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PANGEA-HIV/PANGEA-Sequences: v1.0.0
Parents’ and guardians’ views and experiences of accessing routine childhood vaccinations in England during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: cross-sectional survey and qualitative interview data
Parents’ and guardians’ views on the acceptability of a future COVID-19 vaccine for themselves and their children: cross-sectional survey and qualitative interview data
Participatory Visual Methods with caregivers of children with Congenital Zika Syndrome in Colombia: A case study
Pathobionts in the Vaginal Microbiota: Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Three Sequencing Studies
Pathways to increased coverage: an analysis of time trends in contraceptive need and use among adolescents and young women in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda
Pathways to Low Fertility
Patients attended: Scabies, Impetigo and demographic data
Patterns of non-communicable comorbidities at start of tuberculosis treatment in three regions of the Philippines: St-ATT cohort baseline data
PBMC expression profiles of BCG vaccine protected infants and of BCG vaccinated infants who develop tuberculosis disease
Peak areas from the T695 phosphorylation
Peek: a retinal imaging smartphone app
pegas: Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System
Perceptions about interventions to control schistosomiasis among the Lake Victoria island communities of Koome, Uganda
Perceptual visual dysfunction, physical impairment and quality of life in Bangladeshi children with cerebral palsy: Supporting information
Performance of alternative measures to Body Mass Index in the assessment of moderate and severe under-nutrition among acutely unwell patients hospitalized in a TB ward in the Philippines: A cross-sectional study.
Performance of computer-aided chest radiography for detection of TB in a community-based multimorbidity cohort in rural KwaZulu-Natal
Persistence of Innate Immune Pathways in Late Stage Human Bacterial and Fungal Keratitis: Results from a Comparative Transcriptome Analysis
PET scores for the catalysis study specimens
Pgp3 seroprevalence and associations with active trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Malawi: cross-sectional surveys in six evaluation units
PharmacoTXA: Pharmacokinetics of Tranexamic Acid after oral, intramuscular or intravenous administration: a prospective, randomised, cross-over trial in healthy volunteers
PharmacoTXA Trial: Pharmacokinetics of Tranexamic Acid after oral, intramuscular or intravenous administration: a prospective, randomised, cross-over trial in healthy volunteers
Phase Ia clinical evaluation of the safety and immunogenicity of the Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage antigen AMA1 in ChAd63 and MVA vaccine vectors
Phosphodiesterase beta is the master regulator of cAMP signalling during malaria parasite invasion
Phosphoproteome analyses of PKG_GFP, PKG_T695A and PKG_T695E in P. falciparum schizonts
Phylogenetic and epidemiologic data relating to age-specific HIV incidence and transmission in Rakai, Uganda, 2003-2018
Phylogenetic and epidemiologic data relating to age-specific HIV incidence and transmission in Rakai, Uganda, 2003-2018.
Phylogenetic inference of pneumococcal transmission from cross-sectional data, a pilot study
Phylogenetic position of Leishmania isolates from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan
Physical Activity in Deprived Communities in London: Examining Individual and Neighbourhood-Level Factors
PierreMasselot/Paper--2022--Epidemiology--PM2.5_components: Code for published paper
PIF influenza costing analysis and probabilistic sensitivity analysis
PIF influenza participant questionnaire responses and donation amounts dataset
P. knowlesi DHFR sequence data
Plasma biomarker data from the FIEBRE-Mozambique Cohort
Plasmodium chabaudi genotype DK parasite stages during time series
Plasmodium falciparum drug resistant genotypes - SUMUT study, North Sumatera, 2015
Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte density and infectivity in peripheral blood and skin tissue of naturally infected parasite carriers in Burkina Faso
Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Mali collected in 2019-2020
Plasmodium falciparum sequencing Bijagos Archipelago 2018
Plasmodium knowlesi SWGA in clinical isolates
Plasmodium schizont densities in culture grown with and without isoleucine, as well as isoleucine starvation for different durations of time
Plasmodium schizont proportion in culture grown with and without isoleucine
Plasmodium vivax from Brazil
Plasmodium vivax morbidity after radical cure: A cohort study in Central Vietnam
Pneumococcal carriage in children and their household contacts six years after introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in England
Point-of-contact Interactive Record Linkage (PIRL)
Poisson Regression Dataset for "Learning Clinical Epidemiology with R" tutorial
Polygenic Risk Scores for Prediction of Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Subtypes
POLYMOD social contact data
PolyTB: A web-based resource designed to explore Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) genomic variation at a global scale
Population-based monitoring of HIV drug resistance early warning indicators in Uganda: A nationally representative survey following revised WHO recommendations: S1 Data
Population disruption: estimating changes in population distribution in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic - Estimates for Local Authority Districts
Population genetic analysis of Plasmodium knowlesi reveals differential selection and exchange events between Borneo and Peninsular sub-populations
Population Genomics of Cardiometabolic Traits: Design of the UCL-LSHTM-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB) Consortium
Population genomics of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae clonal-group 23 reveals early emergence and rapid global dissemination
Population level usage of health services, and HIV testing and care, prior to decentralization of antiretroviral therapy in Agago District in rural Northern Uganda: Additional Files
Population size, HIV prevalence, and antiretroviral therapy coverage among key populations in sub-Saharan Africa: collation and synthesis of survey data 2010-2023
