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Number of items at this level: 69.

Abbas, KM and Vaccine Impact (2024). vaccine-impact/hpv_vaccine_equity. [Data Collection]. Github.

Abbas, KM, Vaccine Impact and Hadley, L (2024). lshtm-vimc/prime. [Data Collection]. Github.

Abbott, S (2023). seabbs/badtobetter: Initial release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Hellewell, J, Sherratt, K, Gostic, K, Hickson, J, Badr, HS, DeWitt, M, Azam, JM, EpiForecasts and Funk, S (2024). EpiNow2: Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying Epidemiological Parameters. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Howes, A, Park, SW, Funk, S, Bayer, D and DeWitt, M (2025). epinowcast/epidist. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Abbott, S, Russell, TW, Hellewell, J and Kucharski, AJ (2023). thimotei/legacy_ct_modelling: Final version. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Alexander, N, Dye, C, Busch, MP, Buss, L, Prete Jr, CA, Brady, OJ, Mee, P, Abrahim, CMM, Crispim, MAE, da Costa, AG, Salomon, T, Mayaud, P, Oikawa, MK, Faria, N and Sabino, EC (2024). Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection over two epidemic waves in Manaus, Brazil: a serological study of seven thousand blood donors. [Data Collection]. Open Science Framework.

Avila Dextre, F, Morales Álvarez, B, Aguirre Castañeda, P, Alva, IE, López, G, Schwalb, A and Gotuzzo, E (2024). Association between HTLV-1/2 infection and COVID-19 severity in a migrant Shipibo-Konibo population in Lima, Peru: Database and dictionary. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.

Brady, OJ (2024). obrady/CATI_Vietnam. [Data Collection]. Github.

Chatzilena, A and Van Leeuwen, E (2019). anastasiachtz/COMMAND_stan/. [Data Collection]. Github.

Clark, R (2024). lshtm-tbmg/tbmod-pub-undernutrition. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Domínguez, NT, Gruson, H, Pavlich-Mariscal, J, Gomez, G, Gámez López, ME, Cucunubá, ZM, tracelac, Hartgerink, C, Azam, J and ben18785 (2024). epiverse-trace/serofoi. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Els, F, Maree, G, Naidoo, Y, Naidoo, L, Mahamuza, P, Macheke, M, Ndlovu, N, Iwu-Jaja, C, Taukobong, S, Maposa, S, O'reilly, KM, Yousif, M, McCarthy, K and Rachida, S (2025). Wastewater surveillance overcomes socio-economic limitations of laboratory-based surveillance when monitoring disease transmission: the South African experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Etienne, RS, Valente, L, Phillimore, AB, Haegeman, B, Lambert, JW, Santos Neves, P, Xie, S, Bilderbeek, RJ, Hildenbrandt, H, Hauffe, T, Laudanno, G, Kristensen, N and Scherrer, R (2023). DAISIE: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.

Finger, F, Funk, S, White, K, Siddiqui, MR, Edmunds, WJ and Kucharski, AJ (2019). Additional file 2: of Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak in forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Fox, A and Choi, Y (2021). TheYongjinChoi/NYS-COVID19-Disparities-Survey. [Data Collection]. GitHub.

Goodfellow, L (2024). lucy-gf/imd-covid. [Data Collection]. Github.

Gupte, PR, Kucharski, AJ, Russell, TW, Lambert, JW, Gruson, H, Taylor, T, Azam, JM, Degoot, AM and Funk, S (2024). cfr: Estimate Disease Severity and Case Ascertainment. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.

Gupte, P, Van Leeuwen, E, Kucharski, A, Eggo, RM, Gruson, H, Jombart, T, Valle Campos, A and Lambert, JW (2024). finalsize: Calculate the Final Size of an Epidemic. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.

Haque, F, Lampe, FC, Hajat, S, Stavrianaki, K, Hasan, SMT, Faruque, ASG, Ahmed, T, Jubayer, S and Kelman, I (2024). S1 Data for: "Impacts of climate change on diarrhoeal disease hospitalisations: How does the global warming targets of 1.5–2°C affect Dhaka, Bangladesh?". [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Hartgerink, C, Lambert, JW, Mané, K, Gruson, H and Ahadzie, B (2024). numberize: Convert Words to Numbers in Multiple Languages. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.

