical codelist - wrist fractures - Aurum
Clinical Code List - Wrist Fractures - ICD-10
Clinical Code List - Wrist Fractures - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster and PHN Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster and PHN Diagnosis Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster and PHN ICD-10 Codes
Clinical codelist - Zoster codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Comorbidity Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Complication ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Complication OPCS Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Complication Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Complication SNOMED Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster - ICD-10 Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster - Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Vaccination Read Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Vaccination SNOMED Codes
Clinical Code List - Zoster Vaccine - Read Codes
Clinical covariate codelist - Aurum
Clinical covariate codelist - GOLD
Clinical, epidemiological, and spatial features of human rabies cases in Metro Manila, the Philippines from 2006 to 2015. Study data
Clinical risk groups for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine
Clinic attendance by sex and HIV status in rural South Africa
Clinic attendance by sex and HIV status in rural South Africa - Data and Code
Clinic Attendance Data for: "Factors Affecting Access to Healthcare: An Observational Study of Children under 5 Years of Age Presenting to a Rural Gambian Primary Healthcare Centre"
Closing the immunisation gap in Ethiopia: a formative evaluation of 'The Fifth Child Project'
CMATCH: Stata module to tabulate matched pairs in 1:1 case control study by exposure status
cmmid/covidm_reports: HEA Snapshot
cmmid/SA2UK: CEA submission
Code: Evaluation of age-specific causes of death in the context of the Italian longevity transition
Code for analysis of mosquito microbiota data
Code for simulating release of Wolbachia mosquitoes in Indonesia and assessing their cost effectiveness in different places over time
Code for: "Socioeconomic inequalities in the quality of primary care under Brazil’s national pay-for-performance programme: a longitudinal study of family health teams"
Code for "The relative fitness of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a modelling study of household transmission in Lima, Peru"
Codelist for: "Comparisons of Staphylococcus aureus infection and other outcomes between users of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers: lessons for COVID-19 from a nationwide cohort study"
Codelists for: "Acute cardiovascular events after SARS-CoV-2 infection in England in 2020: a self-controlled case series study"
Code lists for: "Acute kidney injury and infections in patients taking antihypertensive drugs: a self-controlled case series analysis"
Codelists for: "Adverse outcomes after partner bereavement in people with reduced kidney function: parallel cohort studies in England and Denmark"
Code lists for "Adverse outcomes following trimethoprim for urinary tract infection in patients over 65: a cohort study"
Code lists for "Alcohol use recording in people with depression in English primary care"
Codelists for: "Anticoagulant prescribing in atrial fibrillation and incident dementia: a UK population-based cohort study"
Codelists for: "Are common infections associated with cognitive decline and neuroimaging outcomes? A historical cohort study using data from the UK Biobank study linked to primary and secondary care electronic health records"
Codelists for: "Association between fluoroquinolones and hospitalization with aortic aneurysm or aortic dissection"
Code lists for "Association between mortality and warfarin comparing with direct oral anticoagulants: a population-based cohort study"
Code lists for "Association between risk of cancer and warfarin comparing with direct oral anticoagulants: a population-based cohort study"
Code lists for "Atopic eczema and cancer in England and Denmark: Two population-based matched cohort studies"
Code lists for "Atopic eczema and fracture risk in adults: a population-based cohort study"
Codelists for: "Atopic eczema and obesity: a population based study"
Code lists for: "Atopic Eczema in Adulthood and Risk of Depression and Anxiety: A Population-Based Cohort Study"
Codelists for: "Can observational data be used to determine drug effectiveness?"
Codelists for "Chronic kidney disease and cause-specific hospitalisation: a matched cohort study using primary and secondary care patient data"
Codelists for: "Common infections and incident dementia: a historical cohort study using UK primary and secondary care data"
Codelists for: "Comparative effectiveness of alternative second-line oral antidiabetic treatments on metabolic, kidney, and cardiovascular outcomes amongst people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cohort study using routinely collected health data"
Code lists for "Completeness and validity of alcohol recording in general practice within the UK: a cross-sectional study"
Codelists for: "Covid-19 during pregnancy and risk of miscarriage or stillbirth: A matched cohort study using English electronic health data"
Codelists for: "Effect of cardiovascular risk profile on severe outcomes of COVID-19 in England in 2020: a population-based cohort study"
Code lists for: "Estimating the incidence of acute complications of herpes zoster among immunocompetent adults in England"
Codelists for: "Ethnic differences in the incidence of clinically diagnosed influenza: an England population-based cohort study 2008-2018"
Codelists for: "Factors associated with excess mortality in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cohort analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Databank"
Code lists for: "Gastrointestinal bleeding risk of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors by level of kidney function: A population-based cohort study"
Codelists for "Herpes zoster and dementia risk: a population-based matched cohort study".