Population structure and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella Typhi isolates in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2004 to 2016
Positive Deviance Hearth mHealth Qualitative Research Tools
Post-Vaccine Zoster Disease - ICD-10 Codes
Post-Vaccine Zoster Disease - Read Codes
Potential for large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease: Supplementary Data
Potential for positive biodiversity outcomes under diet-driven land use change in Great Britain
Precise Q1Q2 data_deidentified full dataset
Predicted epitopes in S. stercoralis proteins using BepiPred and bcepred
Predicted margins (percentage) with 95% CI for each outcome level (home/PHC/hospital) birth in rural Tanzania by year of DHS survey and wealth group in women at parity 0 and ≥5
Predictors of assembly quality
Preferences for Sexual Health Services Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the United Kingdom, 2023
PREMIUM twelve-month follow-up trial: Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness dataset from the Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) RCT
PREMIUM twelve-month follow-up trial: Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness dataset from the Healthy Activity Program (HAP) RCT
Presence and absence of records of dengue cases, yellow fever cases, and vector occurrences on a worldwide 7,774-km² hexagonal grid
Presence of recommendations for the management of malnourished children living with disabilities in national and international SAM guidelines: Interview transcripts and guideline content spreadsheet
Preservation of Tetherin and CD4 Counter-Activities in Circulating Vpu Alleles despite Extensive Sequence Variation within HIV-1 Infected Individuals
Pre-vaccination carriage prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes among internally displaced people in Somaliland. Data and analyses
Prevalence and causes of visual impairment among school children in Blantyre, Southern Malawi
Prevalence and risk factors for child labour and violence against children in Egypt using Bayesian geospatial modelling with multiple imputation
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hookworm-Related Cutaneous Larva Migrans (HrCLM) in a Resource-Poor Community in Manaus, Brazil
Prevalence of malaria and helminth infections in rural communities in northern Sierra Leone, a baseline study to inform Ebola vaccine study protocols. S1 Data
Prevalence of stroke survival in rural communities living in northern Peru. S1 Data
Prevalence of Type VI Secretion System in Spanish Campylobacter jejuni Isolates
Prevalent, persistent anal HPV infection and squamous intraepithelial lesions: Findings from a cohort of men living with HIV in South Africa
Prevention of violence against women and girls: A cost-effectiveness study across six low- and middle-income countries
PRIDE 12 month outcome dataset
Primary and secondary measurements collected when trialling use of insecticide-treated scarves to protect against Musca sorbens
Primary data for a cluster-randomised trial of community-led delivery of HIV self-testing in Malawi (HIV Self-Testing Africa [STAR])
Primary macrophages and J774 cells respond differently to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
PRINCESS: Privacy-protecting Rare disease International Network Collaboration via Encryption through Software guard extensionS
PRISMA-P Checklist for ‘A Systematic Review Protocol for Identifying the Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Interventions for Health Care Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’
Probability of a large 2019-nCoV outbreak following introduction of cases
Procedure codelist - end stage kidney disease codes (opcs)
Procedure Codelist - End-Stage Renal Disease
Procedure Code List - Phototherapy for Atopic Eczema
Processed INSDC dataset for MOV analysis
Product codes - Antidepressants
Productivity, family planning and reproductive health in Burkina Faso 2013-2014
Productivity, family planning and reproductive health in Burkina Faso: PopDev qualitative data
Productivity, family planning and reproductive health in Burkina Faso: the PopDev study
Profile of the organisms selected for sequencing
Profiling and validation of individual and patterns of Chlamydia trachomatis-specific antibody responses in trachomatous trichiasis
Projecting the future incidence and burden of dengue in Southeast Asia
Projecting the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in a warmer and more urbanised world: a multi-model multi-scenario intercomparison study
Projection of temperature-related mortality in 854 European cities under climate change and adaptation scenarios
Projections of COVID-19 epidemics in LMIC countries
projections: Project Future Case Incidence
Project Jigifa Endline Survey 2016
Promoting Inclusion in Decent Work for Ugandan Young People, 2020
Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help? Qualitative interview and focus group data
Proportions of AGYW retained in the study vs lost to follow up by 2019, by AGYW characteristics in Gem
Proportions of AGYW retained in the study vs lost to follow up by 2019, by AGYW characteristics in Nairobi
Proportions of AGYW retained in the study vs lost to follow up by 2019, by AGYW characteristics in uMkhanyakude
Prospective observational cohort study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ethiopia - Informed consent form
PROTECT initiative extended Covid-19 occupational questionnaire
Protein identity, features and gene expression levels of S. stercoralis orthologues of S. ratti E/S proteomic data
Proteins identified from pull down experiments of WT, PKG_GFP, PKG_T695A and PKG_T695E
Proteome-wide antigenic profiling in Ugandan cohorts identifies associations between age, exposure intensity, and responses to repeat-containing antigens in Plasmodium falciparum
Proteromonas lacertae
Proteromonas lacertae strain:LA
Protocol for the IDEAS qualitative study of scalability and sustainability of maternal and newborn health innovations in northeast Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uttar Pradesh, India
PsyCorona Dataset
ptti/ptti: Modelling the health and economic impacts of different testing and tracing strategies for COVID-19 in the UK
Putative DNA G-quadruplex formation within the promoters of Plasmodium falciparum var genes: Supplementary data
P.vivax whole genome sequencing