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A. baumannii vaccination response
Acceptability and sensory qualities of fortified rice in Nepal
Accessing HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: gay and bisexual men in the UK describe their experiences
Accession numbers and data for S. Typhi sequences used in this study
Achieving good health with low environmental footprint - A comparison of national indicators dataset
Acinetobacter baumannii GC1 recombination analysis
ACT and photograph scores dataset
ACTwatch Outlet Survey Files: Kenya 2010
ACTwatch Outlet Survey Files: Tanzania 2011 files
Acute Uncomplicated Febrile Illness in Children Aged 2-59 months in Zanzibar - Aetiologies, Antibiotic Treatment and Outcome
Adaptation of host transmission cycle during Clostridium difficile speciation
Adaptation of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children—2nd edition (KABC-II) to assess school-age neurodevelopment in rural Zimbabwe
Addiction Lives - interview transcripts and summaries
Additional Data and Code from "Increased energy use for adaptation significantly impacts mitigation pathways"
Additional file 11 of Impact of industrial production system parameters on chicken microbiomes: mechanisms to improve performance and reduce Campylobacter
Additional file 1 of Acceptability and feasibility of strategies to shield the vulnerable during the COVID-19 outbreak: a qualitative study in six Sudanese communities
Additional file 1 of Access to health care for people with stroke in South Africa: a qualitative study of community perspectives
Additional file 1 of Accuracy of the recording of pneumonia events in English electronic healthcare record data in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Additional file 1 of A framework for handling missing accelerometer outcome data in trials
Additional file 1 of A gene-signature progression approach to identifying candidate small-molecule cancer therapeutics with connectivity mapping
Additional file 1: of A genomic atlas of systemic interindividual epigenetic variation in humans
Additional file 1 of An evaluation of the evidence brief for policy development process in WHO EVIPNet Europe countries
Additional file 1 of An innovative and integrated model for global outbreak response and research - a case study of the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST)
Additional file 1 of A snapshot of the prevalence of dihydropteroate synthase-431V mutation and other sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance markers in Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Nigeria
Additional file 1 of Assessing gender responsiveness of COVID-19 response plans for populations in conflict-affected humanitarian emergencies
Additional file 1: of Assessment of blood levels of heavy metals including lead and manganese in healthy children living in the Katanga settlement of Kampala, Uganda
Additional file 1 of Barriers to and enablers of uptake of antiretroviral therapy in integrated HIV and tuberculosis treatment programmes in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Additional file 1 of Characterising social contacts under COVID-19 control measures in Africa
Additional file 1 of Clinical, metabolic, and immunological characterisation of adult Ugandan patients with new-onset diabetes and low vitamin D status
Additional file 1: of Comparing research investment to United Kingdom institutions and published outputs for tuberculosis, HIV and malaria: a systematic analysis across 1997–2013
Additional file 1: of Design and implementation of an m-health data model for improving health information access for reproductive and child health services in low resource settings using a participatory action research approach
Additional file 1 of Determination of the discriminating concentration of chlorfenapyr (pyrrole) and Anopheles gambiae sensu lato susceptibility testing in preparation for distribution of Interceptor® G2 insecticide-treated nets
Additional file 1 of Did you hear about HIV self-testing? HIV self-testing awareness after community-based HIVST distribution in rural Zimbabwe
Additional file 1 of Economic evaluations of non-communicable diseases conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa: a critical review of data sources
Additional file 1 of Effect of spatiotemporal variables on abundance, biting activity and parity of Nyssorhynchus darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) in peri-Iquitos, Peru
Additional file 1 of Epigenetic modelling of former, current and never smokers
Additional file 1 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting
Additional file 1 of Evaluating the effects of supplementing ward nurses on quality of newborn care in Kenyan neonatal units: protocol for a prospective workforce intervention study
Additional file 1 of Examining oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) literacy among participants in an HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study
Additional file 1 of Facilitators and barriers to seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) uptake in Nigeria: a qualitative approach
Additional file 1 of Factors associated with hookworm and Schistosoma mansoni infections among school-aged children in Mayuge district, Uganda