Henderson, AD, Butler-Cole, BF, Wiedemann, M, Evans, D and Smith, R (2023). opensafely/openprompt-vaccine-long-covid. [Data Collection]. GitHub.

Hodgson, D (2022). dchodge/nambcea. [Data Collection]. Github.

Hou, Z, Lai, X, Liu, Y, Jit, M, Larson, H and Hai, F (2023). Assessing the impact of the 2018 Changchun Changsheng vaccine incident on childhood vaccination in China. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Hébert-Dufresne, L, Althouse, BM, Skrip, L and Bedson, J (2019). Social Mobilization Action Consortium: Community Engagement data from the 2014-2016 Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2024). Measles Seroprevalence Systematic Review and Bias Assessment 1962-2019. [Data Collection]. Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx).

Jamaluddine, Z and Checchi, F (2024). ZeinaJamaluddine/gaza_mortality_capture_recapture. [Data Collection]. Github.

Jarvis, CI, Coletti, P, Backer, J, Munday, JD, Faes, C, Beutels, P, Althaus, C, Low, N, Wallinga, J, Hens, N and Edmunds, J (2024). CoMix data (last round in BE, CH, NL and UK). [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Jensen, HT (2024). Model for "Estimating the health and macroeconomic burdens of tuberculosis in India, 2021-2040". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

Johnson, KE (2020). kaitejohnson/School_reopening. [Data Collection]. Github.

Johnson, KE (2024). wastewater-informed-covid-forecasting. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Judge, C (2024). ciarajudge/EpiFusion. [Data Collection]. Github.

Judge, C (2024). ciarajudge/EpiFusion_PublicationRepo. [Data Collection]. Github.

Kapulu, MC, Muthumbi, E, Otieno, E, Rossi, O, Ferruzzi, P, Necchi, F, Acquaviva, A, Martin, LB, Orindi, B, Mwai, K, Mwanzu, A, Bigogo, GM, Verani, JR, Mbae, C, Nyundo, C, Agoti, CN, Nakakana, UN, Conti, V, Bejon, P, Kariuki, S, Scott, JAG, Micoli, F and Podda, A (2023). Replication Data for: Age-dependent acquisition of IgG antibodies to Shigella serotypes – a retrospective analysis of sero-prevalence in Kenyan children. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.

Krauer, F (2024). fkrauer/RSV-VACC-DE. [Data Collection]. Github.

Lambert, JW (2024). joshwlambert/DAISIEprepExtra. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Lambert, JW, Bilderbeek, R and Santos Neves, P (2024). DAISIEmainland. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Leclerc, QJ, Naylor, NR, Aiken, AM, Coll, F and Knight, GM (2019). AR.IA App all datasets. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Leclerc, QJ, Naylor, NR, Aiken, AM, Coll, F and Knight, GM (2019). AR.IA App drug breakdown. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Leclerc, QJ, Naylor, NR, Aiken, AM, Coll, F and Knight, GM (2019). AR.IA App economic data. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Lim, A and Brady, OJ (2024). OpenDengue/master-repo. [Data Collection]. GitHub.

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2023). Phylogenetic inference of pneumococcal transmission from cross-sectional data, a pilot study. [Data Collection]. European Nucleotide Archive.

Mané, K, Jombart, T, Bah, B, Ahadzie, B, Mohammed, N, Degoot, AM, Gruson, H, Gupte, PR, Azam, JM, Lambert, JW and Hartgerink, C (2024). cleanepi: Clean and Standardize Epidemiological Data. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.

Mezmur, H, Tefera, M, Jemal, M, Kahsay, B and Assefa, N (2024). Household fuel use and adverse pregnancy outcomes. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Moirano, G, Fletcher, C, Semenza, JC and Lowe, R (2024). ghr/wnv_casecrossover. [Data Collection]. Gitlab.

Neves, PS, Lambert, JW, Etienne, RS, Bilderbeek, R, Xie, S, Valente, L, Hildenbrandt, H, Scherrer, R and Yangshen0325 (2023). rsetienne/DAISIE. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Nightingale, E (2023). esnightingale/vl-collection-methods-xm. [Data Collection]. GitHub.

