Items where Data Creator is Holt, Kathryn E."

24 November 2015
Chung The, H, Rabaa, MA, Pham Thanh, D, Ruekit, S, Wangchuk, S, Dorji, T, Pem Tshering, K, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, T, Voong Vinh, P, Ha Thanh, T, Nguyen Ngoc Minh, C, Turner, P, Sar, P, Thwaites, G, Holt, KE, Thomson, NR, Bodhidatta, L, Mason, CJ and Baker, S (2015). The introduction and establishment of fluoroquinolone resistant Shigella sonnei into Bhutan. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
12 January 2016
Holt, KE (2016). Acinetobacter baumannii GC1 recombination analysis. [Data Collection]. University of Melbourne.
12 February 2016
Duchêne, S, Holt, KE, Weill, F, Le Hello, S, Hawkey, J, Edwards, DJ, Fourment, M and Holmes, EC (2016). Bacteria genomic rates data: First release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
24 May 2017
Perrin, A, Larsonneur, E, Nicholson, AC, Edwards, DJ, Gundlach, KM, Whitney, AM, Gulvik, CA, Bell, ME, Rendueles, O, Cury, J, Hugon, P, Clermont, D, Enouf, V, Loparev, V, Juieng, P, Monson, T, Warshauer, D, Elbadawi, LI, Walters, MS, Crist, MB, Noble-Wang, J, Borlaug, G, Rocha, EPC, Criscuolo, A, Touchon, M, Davis, JP, Holt, KE, McQuiston, JR and Brisse, S (2017). Evolutionary dynamics and genomic features of the Elizabethkingia anophelis 2015 to 2016 Wisconsin outbreak strain. [Data Collection]. Nature Communications.
8 April 2018
Holt, KE and Wyres, K (2018). Klebsiella ecology and genome plasticity compared to E. coli and Gram negative ESKAPE pathogens. [Data Collection]. University of Melbourne, Australia.
13 July 2018
M. C. Lam, M, Wyres, KL, Duchêne, S, Wick, RR, Judd, LM, Gan, Y, Hoh, C, Archuleta, S, Molton, JS, Kalimuddin, S, Koh, TH, Passet, V, Brisse, S and Holt, KE (2018). Population genomics of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae clonal-group 23 reveals early emergence and rapid global dissemination. [Data Collection]. Nature Communications.
1 February 2019
Boinett, CJ, Cain, AK, Hawkey, J, Do Hoang, NT, Khanh, NNT, Thanh, DP, Dordel, J, Campbell, JI, Lan, NPH, Mayho, M, Langridge, GC, Hadfield, J, Chau, NVV, Thwaites, GE, Parkhill, J, Thomson, NR, Holt, KE and Baker, S (2019). Clinical and laboratory-induced colistin-resistance mechanisms in Acinetobacter baumannii. [Data Collection]. Microbial genomics.
15 February 2019
Lam, MMC, Wyres, KL, Wick, RR, Judd, LM, Fostervold, A, Holt, KE and Löhr, IH (2019). Convergence of virulence and MDR in a single plasmid vector in MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae ST15. [Data Collection]. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
18 March 2019
Watts, S and Holt, KE (2019). hicap validation assembly set. [Data Collection]. Monash University.
15 April 2019
Wyres, KL, Wick, RR, Judd, LM, Froumine, R, Tokolyi, A, Gorrie, CL, Lam, MM, Duchêne, S, Jenney, A and Holt, K (2019). Distinct evolutionary dynamics of horizontal gene transfer in drug resistant and virulent clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae. [Data Collection]. PLoS Genetics.
20 May 2019
Hawkey, J, Le Hello, S, Doublet, B, Granier, SA, Hendriksen, RS, Fricke, WF, Ceyssens, P, Gomart, C, Billman-Jacobe, H, Holt, KE and Weill, F (2019). Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198. [Data Collection]. Microbial Genomics.
24 June 2019
Wick, RR, Judd, LM and Holt, KE (2019). Additional file 2 of: Performance of neural network basecalling tools for Oxford Nanopore sequencing. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
12 September 2019
Ingle, DJ, Nair, S, Hartman, H, Ashton, PM, Dyson, ZA, Day, M, Freedman, J, Chattaway, MA, Holt, KE and Dallman, TJ (2019). Informal genomic surveillance of regional distribution of Salmonella Typhi genotypes and antimicrobial resistance via returning travellers. [Data Collection]. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
16 January 2020
Wyres, KL, Nguyen, TNT, Lam, MMC, Judd, LM, van Vinh Chau, N, Dance, DAB, Ip, M, Karkey, A, Ling, CL, Miliya, T, Newton, PN, Lan, NPH, Sengduangphachanh, A, Turner, P, Veeraraghavan, B, Vinh, PV, Vongsouvath, M, Thomson, NR, Baker, S and Holt, KE (2020). Data for, "Genomic surveillance for hypervirulence and multi-drug resistance in invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae from south and southeast Asia.". [Data Collection]. Monash University.