Additional file 1 of Factors influencing institutionalization of health technology assessment in Kenya
Additional file 1 of GenTB: A user-friendly genome-based predictor for tuberculosis resistance powered by machine learning
Additional file 1 of Good soil management can reduce dietary zinc deficiency in Zimbabwe
Additional file 1 of Healthcare provider and pregnant women’s perspectives on the implementation of intermittent screening and treatment with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine for malaria in pregnancy in western Kenya: a qualitative study
Additional file 1 of Identifying individual, household and environmental risk factors for malaria infection on Bioko Island to inform interventions
Additional file 1: of Identifying mixed Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections from whole genome sequence data
Additional file 1 of Impact of azithromycin mass drug administration on the antibiotic-resistant gut microbiome in children: a randomized, controlled trial
Additional file 1 of Impact of intra-partum azithromycin on carriage of group A streptococcus in the Gambia: a posthoc analysis of a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial
Additional file 1 of Improving malaria preventive practices and pregnancy outcomes through a health education intervention: A randomized controlled trial
Additional file 1 of Inequalities in the impact of COVID-19-associated disruptions on tuberculosis diagnosis by age and sex in 45 high TB burden countries
Additional file 1 of Information needs of ethnically diverse, vaccine-hesitant parents during decision-making about the HPV vaccine for their adolescent child: a qualitative study
Additional file 1 of In-silico analysis reveals druggable single nucleotide polymorphisms in angiotensin 1 converting enzyme involved in the onset of blood pressure
Additional file 1: of Integrating informatics tools and portable sequencing technology for rapid detection of resistance to anti-tuberculous drugs
Additional file 1: of Investigating the pertussis resurgence in England and Wales, and options for future control
Additional file 1 of Knowledge, attitude and practice of Ethiopian pediatricians concerning childhood eye diseases
Additional file 1 of Large-scale reference-free analysis of flavivirus sequences in Aedes aegypti whole genome DNA sequencing data
Additional file 1 of Level and determinants of county health system technical efficiency in Kenya: two stage data envelopment analysis
Additional file 1 of Locating and testing the healthy context paradox: examples from the INCLUSIVE trial
Additional file 1: of Mapping the medical outcomes study HIV health survey (MOS-HIV) to the EuroQoL 5 Dimension (EQ-5D-3 L) utility index
Additional file 1: of Measuring sexual behaviour in Malawi: a triangulation of three data collection instruments
Additional file 1 of Mendelian randomization studies on coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Additional file 1 of Mixed-method evaluation study of a targeted mass drug administration of long-acting anti-malarials among children aged 3 months to 15 years in the Bossangoa sub-prefecture, Ouham, Central African Republic, during the COVID-19 pandemic
Additional file 1 of Musculoskeletal impairment among Syrian refugees living in Sultanbeyli, Turkey: prevalence, cause, diagnosis and need for related services and assistive products
Additional file 1 of Neighbourhood and path-based greenspace in three European countries: associations with objective physical activity
Additional file 1 of Patterns of pesticide usage in agriculture in rural Tanzania call for integrating agricultural and public health practices in managing insecticide-resistance in malaria vectors
Additional file 1 of Planning a method for covariate adjustment in individually randomised trials: a practical guide
Additional file 1 of Prevalence and correlates of common mental health problems and recent suicidal thoughts and behaviours among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya
Additional file 1 of Prevalence, determinants and outcomes of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine use for hypertension among low-income households in Malaysia and the Philippines
Additional file 1 of Prioritising pathogens for the management of severe febrile patients to improve clinical care in low- and middle-income countries
Additional file 1 of Prospects for the development of community-based care in remote rural areas: a stakeholder analysis in Laos
Additional file 1 of Qualitative study of patient experiences of mental distress during TB investigation and treatment in Zambia
Additional file 1: of Randomized evaluation and cost-effectiveness of HIV and sexual and reproductive health service referral and linkage models in Zambia
Additional file 1 of Safety of beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy: a Mendelian randomization study
Additional file 1 of Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling
Additional file 1 of Secondary distribution of HIV self-test kits by HIV index and antenatal care clients: implementation and costing results from the STAR Initiative in South Africa
Additional file 1 of Sex steroid hormones and risk of breast cancer: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study
