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ICD-10 Code List - Acute Kidney Injury
ICD-10 Code List - Arrhythmia
ICD-10 Code List - Cardiac Failure
ICD-10 Code List - Diabetes Mellitus
ICD-10 Code List - ESRD
ICD-10 Code List - Hypertension
ICD-10 Code List - Ischaemic Heart Disease
ICD-10 code list - Terminal illness
ICD-10 codes - Charlson Comorbidity
ICD-10 codes - Dementia
ICD-10 codes - Diabetes
ICD-10 codes for acute cardiovascular events
ICD codelist for aortic aneurysm or aortic dissection
ICD codelist for uveitis and retinal detachment
IDEAS Community Base Newborn Care Evaluation, Ethiopia 2013-2017
IDEAS - Informed Decisions for Actions in Maternal and Newborn Health: Phase 1
IDEAS - Informed Decisions for Actions in maternal and newborn health: Phase 2
IDEAS Phase 2 project – Village Health Worker Scheme sustainability study in Gombe State, Nigeria: Protocol and topic guides
IDEAS project - Community based newborn care evaluation: first round qualitative study field notes
IDEAS project - Community based newborn care evaluation, midline qualitative study
IDEAS project - Data Informed Platform for Health feasibility study in Uttar Pradesh
IDEAS project - Feasibility study for a Data Informed Platform for Health in Ethiopia
IDEAS project - Interview guide and survey design documents for grantee dissemination activity
IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in Uttar Pradesh
IDEAS project - Private sector health data sharing study in West Bengal
IDEAS project - Professional advice network study in Ethiopia
IDEAS project - Qualitative data for the Data Informed Platform for Health formative study in West Bengal
IDEAS project - Scaling-up innovations to improve maternal and newborn health - Ethiopia case study resources
IDEAS project - Scaling-up innovations to improve maternal and newborn health - Nigeria case study resources
IDEAS project - Scaling-up innovations to improve maternal and newborn health - Uttar Pradesh case study resources
IDEAS project - Study of behaviour change in maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia
IDEAS project - Study of behaviour change in maternal and newborn care in Northeast Nigeria
IDEAS project - Study of the scale-up of innovations to improve maternal and newborn health
Identification and characterisation of bacterial TIR domains, with particular focus on yersinia pestis: Study Data
Identification and validation of a novel panel of Plasmodium knowlesi biomarkers of serological exposure
Identification of Reduced Host Transcriptomic Signatures for Tuberculosis Disease and Digital PCR-Based Validation and Quantification
Identification of regulatory variants associated with genetic susceptibility to meningococcal disease
Identification of Trypanosoma brucei apolipoprotein-L1 sensitivity determinants by RNAi library selection
Identification of Trypanosoma brucei human serum sensitivity determinants by RNAi library selection
Identifying underweight in infants and children: the novel “MAMI” slide chart (evaluating performance against traditional diagnostic methods, lookup tables and growth charts)
idmodelr: Infectious Disease Model Library and Utilities
iDSI HTA survey SSA Data sharing
iGugu Main Study Data PLOS Medicine
Ileal amino acid digestibility and DIAAS values of world foods
Illicit opioid use
Images of selected cells of the TbGOS02 recombinant Trypanosoma brucei brucei cell line
Immunisation codelist - Influenza vaccination codes
Immunisation risk group - Cardiac disease
Immunisation risk group - chronic kidney disease
Immunisation risk group - chronic respiratory disease without asthma
Immunisation risk group - Diabetes
Immunisation risk group - liver disease
Immunization supply chain equity metrics for Pakistan
IMPACT2 patient adherence to Artemether-Lumefantrine: Smart blister pack time stamp data
Impact evaluation of Zika epidemic on congenital anomalies registration in Brazil: An interrupted time series analysis
IMPACT HTA, WP7 (Methodological tools using multi-criteria value methods for HTA decision-making), Task 2 (Multi-criteria evaluation framework), Results of the 1st Web-Delphi process to HTA stakeholders, organized into 6 separate parallel panels
IMPACT HTA, WP7 (Methodological tools using multi-criteria value methods for HTA decision-making), Task 2 (Multi-criteria evaluation framework), Results of the 2nd Web-Delphi process to HTA stakeholders, organized in a single panel
Impact of a multi-level intervention, Sundara Grama, on latrine use and safe disposal of child faeces in rural Odisha, India
Impact of baseline cases of cough and fever on UK COVID-19 diagnostic testing rates: estimates from the Bug Watch community cohort study - Supplementary material, code and data
Impact of commercial gut health interventions on caecal metagenome and broiler performance
Impact of Community Mass Treatment with Azithromycin for Trachoma Elimination on the Prevalence of Yaws. Supplementary data file.