Codelists for: “Identifying and quantifying confounding from health-seeking behaviour and healthcare access in observational research using UK electronic healthcare records”
Codelists for: "Identifying major congenital malformations in anonymised UK electronic health records: the value of primary care, hospital admissions and mortality data"
Code lists for "Inadvertent administration of live zoster vaccine to immunosuppressed individuals; vaccine-related disease is a rare occurrence"
Code lists for: "Incidence of Lyme disease in the United Kingdom and association with fatigue: a population-based, historical cohort study"
Code lists for "Inflammatory skin diseases and the risk of chronic kidney disease: population based cross-sectional and cohort analyses"
Code lists for: Intensification of treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus after metformin monotherapy in UK primary care
Codelists for: "Is herpes zoster associated with increased risk of Parkinson's disease diagnosis"
Codelists for: "Long-term oral antibiotic use in people with acne vulgaris in UK primary care: a drug utilisation study"
Code lists for "Partner bereavement and risk of psoriasis and atopic eczema: cohort studies in the United Kingdom and Denmark"
Codelists for "Performance of the Self-controlled case series with active comparators for drug safety signal detection using Merative MarketScan Research databases."
Codelists for "Performance of the Self-controlled case series with active comparators for drug safety signal detection using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)."
Codelists for "Performance of the Self-controlled case series with active comparators for drug safety signal detection using the French administrative healthcare database (SNDS)."
Codelists for: "Potential drug interactions with direct oral anticoagulants"
Code lists for: "Quantification of the risk of liver injury associated with flucloxacillin: a UK population-based cohort study"
Code lists for: "Real-world effects of ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers: protocol for an emulation study of the ONTARGET trial using electronic health records"
Codelists for: "Real world effects of medications COPD: a UK population-based non-interventional cohort study of LABA-ICS treatment effects with validation against randomised trial results"
Code lists for: "Risk of adverse mental health outcomes in women with history of breast cancer: a matched population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom (1988-2018)"
Codelists for: "Risk of fractures in half a million survivors of 20 cancers: a population-based matched cohort study using linked UK electronic health records"
Code lists for "Risk of herpes zoster following exposure to a varicella case: a self-controlled case series study using UK electronic healthcare data exploring the exogenous boosting hypothesis"
Codelists for: "Seasonal influenza vaccination during pregnancy and the risk of major congenital malformations in live-born infants: A 2010-2016 historical cohort study"
Code lists for: "Social determinants of pertussis and influenza vaccine uptake in pregnancy: a national cohort study using electronic health records"
Code lists for: "Stopping renin-angiotensin system blockers after AKI and risk of adverse outcomes: parallel population-based cohort studies in UK and Swedish routine care"
Code lists for "The association between partner bereavement and diagnosis and prognosis of melanoma: cohort studies in the United Kingdom and Denmark"
Codelists for: "The effect of influenza vaccine on acute cardiovascular events in people with varying cardiovascular risk: a self-controlled case-series study in England, 2008-2019"
Codelists for: "The effect of initiation of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on haemoglobin: a national cohort study"
Codelists for: "The risk of acute kidney injury in colorectal cancer survivors: An English population-based matched cohort study"
Codelists for: "Underlying cardiovascular risk and major adverse cardiovascular events after acute respiratory infection: a population-based cohort study of over 4.2 million individuals in England, 2008-2018"
Codelists for: "Understanding thresholds of blood pressure and predicted cardiovascular disease risk in guiding blood pressure treatment: a cohort study in English primary care"
Code lists used in "Medium and long-term risks of specific cardiovascular diseases among 108,215 survivors of 20 adult cancers: population-based cohort study using multiple linked UK electronic health records databases"
Code to replicate "Quantifying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic through life expectancy losses"
Collaborative Virtual Screening Identifies a 2‑Aryl-4-aminoquinazoline Series with Efficacy in an In Vivo Model of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection
Collated Results of the National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Tests, Hospital Admissions and Deaths
Collection tools for: "Assessing the capacity of primary health care facilities in Nigeria to deliver eye health promotion: Results of a mixed-methods feasibility study"
Collection tools for: "Community readiness for adolescents’ overweight and obesity prevention is low in urban South Africa: a case study"