Additional file 1: of Small scale migration along the interoceanic highway in Madre de Dios, Peru: an exploration of community perceptions and dynamics due to migration
Additional file 1 of Socio-economic determinants of maternal health care utilization in Kailahun District, Sierra Leone, 2020
Additional file 1 of Symptoms in first-degree relatives of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation of cross-sectional data from the symptoms in persons at risk of rheumatoid arthritis (SPARRA) questionnaire in the PRe-clinical EValuation of Novel Targets in RA (PREVeNT-RA) Cohort
Additional file 1: of The effect of maternal and child factors on stunting, wasting and underweight among preschool children in Northern Ghana
Additional file 1 of The household financial burden of non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Additional file 1 of The risk of acute kidney injury in colorectal cancer survivors: an english population-based matched cohort study
Additional file 1 of The socioeconomic impact of tuberculosis on children and adolescents: a scoping review and conceptual framework
Additional file 1 of The ten-year risk of developing cardiovascular disease among public health workers in North-Central Nigeria using Framingham and atherogenic index of plasma risk scores
Additional file 1 of ‘Too old to test?’: A life course approach to HIV-related risk and self-testing among midlife-older adults in Malawi
Additional file 1 of UMBRELLA protocol: systematic reviews of multivariable biomarker prognostic models developed to predict clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure
Additional file 1 of Wealth-related inequalities in demand for family planning satisfied among married and unmarried adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa
Additional file 1 of Youths’ perceptions of community health workers’ delivery of family planning services: a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study in Nakaseke District, Uganda
Additional file 2 of A gene-signature progression approach to identifying candidate small-molecule cancer therapeutics with connectivity mapping
Additional file 2 of Assessing the impact of the “malaria supporters project” intervention to malaria control in the Brazilian Amazon: an interrupted time-series analysis
Additional file 2 of Cluster randomised trials with a binary outcome and a small number of clusters: comparison of individual and cluster level analysis method
Additional file 2 of Comparative diagnostic accuracy studies with an imperfect reference standard – a comparison of correction methods
Additional file 2: of COMPare: a prospective cohort study correcting and monitoring 58 misreported trials in real time
Additional file 2 of Complex emergencies and the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases in Africa: developing a practical approach for implementing safe and effective mapping and intervention strategies
Additional file 2 of COVID-19 length of hospital stay: a systematic review and data synthesis
Additional file 2 of Determination of the discriminating concentration of chlorfenapyr (pyrrole) and Anopheles gambiae sensu lato susceptibility testing in preparation for distribution of Interceptor® G2 insecticide-treated nets
Additional file 2 of DNA methylome-wide association study of genetic risk for depression implicates antigen processing and immune responses
Additional file 2 of Do in-service training materials for midwifery care providers in sub-Saharan Africa meet international competency standards? A scoping review 2000–2020
Additional file 2 of Exploring the economic impact of inappropriate antibiotic use: the case of upper respiratory tract infections in Ghana
Additional file 2 of Genomic surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacterial colonisation and infection in intensive care patients
Additional file 2: of Growth monitoring and promotion practices among health workers may be suboptimal despite high knowledge scores
Additional file 2 of Healthcare provider and pregnant women’s perspectives on the implementation of intermittent screening and treatment with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine for malaria in pregnancy in western Kenya: a qualitative study
Additional file 2: of Health systems research in fragile and conflict-affected states: a research agenda-setting exercise
Additional file 2 of Investigating the DNA methylation profile of e-cigarette use
Additional file 2 of Is there evidence of sustained human-mosquito-human transmission of the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium knowlesi? A systematic literature review
Additional file 2 of Juvenile idiopathic arthritis polygenic risk scores are associated with cardiovascular phenotypes in early adulthood: a phenome-wide association study
Additional file 2 of Lack of an association between dietary patterns and adiposity among primary school children in Kilimanjaro Tanzania
Additional file 2 of Large-scale genomic analysis of global Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmids reveals multiple simultaneous clusters of carbapenem-resistant hypervirulent strains