Impact of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy on Tuberculosis incidence among people living with HIV: A secondary data analysis using Inverse Probability Weighting of individuals attending HIV care and treatment clinics in Tanzania. S1 Dataset
Impact of malaria control and enhanced literacy instruction on educational outcomes among Kenyan school children: a multi-sectoral, prospective, randomised evaluation
Impact of the Disability Allowance in the Maldives - Baseline Dataset
Impact of the DREAMS interventions on educational attainment among adolescent girls and young women: Causal analysis of a prospective cohort in urban Kenya. Analytical datasets
Impact of vaccinations, boosters and lockdowns on COVID-19 waves in French Polynesia
Impact of vaccine passports on inclination to accept COVID-19 vaccinations in the UK
Impacts of IRC’s Fifth Child community engagement strategy to increase immunisation in northern Uganda
Impaired resolution of blood transcriptomes through tuberculosis treatment with diabetes comorbidity
IMPLEMENT-CVD Phase 1: Health system factors affecting implementation of fixed-dose combination therapy for hypertension in Kenya
Improving access to health care amongst vulnerable populations: a qualitative study of village malaria workers in Kampot, Cambodia
Improving health worker performance through text messaging: A mixed-methods evaluation of a pilot intervention designed to increase coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in West Nile, Uganda
Improving modelling for epidemic responses: reflections
Improving newborn survival in Southern Tanzania endline impact survey 2013: Mtwara and Lindi regions
Incidence of maternal peripartum infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Incidence of tuberculosis infection among adolescents in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 2017-2018
Incident dementia risk among patients with type 2 diabetes receiving metformin versus alternative oral glucose-lowering therapy: an observational cohort study using UK primary healthcare records
Increased bacterial taxonomic and functional diversity is associated with impaired rotavirus vaccine immunogenicity in infants from India and Malawi
Increased mortality in community-tested cases of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7
In-depth proteomic characterization of Schistosoma haematobium: Towards the development of new tools for elimination
Indoor residual spraying with a mixture of clothianidin (a neonicotinoid insecticide) and deltamethrin provides improved control and long residual activity against pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae sl in Southern Benin
Infecting Minds? The past, present and future of vaccine hesitancy in South Africa
Infection prevention and control for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa in the era of decentralised care:a whole systems approach
Infection prevention and control for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa in the era of decentralised care: A whole systems approach. Research Question 1 - describe IPC policy and systems context
Infection Surveillance by Telephone, Early Postpartum (I-STEP)
Infectious disease and disgust sensitivity in Bangladesh
Inferring COVID-19 cases from deaths of confirmed cases
Inferring COVID-19 cases from recent death
Influence of LAR and VAR on Para-Aminopyridine Antimalarials Targetting Haematin in Chloroquine-Resistance
Influence of malaria transmission intensity and the 581G mutation on the efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis
Influence of the intestinal microbiota on the immunogenicity of oral rotavirus vaccine given to infants in south India
Influenza clinical risk groups 2017 version - Asthma
Influenza clinical risk groups 2017 version - Chronic cardiac conditions
Influenza clinical risk groups 2017 version - Chronic renal disease diagnoses
Influenza clinical risk groups 2017 version - Chronic respiratory disease (not asthma)
Influenza clinical risk groups 2017 version - Diabetes
Influenza risk groups 2017 version - Chronic liver disease
Informal genomic surveillance of regional distribution of Salmonella Typhi genotypes and antimicrobial resistance via returning travellers
Informing new or improved vector control tools for reducing the malaria burden in Tanzania: a qualitative exploration of perceptions of mosquitoes and methods for their control among the residents of Dar es Salaam
INHALE spirometry of older children and adolescents living with HIV and on ART in Zimbabwe
Initial Accuracy of HIV Rapid Test Kits Stored in Suboptimal Conditions and Validity of Delayed Reading of Oral Fluid Tests
Innovation in Evaluating the Impact of Integrated Service-Delivery: The Integra Indexes of HIV and Reproductive Health Integration
inSCALE Baseline Cross-Sectional Survey Uganda
inSCALE data collection forms
inSCALE Uganda Impact Evaluation Dataset
Insights into malaria susceptibility using genome-wide data on 17,000 individuals from Africa, Asia and Oceania