Nightingale, E (2024). esnightingale/vl-disaggregation. [Data Collection]. Github.

Nilles, EJ and Kucharski, AJ (2024). enilles1/immunoepidemiology. [Data Collection]. Github.

O'reilly, KM (2024). Interview Questions for WW Dashboards. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Pearson, CAB and Hladish, T (2023). tjhladish/AbcSmc. [Data Collection]. Github.

Pearson, CAB, Hladish, T, Pillai, AN and Chao, D (2023). tjhladish/dengue-abm. [Data Collection]. Github.

Pung, R, Kucharski, AJ, Firth, J, Russell, TW, Rogers, T and Lee, V (2024). rachaelpung/temporal_networks. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Richards, AS (2023). alexandrasrichards/natural_history_tb_disease. [Data Collection]. GitHub.

Robert, A and Suffel, AM (2024). alxsrobert/measles_england_sir. [Data Collection]. Github.

Roell, Y, Pezzi, L, Lozano-Parra, A, Olson, D, Messina, J, Quandelacy, T, Drexler, JF, Brady, O, Karimzadeh, M and Jaenisch, T (2024). S1 Table for "Assessing vulnerability for future Zika virus outbreaks using seroprevalence data and environmental suitability maps". [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Russell, TW (2023). Fits and plot data for the paper: "Combined analyses of within-host SARS-CoV-2 viral kinetics and information on past exposures to the virus in a human cohort identifies intrinsic differences of Omicron and Delta variants". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Russell, TW and Kucharski, AJ (2024). thimotei/legacy_nAb_kinetics. [Data Collection]. Github.

Shearer, FM, Moyes, CL, Pigott, DM, Brady, OJ, Marinho, F, Deshpande, A, Longbottom, J, Browne, AJ, Kraemer, MUG, O'reilly, KM, Hombach, J, Yactayo, S, de Araújo, VEM, da Nóbrega, AA, Mosser, JF, Stanaway, JD, Lim, SS, Hay, SI, Golding, N and Reiner, RC (2018). Data from: Global yellow fever vaccination coverage from 1970 to 2016: an adjusted retrospective analysis. [Data Collection]. Dryad.

Sherratt, K, Abbott, S, Carnegie, A and Liu, Y (2023). Improving modelling for epidemic responses: reflections. [Data Collection]. Open Science Framework.

Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2025). epiforecasts/eval-by-method. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2024). epiforecasts/multi-model-information: Publication release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Simpson, KMJ, Mor, SM, Ward, MP, Collins, J, Flint, J, Hill-Cawthorne, GA and El Ghany, MA (2020). Dataset for "Genomic characterisation of Salmonella enterica serovar Wangata isolates obtained from different sources reveals low genomic diversity". [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.

Skrip, L, Barcon, S, Davis, G, Yeabah, TO and Kromah, M (2024). Data collection tools and dataset from tracer study of Q4D Lab, a locally developed and owned coding and biostatistics program in Liberia. [Data Collection]. Figshare.

Sliversteri, S, Ssali, A, Bahemuka, UM, Nsubuga, D, Muwanga, M, Nsereko, C, Ssemwanga, E, Robert, A, Seeley, J, Elliott, A and Ruzagira, E (2024). Structural and social factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers and older people in Uganda: A qualitative analysis. Data file. [Data Collection]. PLOS Global Public Health.

Tiley, K (2024). katietiley/Wolbachia_TPP_PPC. [Data Collection]. Github.

Van zandvoort, K, Hassan, AI, Bobe, MO, Pell, CL, Ahmed, MS, Ortika, BD, Ibrahim, S, Abdi, MI, Karim, MA, Eggo, RM, Yusuf, S, Hinds, J, Soleman, SM, Cummings, R, Mcgowan, CR, Mulholland, EK, Satzke, C, Hergeeye, MA, Checchi, F and Flasche, S (2024). Pre-vaccination carriage prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes among internally displaced people in Somaliland. Data and analyses. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.

Waterlow, N and Knight, G (2024). gwenknight/ecdc_data_age_sex. [Data Collection]. Github.

Xiang, F and Frost, S (2019). xiangfstats/GenieR: A final release. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 01:08:17 2025 GMT.