Browse by Data capture method

13 June 2006
Pocock, S, Bennett, M, Mccormack, V, Gueyffier, F, Boutitie, F, Fagard, RH and Boissel, J (2006). Cardiovascular Risk Score Calculator. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Okumu, F (2012). Combining insecticide treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying for malaria vector control in Africa. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
8 September 2014
Pigott, DM, Golding, N, Mylne, A, Huang, Z, Henry, AJ, Weiss, DJ, Brady, OJ, Kraemer, MU, Smith, DL, Moyes, CL, Bhatt, S, Gething, PW, Horby, PW, Bogoch, II, Brownstein, JS, Mekaru, SR, Tatem, AJ, Khan, K and Hay, SI (2014). Source code for analysis of the zoonotic niche of Ebolavirus. [Data Collection]. GitHub, Inc..
7 October 2014
Phillips, A, Cambiano, V, Nakagawa, F, Magubu, T, Miners, A, Ford, D, Pillay, D, De Luca, A, Lundgren, J and Revill, P (2014). Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Drug Resistance Testing to Inform Switching to Second Line Antiretroviral Therapy in Low Income Settings: Supporting material. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
10 April 2015
Kucharski, A and Edmunds, J (2015). Characterizing the Transmission Potential of Zoonotic Infections from Minor Outbreaks: Simulation and Inference code. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
27 October 2015
Jeandron, A, Saidi, JM, Kapama, A, Burhole, M, Birembano, F, Vandevelde, T, Gasparrini, A, Armstrong, B, Cairncross, S and Ensink, J (2015). Water Supply Interruptions and Suspected Cholera Incidence: A Time-Series Regression in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. S1 Table. [Data Collection]. PLOS Medicine.
January 2016
Sadique, Z, Lopman, B, Cooper, BS and Edmunds, J (2016). Cost-effectiveness of Ward Closure to Control Outbreaks of Norovirus Infection in UK National Health Service Hospitals: Epidemic simulation model. [Data Collection]. Oxford University Press.
14 March 2016
Diaz-ordaz, K, Kenward, M, Gomes, M and Grieve, R (2016). Multiple imputation methods for bivariate outcomes in cluster randomised trials: Supporting Information. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
17 May 2016
Kucharski, AJ, Funk, S, Eggo, RM, Mallet, H, Edmunds, WJ and Nilles, EJ (2016). S1 Dataset for "Transmission Dynamics of Zika Virus in Island Populations: A Modelling Analysis of the 2013–14 French Polynesia Outbreak". [Data Collection]. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Marks, M and Roberts, C (2017). Poisson Regression Dataset for "Learning Clinical Epidemiology with R" tutorial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 January 2017
Gasparrini, A (2017). R Code for: "Modelling lagged associations in environmental time series data: a simulation study". [Data Collection]. Github.
19 January 2017
Kessy, A, Lewin, A and Strimmer, K (2017). Optimal Whitening and Decorrelation. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
6 March 2017
Le Rutte, EA, Chapman, LA, Coffeng, LE, Jervis, S, Hasker, EC, Dwivedi, S, Karthick, M, Das, A, Mahapatra, T, Chaudhuri, I, Boelaert, MC, Medley, GF, Srikantiah, S, Hollingsworth, TD and de Vlas, SJ (2017). Elimination of visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent: a comparison of predictions from three transmission models. [Data Collection]. Epidemics.
9 March 2017
Luque, MA (2017). migariane/meltmle: Ensemble Learning Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Stata users. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
10 March 2017
Choi, YH, Campbell, H, Amirthalingam, G, Van Hoek, AJ and Miller, E (2017). Additional file 3: of Investigating the pertussis resurgence in England and Wales, and options for future control. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
14 September 2017
Rossell, D and Rubio, FJ (2017). Tractable Bayesian variable selection: beyond normality. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
30 October 2017
Marks, M, Mitja, O, Fitzpatrick, C, Asiedu, K, Solomon, AW, Mabey, D and Funk, S (2017). R files for: Mathematical Modeling of Programmatic Requirements for Yaws Eradication. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
2 November 2017
van Kleef, E, Luangasanatip, N, Bonten, MJ and Cooper, BS (2017). R code: why sensitive bacteria are resistant to hospital infection control. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
4 February 2018
Langham, S, Wright, A, Kenworthy, J, Grieve, R and Dunlop, WC (2018). Cost-Effectiveness of Take-Home Naloxone for the Prevention of Overdose Fatalities among Heroin Users in the United Kingdom: Supplemental Materials. [Data Collection]. Value in Health.