Additional file 2 of Longitudinal analysis within one hospital in sub-Saharan Africa over 20 years reveals repeated replacements of dominant clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae and stresses the importance to include temporal patterns for vaccine design considerations
Additional file 2: of Medications that reduce emergency hospital admissions: an overview of systematic reviews and prioritisation of treatments
Additional file 2: of Modelling the spatial distribution of aquatic insects (Order Hemiptera) potentially involved in the transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Africa
Additional file 2 of Molecular detection of drug resistant polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Southwest, Nigeria
Additional file 2: of Monitoring the impact of a national school based deworming programme on soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya: the first three years, 2012 - 2014
Additional file 2 of: Performance of neural network basecalling tools for Oxford Nanopore sequencing
Additional file 2 of Planning a method for covariate adjustment in individually randomised trials: a practical guide
Additional file 2 of Prevalence, indications, and complications of caesarean section in health facilities across Nigeria: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Additional file 2: of Quantification of the natural history of visceral leishmaniasis and consequences for control
Additional file 2: of Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak in forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh
Additional file 2 of Secondary distribution of HIV self-test kits by HIV index and antenatal care clients: implementation and costing results from the STAR Initiative in South Africa
Additional file 2 of Sero-epidemiological evaluation of malaria transmission in The Gambia before and after mass drug administration
Additional file 2 of Temperature, mosquito feeding status and mosquito density influence the measured bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets in cone assays
Additional file 2 of Unsupervised title and abstract screening for systematic review: a retrospective case-study using topic modelling methodology
Additional file 2 of What funders are doing to assess the impact of their investments in health and biomedical research
Additional file 2: Table 2. of Molecular evolution and population genetics of a Gram-negative binding protein gene in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (sensu lato)
Additional file 3 of A gene-signature progression approach to identifying candidate small-molecule cancer therapeutics with connectivity mapping
Additional file 3 of Assessing the impact of the “malaria supporters project” intervention to malaria control in the Brazilian Amazon: an interrupted time-series analysis
Additional file 3 of Characterisation of ethnic differences in DNA methylation between UK-resident South Asians and Europeans
Additional file 3 of Childhood DNA methylation as a marker of early life rapid weight gain and subsequent overweight
Additional file 3 of Complex emergencies and the control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases in Africa: developing a practical approach for implementing safe and effective mapping and intervention strategies
Additional file 3 of Determination of the discriminating concentration of chlorfenapyr (pyrrole) and Anopheles gambiae sensu lato susceptibility testing in preparation for distribution of Interceptor® G2 insecticide-treated nets
Additional file 3 of DNA methylome-wide association study of genetic risk for depression implicates antigen processing and immune responses
Additional file 3 of Effectiveness of interventions to increase uptake and completion of treatment for diabetic retinopathy in low- and middle-income countries: a rapid review protocol
Additional file 3 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting
Additional file 3 of Influence of testing modality on bioefficacy for the evaluation of Interceptor® G2 mosquito nets to combat malaria mosquitoes in Tanzania
Additional file 3: of Investigating the pertussis resurgence in England and Wales, and options for future control
Additional file 3 of Investment case for small and sick newborn care in Tanzania: systematic analyses
Additional file 3 of Is there evidence of sustained human-mosquito-human transmission of the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium knowlesi? A systematic literature review
Additional file 3 of Large-scale reference-free analysis of flavivirus sequences in Aedes aegypti whole genome DNA sequencing data
Additional file 3 of Mental health workers’ perspectives on peer support in high-, middle- and low income settings: a focus group study
Additional file 3 of Non-malarial febrile illness: a systematic review of published aetiological studies and case reports from China, 1980–2015
Additional file 3 of Pre-pregnancy gene expression signatures are associated with subsequent improvement/worsening of rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy
Additional file 3 of Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling
Additional file 4 of A gene-signature progression approach to identifying candidate small-molecule cancer therapeutics with connectivity mapping
Additional file 4 of Characterisation of ethnic differences in DNA methylation between UK-resident South Asians and Europeans