Colonization factors among enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from children with moderate-to-severe diarrhea and from matched controls in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS)
Combined HIV Adolescent Prevention Study (CHAPS)
Combined HIV Adolescent Prevention Study (CHAPS): qualitative survey data
Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition (ComPAS) Stage 1 dataset
Combined Protocol for Acute Malnutrition Study (ComPAS) dataset
Combining insecticide treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying for malaria vector control in Africa
CoMix - Age structured contact matrices for 9 key periods of the COVID-19 epidemic in England
CoMix data (last round in BE, CH, NL and UK)
CoMix social contact data (Austria)
CoMix social contact data (Belgium)
CoMix social contact data (Croatia)
CoMix social contact data (Denmark)
CoMix social contact data (Estonia)
CoMix social contact data (Finland)
CoMix social contact data (France)
CoMix social contact data (Greece)
CoMix social contact data (Hungary)
CoMix social contact data (Italy)
CoMix social contact data (Lithuania)
CoMix social contact data (Poland)
CoMix social contact data (Portugal)
CoMix social contact data (Slovakia)
CoMix social contact data (Slovenia)
CoMix social contact data (Spain)
CoMix social contact data (Switzerland)
CoMix social contact data (UK)
Common Genetic Variations Associated with the Persistence of Immunity following Childhood Immunization
Community-based distribution of oral HIV self-testing kits: experimental evidence from Zambia
Community based interventions to improve HIV outcomes in youth: a cluster randomised trial in Zimbabwe (CHIEDZA)
Community-based prevalence of Rheumatic Heart Disease in rural Ethiopia: five-year follow-up.
Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Contextual
Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Health Centre Survey Data
Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Health Post and Health Extension Work Survey Data
Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Household Survey Data
Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017 - Woman's Development Army Survey Data
Community engagement in the prevention and control of COVID-19: Insights from Vietnam. Qualitative transcripts.
Community health promotion and medical provision for neonatal health—CHAMPION cluster randomised trial in Nagarkurnool district, Telangana (formerly Andhra Pradesh), India
Community Survey of Lymphatic Filariasis Mass Drug Administration Acceptability in Guyana, August 2019
Co-morbidities (malnutrition, diabetes, anaemia, HIV, hypertension) and quality of life in persons with tuberculosis in the Philippines
Comparable exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in young children and healthcare workers in Zambia
Comparative fitness analysis of D-cycloserine resistant mutants reveals both fitness-neutral and high-fitness cost genotypes
Comparative genomic analyses of Trypanosoma cruzi experimental hybrids
Comparing antimicrobial resistance prediction pipelines from bacterial whole genome sequencing data: An inter-laboratory study
Comparing estimates of household expenditures between pictorial diaries and surveys in three low- and middle-income countries. Example pictorial diary tool used in Tanzania.
Comparing estimates of household expenditures between pictorial diaries and surveys in three low- and middle-income countries: PURE health expenditure questionnaire
Comparison of COVID-19 vaccine prioritization strategies in the United States
Comparison of diagnostics for the detection of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections to inform control and elimination strategies
Comparison of different approaches for estimating age-specific alcohol-attributable mortality: The cases of France and Finland
Comparison of knowledge of HIV status and treatment coverage between non-citizens and citizens: Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP)
Comparison of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis BCG in diluted whole blood cultures
Comparison of small-sample standard-error corrections for generalised estimating equations in stepped wedge cluster randomised trials with a binary outcome: A simulation study
Comparison of survival analysis approaches to modelling age at first sex among youth in Kisesa Tanzania. S1 Questionnaire
Compendium of Clinical and Health Indicators
Complete series method (CSM): a convenient method to reduce daily heterogeneity when evaluating the regeneration time (RT) of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs)
Computationally-guided drug repurposing enables the discovery of kinase targets and inhibitors as new schistosomicidal agents
Computer Aided Screening for Tuberculosis in Low Resource Environments (CASTLE) trial data
Computer code of the coinfection model
Concordance of genotype specific HPV infections across the four anatomic sites
Condomless Vaginal Intercourse and Its Associates among Men Who Have Sex with Men in China
Confusion matrices for the simulated-read tests
Conjunctival miRNA expression data in scarring and inflammatory trachoma
Conjunctival transcriptome profiling of Solomon Islanders with active trachoma but without ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection
Consistent signatures of selection from genomic analysis of pairs of temporal and spatial Plasmodium falciparum populations from The Gambia
Consolidated results of dogs in the 2018 and 2019 studies
Contacts in context: large-scale setting-specific social mixing matrices from the BBC Pandemic project
Contact survey during COVID-19
Contested development?: intimate partner violence and women's employment in urban and rural Tanzania
Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Cases
Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Deaths
Contrasting impact of rural, versus urban, living on glucose metabolism and blood pressure in Uganda
Convergence of virulence and MDR in a single plasmid vector in MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae ST15
convertCMC: Convert century month codes to Stata dates
Correlation among experience of person-centered maternity care, provision of care and women’s satisfaction: Cross sectional study in Colombo, Sri Lanka. S1 File
Correlation coefficient results for all protein pairs
Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Drug Resistance Testing to Inform Switching to Second Line Antiretroviral Therapy in Low Income Settings: Supporting material
Cost-effectiveness of new MDR-TB Regimens: TB-Practecal economic evaluation sub-study
Cost-effectiveness of reflex laboratory-based cryptococcal antigen screening for the prevention and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in Botswana
Cost-Effectiveness of Take-Home Naloxone for the Prevention of Overdose Fatalities among Heroin Users in the United Kingdom: Supplemental Materials
Cost-effectiveness of Ward Closure to Control Outbreaks of Norovirus Infection in UK National Health Service Hospitals: Epidemic simulation model
Costs incurred by people receiving TB treatment in low- and middle-income countries: a meta-regression analysis
Côte d’Ivoire data
Countdown ODA+ Dataset
Country Level COVID-19 Vaccination Prioritisation Decision Support Tool for WHO EUR
Covariate Code List - ACE inhibitors
Covariate Code List - Alcohol status
Covariate Code List - ARBs
Covariate Code List - Beta blockers
Covariate Code List - Chronic liver disease
Covariate Code List - Coeliac disease
Covariate Code List - COPD
Covariate Code List - Diabetes
Covariate Code List - Diabetes drugs
Covariate Code List - Hormone Replacement Therapy
Covariate Code List - Hysterectomy
Covariate Code List - Immunosuppressive disease
Covariate Code List - Immunosuppressive drugs
Covariate Code List - Lupus
Covariate Code List - Migraine
Covariate Code List - NSAIDs
Covariate Code List - Obstructive sleep apnoea
Covariate Code List - Rheumatoid arthritis
Covariate Code List - Sclerosis
Covariate Code List - Serum creatinine
Covariate Code List - Severe mental illness
Covariate Code List - Smoking status
Covariate Code List - Statins
Coverage and Content of Health Contacts for Mothers and Newborns in Uttar Pradesh, Ethiopia and Nigeria, 2012
covid19-forecast-hub-europe/euro-hub-ensemble: Zenodo release
COVID-19 length of hospital stay
COVID-19 risk group - Neurological disease codelist
COVID19 settings of transmission - collected reports database
COVID-19 vaccination and leprosy–A UK hospital-based retrospective cohort study. Database
COVID-19 vaccination beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours among health and social care workers in the UK: Survey dataset
COVID-19 vaccine development pipeline
COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions on Reddit
Covid 2019 tracker
covidregionaldata: Subnational data for COVID-19 epidemiology
COVID-SCORE: A global survey to assess public perceptions of government responses to COVID-19 (COVID-SCORE-10)
CPRD medcodes for liver disease
CRASH-2 - Clinical Randomisation of an Antifibrinolytic in Significant Haemorrhage
CRASH - Corticosteroid Randomisation after Significant Head Injury
Crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever virus detected in Rhipicephalus ticks feeding on cattle in an abattoir, Uganda
Cross sectional survey data for self-reported ever and recent (last 12 months) STI testing
Cross-sectional survey of health worker motivation in Ethiopia – Collection tools for qualitative and quantitative research
Cross-transmission is not the source of new Mycobacterium abscessus infections in a multi-centre cohort of cystic fibrosis patients
Crude and adjusted odds ratios of home versus PHC birth (left) and hospital versus PHC birth (right) in each year of DHS survey, in rural women with a recent live birth
CSFLAM_data set revised
CSV-format data for: Increased mortality in community-tested cases of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7
C-type lectin 4 regulates broad-spectrum melanization-based refractoriness to malaria parasites. The underlying data for all graphs.
CVAUROC: Stata module to compute Cross-validated Area Under the Curve for ROC Analysis after Predictive Modelling for Binary Outcomes
Cycle training for children: Which schools offer it and who takes part?
Cyclic AMP signalling controls key components of malaria parasite host cell invasion machinery
CYP2D6 polymorphisms and the safety and gametocytocidal activity of single dose primaquine for P. falciparum
Cytochrome B sequences used for phylogenetic network analysis