In Silico Spoligotyping
INTCENS: Stata module to perform interval-censored survival analysis
Integrated view of Vibrio cholerae in the Americas
Integration of LF morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP) into community health services: exploring the coverage and equity of community health worker-driven LF MMDP burden assessment and service uptake in Côte d’Ivoire
Intensive trapping of blood-fed Anopheles darlingi in Amazonian Peru reveals unexpectedly high proportions of avian blood-meals
Internal monitoring within MUII-plus for research capacity development
International genomic definition of pneumococcal lineages, to contextualise disease, antibiotic resistance and vaccine impact
International health cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, 1992-2005
Internet-accessed sexually transmitted infection (e-STI) testing and results service: A randomised, single-blind, controlled trial
Interstate trade of cereals in India
Interventions that effectively target Anopheles funestus mosquitoes could significantly improve control of persistent malaria transmission in south–eastern Tanzania. Supplementary data
Interventions to increase help-seeking for mental health care in low-and-middle-income countries: a systematic review
Interventions to promote successful referral to eye services for people with suspected diabetic retinopathy or macula oedema in low- and middle income countries: protocol for a rapid review
Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity 2001-2003
Interview excerpts by major themes and sub-themes perceptions of HIV self-testing in Kampala
Interview guide used to collect qualitative data from the caregivers
Interview materials for PhD Project: "Development Assistance, External Public Debt and Equity of Domestic Health Financing Contributions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Panel Data Analysis and Case Study in Senegal"
Interview Questions for WW Dashboards
Interviews and group discussions with crisis and outbreak affected populations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on handwashing determinants
Interviews data matrix
Interview summary data supporting "Public involvement in pandemic modelling: a qualitative study of Test, Trace and Isolate practices in the UK and implications for modelling"
Interviews with informants providing perinatal care or support to Afghan women in Serbia
Interview topic guide for: "Impact of Friendship Bench problem-solving therapy on adherence to ART in young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe"
Interview transcripts for: "Health-seeking behaviour and beliefs around sore throat in The Gambia: A qualitative study"
Interview transcripts for: "Socio-political and organizational influences on national infectious disease surveillance for refugees: A qualitative case study in Lebanon"
Intra-specific variation in venom of the African Puff Adder (Bitis arietans): Differential expression and activity of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs)
Invariance of the WHO violence against women instrument among Kenyan adolescent girls and young women: Bayesian psychometric modeling. S1 Dataset
Inverse relationship between microRNA-155 and -184 expression with increasing conjunctival inflammation during ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection
Investigating a Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion phenotype switch at the whole transcriptome level
Investigating the relationship between corruption and health outcomes in Central and Eastern Europe
Investigation of the role of typhoid toxin in acute typhoid fever in a human challenge model
Investigation of Vibrio cholerae pathogenesis using a novel human intestinal model of infection
IPTi Household Survey 1 - Birth History Dataset
ISAC Protocol 17_197R: The effect of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on haemoglobin
ISAC Protocol 19_129 - Common infections and incident dementia: a historical cohort study using UK primary and secondary care data
Is Beta Radiation Better than 5 Flurouracil as an Adjunct for Trabeculectomy Surgery When Combined with Cataract Surgery? A Randomised Controlled Trial
Islet autoantibody positivity in an adult population with recently diagnosed diabetes in Uganda. S1 Data
Is there a relationship between geographic distance and uptake of HIV testing services? A representative population-based study of Chinese adults in Guangzhou, China
Is there evidence of sustained human-mosquito-human transmission of the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium knowlesi? A systematic literature review
"It Is Like That, We Didn't Understand Each Other": Exploring the Influence of Patient-Provider Interactions on Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV Service Use in Rural Tanzania (qualitative data)
“It’s a complex mesh”- how large-scale health system reorganisation affected the delivery of the immunisation programme in England: a qualitative study