Additional file 4 of Epigenetic modelling of former, current and never smokers
Additional file 4 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting
Additional file 4 of Is there evidence of sustained human-mosquito-human transmission of the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium knowlesi? A systematic literature review
Additional file 4 of Systematic review to evaluate a potential association between helminth infection and physical stunting in children
Additional file 4 of Time of exposure and assessment influence the mortality induced by insecticides against metabolic resistant mosquitoes
Additional file 4: of Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda
Additional file 5 of Assessing antibody decline after chemotherapy of early chronic Chagas disease patients
Additional file 5 of Improving the quality of malaria diagnosis in southern Africa through the development of a regional malaria slide bank
Additional file 7 of Silence is golden, but my measures still see—why cheaper-but-noisier outcome measures in large simple trials can be more cost-effective than gold standards
Additional files for: "A cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact on intimate partner violence of a 10-session participatory gender training curriculum delivered to women taking part in a group-based microfinance loan scheme in Tanzania (MAISHA CRT01): study protocol"
Additional materials from The history, genome and biology of NCTC 30: a non-pandemic Vibrio cholerae isolate from World War One
Addressing Child Labor: Are Interventions to Prevent and Respond to Child Labor Working? Protocol draft search strategy
adegenet: Exploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data
Adherence to additional medication for management of HIV-associated comorbidities among older children and adolescents taking antiretroviral therapy. S1 Data
Adherence to clinical guidelines is associated with reduced inpatient mortality among children with severe anemia in Ugandan hospitals
Adhering to HIV treatment during adolescence: A multi method qualitative study in Uganda
Adjunctive host-directed therapies for pulmonary tuberculosis: data from a prospective, open-label, phase 2, randomised controlled trial
Admission records, including haemoglobin measurements, for 29,226 children admitted to a paediatric ward in a rural Kenyan hospital for the period 2002-2009
Age- and Sex-Specific Social Contact Patterns and Incidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection: Interview Questionnaire
An age-dependent ovulatory strategy explains the evolution of dizygotic twinning in humans
Age-Dependent Prevalence of Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae before Conjugate Vaccine Introduction: Supporting Information
Age-structured SEIR model for COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China
Aggregate data for "Towards 90-90: Findings after two years of the HPTN 071 (PopART) cluster-randomized trial of a universal testing-and-treatment intervention in Zambia"
AHHA Malawi Trial Dataset - Version 3
AHRI.Emergent Properties.2016-2017.v1
Aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health: data and analysis from application of the Muskoka2 method, 2002-2017
Aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health: data generated using the Muskoka2 method, 2002-2019
akira-endo/COVID19_clustersize: Estimating the amount of superspreading using outbreak sizes of COVID-19 outside China
akira-endo/monkeypox_heavytail: Heavy-tailed sexual contact networks and the epidemiology of monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic regions
akira-endo/reanalysis_Fukumoto2021: 'Not finding causal effect' is not 'finding no causal effect' of school closure on COVID-19
akira-endo/schooldynamics_FluMatsumoto14-15: Simulating respiratory disease transmission within and between classrooms to assess pandemic management strategies at schools
akira-endo/schooldynamics_FluMatsumoto14-15: Within and between classroom transmission patterns of seasonal influenza among primary school students in Matsumoto city, Japan
Alive & Thrive Evaluation in Burkina Faso: baseline data
Alive & Thrive Evaluation in Burkina Faso: endline data
Allocare project
Almost all working adults have at least one risk factor for non-communicable diseases: Survey of working adults in Eastern Ethiopia. S1 Dataset
ALPHA HIV Incidence and Mortality Data 2002-2017, Karonga, Malawi
ALPHA HIV Incidence and Mortality Data, Kisesa 1994-2016
Alternative Covid-19 mitigation measures in school classrooms: Analysis using an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
amrnet/amrnet: AMRnet-v1.0
Analysis code and codelists for the UK part of the study "Association of different prescribing patterns for oral corticosteroids with fracture preventive care among older adults: Population-based cohort studies in the UK and Canada"
Analysis data and code for "Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England"
Analysis data and code for "Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern 202012/01 in England"
Analysis for: The changing relationship between genetic risk and cognitive decline across birth cohorts
Analysis of changes in worldwide routine immunisation coverage in 2020