15 February 2018
Eggo, RM (2018). Computer code of the coinfection model. [Data Collection]. PLOS Pathogens.
19 June 2018
Keogh, R (2018). MI-TVE. [Data Collection]. Github.
3 August 2018
Witmer, K, Sherrard-Smith, E, Straschil, U, Tunnicliff, M, Baum, J and Delves, M (2018). MOESM1 of An inexpensive open source 3D-printed membrane feeder for human malaria transmission studies. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Witmer, K, Sherrard-Smith, E, Straschil, U, Tunnicliff, M, Baum, J and Delves, M (2018). MOESM2 of An inexpensive open source 3D-printed membrane feeder for human malaria transmission studies. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
27 November 2018
Sumner, T (2018). Mathematical model projections for: "Application of provincial data in mathematical modelling to inform sub-national tuberculosis program decision-making in South Africa". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
19 January 2019
Funk, S (2019). R Code accompanying the manuscript "Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
12 March 2019
Finger, F, Funk, S, White, K, Siddiqui, MR, Edmunds, WJ and Kucharski, AJ (2019). Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak in forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
29 June 2019
Thompson, J (2019). SWPERMUTE: Stata module to compute Permutation tests for Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomised Trials. [Data Collection]. Statistical Software Components S458426, Boston College Department of Economics.
22 July 2019
Keogh, R and Bartlett, J (2019). Measurement error correction methods applied to NHANES data. [Data Collection]. Github.
17 October 2019
Flasche, S (2019). Denvaxia-in-Phillippines. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
11 November 2019
Gasparrini, A (2019). gasparrini/2019_sera_StatMed_Rcode. [Data Collection]. Github.
30 January 2020
Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/WuhanSeedingVsTransmission: Resubmission to Wellcome Open Research. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
31 January 2020
Kucharski, AJ, Russell, TW, Diamond, C, CMMID nCoV working group, Funk, S and Eggo, RM (2020). Probability of a large 2019-nCoV outbreak following introduction of cases. [Data Collection]. Github.
6 February 2020
Paradis, E, Kamvar, ZN, Jombart, T, Brian, K and Frederic, M (2020). pegas: Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
12 February 2020
Keogh, R, Seaman, SR, Gran, JM and Vansteelandt, S (2020). Causal Sim code. [Data Collection]. Github.
13 February 2020
Robert, A (2020). geosocial-outbreaker: Integrating geographical and social contact data to reconstruct transmission chains. [Data Collection]. Github.
28 February 2020
Hellewell, J, Abbott, S, Gimma, A, Bosse, N, Jarvis, C, Russell, T, Munday, J, Kucharski, A, Edmunds, WJ, Funk, S, Eggo, R, Sun, F, Flasche, S, Quilty, B, Davies, N, Liu, Y, Clifford, S, Klepac, P, Jit, M, Diamond, C, Gibbs, H and Van Zandvoort, K (2020). Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts. [Data Collection]. Github.
3 March 2020
Jombart, T, Abbott, S, Gimma, A, Zandvoort, K, Clifford, S, Jarvis, C, Russell, T, Funk, S, Gibbs, H, Eggo, RM, Kucharski, AJ, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group and Edmunds, WJ (2020). Inferring COVID-19 cases from deaths of confirmed cases. [Data Collection]. CMMID Repository.
18 March 2020
Prem, K, Liu, Y, Russell, TW, Kucharski, AJ, Eggo, RM, Davies, NG, Jit, M, Klepac, P, Flasche, S, Clifford, S, Pearson, CAB, Munday, JD, Abbott, S, Gibbs, H, Rosello, A, Quilty, BJ, Jombart, T, Sun, F, Diamond, C, Gimma, A, Van zandvoort, K, Funk, S, Jarvis, CI, Edmunds, WJ, Bosse, NI and Hellewell, J (2020). Age-structured SEIR model for COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China. [Data Collection]. Github.
9 April 2020
Jombart, T, Clifford, S, Pearson, Carl A. B. Pearson, Rees, E, Nightingale, E, Procter, S and Knight, G (2020). thibautjombart/covid19_bed_occupancy: Second major release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
20 April 2020
Flasche, S (2020). StefanFlasche/Pneumo_Trans_Inf. [Data Collection]. Github.