10 March 2020
Rahman, SIA, Dyson, ZA, Klemm, EJ, Khanam, F, Holt, KE, Chowdhury, EK, Dougan, G and Qadri, F (2020). Population structure and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella Typhi isolates in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2004 to 2016. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
9 November 2020
Holt, KE, Lam, M and Wick, R (2020). Kleborate v2.0.0. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
17 March 2021
Holt, KE, Hawkey, J and Paranagama, K (2021). katholt/sonneityping: v20210201. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
20 June 2021
Inouye, M, Dashnow, H, Pope, B, Wick, R and Holt, KE (2021). katholt/srst2. [Data Collection]. Github.
15 July 2021
Wyres, KL, Hawkey, J, Mirčeta, M, Judd, LM, Wick, RR, Gorrie, CL, Pratt, NF, Garlick, JS, Watson, KM, Pilcher, DV, McGloughlin, SA, Abbott, IJ, Macesic, N, Spelman, DW, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2021). Additional file 2 of Genomic surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacterial colonisation and infection in intensive care patients. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
9 December 2021
Holt, KE, Gorrie, C and Wyres, K (2021). Genome assemblies and pan-genome data for 328 clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex, representing one year of infections diagnosed in a hospital diagnostic lab. [Data Collection]. Monash University.
24 January 2022
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Assembly and polishing details for the real-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Confusion matrices for the simulated-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Genome details for the simulated-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Predictors of assembly quality. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Raw results for the real-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Raw results for the simulated-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
28 March 2022
Dyson, ZA, Malau, E, Horwood, PF, Ford, R, Siba, V, Yoannes, M, Pomat, W, Passey, M, Judd, LM, Ingle, DJ, Williamson, DA, Dougan, G, Greenhill, AR and Holt, KE (2022). Accession numbers and data for S. Typhi sequences used in this study. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Dyson, ZA, Malau, E, Horwood, PF, Ford, R, Siba, V, Yoannes, M, Pomat, W, Passey, M, Judd, LM, Ingle, DJ, Williamson, DA, Dougan, G, Greenhill, AR and Holt, KE (2022). Excluded repeat and phage regions in PNG MDUST348 completed reference sequence. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Dyson, ZA, Malau, E, Horwood, PF, Ford, R, Siba, V, Yoannes, M, Pomat, W, Passey, M, Judd, LM, Ingle, DJ, Williamson, DA, Dougan, G, Greenhill, AR and Holt, KE (2022). Outgroups used for phylogenetic tree rooting. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
14 April 2022
d-j-e, Holt, KE and Wyres, KL (2022). katholt/RedDog. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
31 May 2022
Wick, R, kelwyres and Holt, KE (2022). katholt/Kaptive. [Data Collection]. Github.
24 August 2022
Hawkey, J, Wyres, KL, Judd, LM, Harshegyi, T, Blakeway, L, Wick, RR, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2022). Additional file 1 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Hawkey, J, Wyres, KL, Judd, LM, Harshegyi, T, Blakeway, L, Wick, RR, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2022). Additional file 3 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Hawkey, J, Wyres, KL, Judd, LM, Harshegyi, T, Blakeway, L, Wick, RR, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2022). Additional file 4 of ESBL plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae: diversity, transmission and contribution to infection burden in the hospital setting. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
9 February 2023
Holt, KE (2023). Global Typhoid Genomics Consortium 2022 - Genome Assemblies. [Data Collection]. Monash University.
13 March 2023
Foster-Nyarko, E, Holt, KE, Cottingham, H, Wick, R, Judd, LM, Lam, M, Wyres, KL, Stanton, T, Tsang, KK, David, S, Bridel, S, Palma, F, Aanensen, DM and Brisse, S (2023). Nanopore-only assemblies for genomic surveillance of the global priority drug-resistant pathogen, Klebsiella pneumoniae. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
13 September 2023
Cerdeira, L, Dyson, ZA and Holt, KE (2023). typhoidgenomics/TyphiNET: New release. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
5 February 2024
Cooper, HB, Vezina, B, Hawkey, J, Passet, V, López-Fernández, S, Monk, JM, Brisse, S, Holt, KE and Wyres, KL (2024). Supplemental Data for "A validated pangenome-scale metabolic model for the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex.". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
12 March 2024
Cerdeira, L, Sharma, V, Maranga, M, Carey, M, Dyson, ZA and Holt, KE (2024). amrnet/amrnet: AMRnet-v1.0. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
11 July 2024
Holt, KE and Hawkey, J (2024). interpretAMR/AMRrules. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
4 September 2024
Ryan Wick, Holt, KE, marlam89, kelwyres, Maranga, M, Petit III, RA, da Silva, AG, Deveaud, E, Lampa, S and Stanton, T (2024). klebgenomics/Kleborate: v3.0.0. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
30 September 2024
Holt, KE, Dyson, ZA, Hawkey, J and flashton2003 (2024). typhoidgenomics/genotyphi. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
10 January 2025
Spadar, A, Mahindroo, J, Troman, C, Owusu, M, Adu-Sarkodie, Y, Abraham, D, Blossom Benny, Govindan, K, Mohan, VR, Dyson, ZA, Grassly, N and Holt, KE (2025). AmpliconTyper. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.