Analysis of non-communicable disease reports contributing to UN high-level meeting process (2000-2020)
Analysis of nuclear and organellar genomes of Plasmodium knowlesi in humans reveals ancient population structure and recent recombination among host-specific subpopulations
Analysis of pit latrine microbiota reveals depth-related variation in composition, and key parameters and taxa associated with latrine fill-up rate
Analysis of pleiotropy at the leprosy association at chromosome 10q24
Anaphylaxis events following COVID-19 antiviral and neutralising monoclonal antibody treatment for non-hospitalised patients
Annexes to: A Systematic Review to Identify the Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Interventions for Healthcare Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Anonymised data for: "Predictors of change of health workers’ knowledge and skills after the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding after Birth (HMS BAB) in-facility training in Tanzania"
Anonymised study dataset for: "Cost-effectiveness of prenatal food and micronutrient interventions on under-five mortality and stunting: Analysis of data from the MINIMat randomized trial, Bangladesh"
Anonymized BHDSS data
Anopheles gambiae Bijagos 2022 WGS
Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes as vectors of Plasmodium vivax and falciparum, Horn of Africa, 2019
Antenatal code list for: "The effects of antenatal care, ethnicity and social deprivation on the risk of stillbirth in the UK: A cohort study using routinely collected data"
Antibiotic use in mandarin production (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in major mandarin-producing areas in Thailand: A survey assessment
Antimalarial activity of primaquine operates via a two-step biochemical relay
Anti-microbials In Society - Thailand, Study 1, 2017-2021
Anti-microbials in Society - Thailand, Study 2, 2017-2021
Anti-Microbials in Society - Uganda Study, 2017-2021
Antiretroviral therapy, high-risk human papillomavirus and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Antiretroviral therapy initiation and outcomes of hospitalized HIV-infected patients in Uganda - An evaluation of the HIV test and treat strategy. Health care worker interview guide
Antiretroviral therapy initiation and outcomes of hospitalized HIV-infected patients in Uganda-An evaluation of the HIV test and treat strategy. Stata data set
APCDR AGV Project: Low depth (4x) sequence data from an Ugandan population (BAMs)
APCDR Uganda GWAS: Genome-wide sequence variation and susceptibility loci for cardiometabolic traits in a sub-Saharan African population (UGWAS component)
APCDR Uganda GWAS - High depth sequencing of a Baganda trio
APCDR Uganda GWAS - UG2G dataset: Whole genome low depth sequence data for 2000 Ugandans (BAMs)
APHRC-DSE/INSPIRE-Mental-Health-Project_Landscape_Analysis: R Source code
Appendix: Positive plus one study interview guides
Appropriate Treatment in Ugandan Drug Shops
Archive of figure generating data
ARGUS clinical and bacteriological outcomes dataset
ARGUS study - clinical and bacteriological outcomes dataset
AR.IA App all datasets
AR.IA App drug breakdown
AR.IA App drug breakdown (groups)
AR.IA App economic data
AR.IA App species breakdown
ARIES mQTL results
Articles with Ebola mentioned online anytime as tracked by Altmetric, with crowdsourced type of access and license
ASCENT dataset for cost, equity and disability adjusted life years analysis
ASCENT-Ethiopia health economics
Assembly and polishing details for the real-read tests
Assessing changes in knowledge, attitude and practices on dengue diagnosis and management among primary care physicians after the largest dengue epidemic in Singapore
Assessing gut microbiota perturbations during the early phase of infectious diarrhea in Vietnamese children
Assessing the Educational Impact of Malaria Prevention in Kenyan Schools 2010-2012
Assessing the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of adaptive e-Learning to improve dietary behaviour: systematic review protocol
Assessing the impact of the 2018 Changchun Changsheng vaccine incident on childhood vaccination in China
Assessing within-woman changes in mammographic density: a comparison of fully versus semi-automated area-based approaches
An assessment of adult mosquito collection techniques for studying species abundance and diversity in Maferinyah, Guinea
Assessment of a screening tool to aid home-based identification of adolescents (aged 10–14) living with HIV in Zambia and South Africa: HPTN 071 (PopART) study. S1 Data
Assessment of infrastructure, behaviours, and user satisfaction of guardian waiting shelters for secondary level hospitals in southern Malawi. S2 Checklist
Assessment of the feasibility of Juntos: A support programme for families of children affected by Congenital Zika Syndrome
An assessment of vaccine wastage in the Solomon Islands. S1 Data
Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility
Association between DREAMS and experiences of violence among AGYW followed up in 2019 by site and age group using conventional logistic regression
Association between HTLV-1/2 infection and COVID-19 severity in a migrant Shipibo-Konibo population in Lima, Peru: Database and dictionary
Association between invitation to DREAMS and any experience of violence among AGYW in Gem using conventional logistic regression
Association between invitation to DREAMS and any experience of violence among AGYW in Nairobi using conventional logistic regression
Association between invitation to DREAMS and any experience of violence among AGYW in uMkhanyakude using conventional logistic regression
Association between invitation to DREAMS and emotional violence among AGYW in Gem using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and emotional violence among AGYW in Nairobi using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and emotional violence among AGYW in uMkhanyakude using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and physical violence among AGYW in Gem using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and physical violence among AGYW in Nairobi using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and physical violence among AGYW in uMkhanyakude using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and sexual violence among AGYW in Gem using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and sexual violence among AGYW in Nairobi using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between invitation to DREAMS and sexual violence among AGYW in uMkhanyakude using conventional logistic regression, 13–22 year-olds
Association between the 2012 Health and Social Care Act and specialist visits and hospitalisations in England: A controlled interrupted time series analysis
Association of cataract and sun exposure in geographically diverse populations of India: the case study. first report of the ICMR-EYE SEE study group
Association of cataract and sun exposure in geographically diverse populations of India: The CASE study. First Report of the ICMR-EYE SEE Study Group
Association statistics for imputed classical HLA alleles and leprosy risk in Malawi and Mali
Asymptomatic infection and family contact patterns in households of Ebola Virus Disease survivors, Sierra Leone 2015
Atlas of group A streptococcal vaccine candidates compiled using large-scale comparative genomics
Attitudes and Behaviours to Antimicrobial Prescribing following introduction of a Smartphone App
Atypical Salmonella: Invasive atypical non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars in The Gambia
Austerity and the rise of the nazi party
Autopsy Prevalence of Tuberculosis and Other Potentially Treatable Infections among Adults with Advanced HIV Enrolled in Out-Patient Care in South Africa: Lesedi Kamoso study data
Awareness and uptake of layered HIV prevention programming for young women: analysis of population-based surveys in three DREAMS settings in Kenya and South Africa
AZ-SMC Trial - Cross-sectional dataset
AZ-SMC Trial - Drug administration dataset
AZ-SMC Trial - In vivo treatment efficacy dataset
AZ-SMC Trial - Person-Time dataset
AZ-SMC Trial - School child parasitaemia dataset
AZ-SMC Trial - Weekly survey dataset
A Bayesian approach to understanding gender differences in tuberculosis disease burden
A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Diarrheal Disease and Dengue Entomological Risk Factors in Rural Primary Schools in Colombia
A community-based validation of the International Alliance for the Control of Scabies Consensus Criteria by expert and non-expert examiners in Liberia
A comparison of covariate adjustment approaches under model misspecification in individually randomized trials
A Comparison of Different Community Models of ART Delivery Amongst Stable HIV+ Patients in two Urban Settings in Zambia - Study Protocol
A comprehensive database of the geographic spread of past human Ebola outbreaks
A computational method for predicting the most likely evolutionary trajectories in the stepwise accumulation of resistance mutations
A Cross-Sectional Study of ‘Yaws’ in Districts of Ghana Which Have Previously Undertaken Azithromycin Mass Drug Administration for Trachoma Control. Study dataset
A dataset of human and Plasmodium falciparum genotypes in severe malaria cases from The Gambia and Kenya
An evidence synthesis approach for combining different data sources illustrated using entomological efficacy of insecticides for indoor residual spraying. Datasets for analyses
An experimental investigation of social preferences, their determinants and their role in the labour supply function
A geospatial database of close to reality travel times to obstetric emergency care in 15 Nigerian conurbations
A global assessment of the impact of violence on lifetime uncertainty
A global map of travel time to cities to assess inequalities in accessibility in 2015
A HaemAtlas: characterizing gene expression in differentiated human blood cells
A High-Resolution (0.25 degree) Historical Global Gridded Dataset of Climate Extreme Indices (1970-2016) using GLDAS data
A high-resolution (0.25 degree) historical global gridded dataset of monthly and annual cooling and heating degree-days (1970-2018) based on GLDAS data
A high spatiotemporal resolution global gridded dataset of historical (1970-2018) human discomfort Indices based on GLDAS data
“An increase in COVID-19 patients would be overwhelming”: A qualitative description of healthcare workers’ experiences during the first wave of COVID-19 (March 2020 to October 2020) at Malawi’s largest referral hospital.
An inter-laboratory study to investigate the impact of the bioinformatics component on microbiome analysis
An intervention delivered by text message to increase the acceptability of effective contraception among young women in Palestine: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
An investigation into the knowledge, perceptions and role of personal protective technologies in Zika prevention in Colombia
An investigation into the knowledge, perceptions and role of personal protective technologies in Zika prevention in Colombia.
An investigation of the disparity in estimates of microfilaraemia and antigenaemia in lymphatic filariasis surveys
A Metabolic Study of Huntington’s Disease
A mixed-methods study of women’s sanitation utilization in informal settlements in Kenya
A non enveloped arbovirus released in lysosome-derived extracellular vesicles induces super infection exclusion
A non-randomised cohort study of mental health and HIV virological suppression in people living with HIV receiving Friendship Bench lay counselling in Harare, Zimbabwe - Virological Suppression Questionnaire
A novel nutritional supplement to reduce plasma homocysteine in nonpregnant women: A randomised controlled trial in The Gambia
An online survey of adults with cystic fibrosis: accessing and using life expectancy information
A peer-led intervention to promote sexual health in secondary schools: the STASH feasibility study
A pooled analysis of the duration of chemoprophylaxis against malaria after treatment with artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine: data & analysis output
A prospective observational study of community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infections in Metro Manila, the Philippines. Data file of the study
A qualitative analysis of stakeholder perspectives on vector control & vector-borne diseases in Colombia – Interview transcripts
A qualitative study of barriers to accessing water, sanitation and hygiene for disabled people in Malawi
A Randomized Cluster Controlled Study of an Interactive Voice Response Intervention and PD/Hearth ("PDH") to Improve Knowledge, Behavior Change, and Level of Confidence in Caregivers of Underweight Children in Cambodia
A Randomized Controlled Double Blind Trial of Ciclosporin versus Prednisolone in the Management of Leprosy Patients with New Type 1 Reaction in Ethiopia
A rapid review of the rate of attrition from the health workforce
A self-administered questionnaire to estimate the distance and mode of children's travel to school in urban India
A seroepidemiological study of serogroup A meningococcal infection in the African meningitis belt
A Strand-Specific RNA–Seq Analysis of the Transcriptome of the Typhoid Bacillus Salmonella Typhi
A Streptococcus pneumoniae lineage usually associated with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) serotypes is the most common cause of serotype 35B invasive disease in South Africa, following routine use of PCV
A Study of Knowledge, Experience, and Beliefs About Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection in South Western Uganda
A summary of data collected from suspected dengue patients included in the study population from Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines
A systematic review of behaviour change interventions to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Framework analysis and coding
A systematic review of behaviour change interventions to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Included studies and extracted data
A systematic review of behaviour change interventions to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: Quality assessment
A systematic review of statistical methodology used to evaluate progression of chronic kidney disease using electronic healthcare records. Data extraction spreadsheet
A universal testing and treatment intervention to improve HIV control: One-year results from intervention communities in Zambia in the HPTN 071 (PopART) cluster-randomised trial