11 May 2020
Kissler, SM, Klepac, P, Tang, M, Conlan, AJ and Gog, JR (2020). skissler/haslemere. [Data Collection]. Github.
24 May 2020
Abbott, S, Sherratt, K, Funk, S and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/covid: Submission release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
25 May 2020
Quaife, M (2020). mquaife/kenya_mixing. [Data Collection]. Github.
10 June 2020
Jombart, T and Schumacher, D (2020). trendbreaker 0.1.0: Detect Changes in Temporal Trends. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
11 June 2020
Pearson, CAB, Van zandvoort, K, Jarvis, CI, Davies, NG, Thompson, S, Checchi, F, Jit, M, Eggo, RM and LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group (2020). Projections of COVID-19 epidemics in LMIC countries. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Abbas, KM (2020). vaccine-impact/epi_covid. [Data Collection]. Github.
8 July 2020
Russell, TW, Golding, N, Hellewell, J, Abbott, S, Pearson, CAB, Van zandvoort, K, Jarvis, CI, Gibbs, H, Liu, Y, Eggo, RM, Edmunds, WJ, Kucharski, AJ and CMMID COVID-19 working group (2020). Reconstructing the global dynamics of unreported COVID-19 cases and infections. [Data Collection]. Github.
24 July 2020
Clifford, S, Quilty, BJ, Russell, TW, Liu, Y, Chan, YD, Pearson, CAB, Eggo, RM, Endo, A, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Flasche, S and Edmunds, WJ (2020). cmmid/travel_screening_strategies. [Data Collection]. Github.
19 August 2020
Greener, R (2020). Machine learning methods to investigate segments of the British consumer food market and to predict weight status: Source code. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
2 September 2020
Gibbs, H, Abbott, S and Funk, S (2020). RtD3. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
3 September 2020
Leng, T and Flasche, S (2020). tsleng93/SocialBubble: Social Bubble (including density dependence). [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
7 September 2020
Liu, Y, Gong, W, Clifford, S, Sundaram, ME, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Jit, M, Flasche, S and Klepac, P (2020). yangclaraliu/covid_surveillance_strategy: WOR Submission. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
21 September 2020
Yakob, L and Nightingale, E (2020). lwyakob/COVIDsaturates. [Data Collection]. Github.
24 September 2020
Nash, S, Thompson, J and Leurent, B (2020). CLAN: Stata module to perform cluster-level analysis of cluster randomised trials. [Data Collection]. Statistical Software Components S458844, Boston College Department of Economics.
25 September 2020
Thompson, J (2020). Comparison of small-sample standard-error corrections for generalised estimating equations in stepped wedge cluster randomised trials with a binary outcome: A simulation study. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Harris, F (2020). Interstate trade of cereals in India. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 November 2020
Gasparrini, A (2020). gasparrini/2019_vicedo-cabrera_Epidem_Rcodedata. [Data Collection]. Github.
15 December 2020
Fernandez, MAL, Zivich, P and Smith, MJ (2020). migariane/TutorialCausalInferenceEstimators: Computational Causal Inference for Applied Researchers. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
17 February 2021
Chapman, LAC (2021). LloydChapman/COVID_homeless_modelling. [Data Collection]. Github.
19 February 2021
Munday, JD (2021). jdmunday/SchoolHouseholdNetworksCOVID: Initial release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
2 April 2021
Quilty, B (2021). cmmid/quar_test_contact_tracing. [Data Collection]. Github.
31 May 2021
Vicedo-Cabrera, AM, Gasparrini, A and Royé, D (2021). anavica/mcc_ccattr_NCC. [Data Collection]. Github.
1 June 2021
Timaeus, I (2021). BugBunny/oRphanhood. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
10 June 2021
Quilty, B (2021). cmmid/covid_quar_test_import_risk. [Data Collection]. Github.
5 July 2021
Pearson, CAB, Bozzani, F, Procter, SR, Davies, NG, Huda, M, Jensen, HT, Keogh-Brown, M, Khalid, M, Sweeney, S, Torres-Rueda, S, Eggo, RM, Vassall, A and Jit, M (2021). Simulation results for "COVID-19 vaccination in Sindh Province, Pakistan: a modelling study of health impact and cost-effectiveness". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
27 July 2021
Greener, R, Lewis, D, Reades, J, Miles, S and Cummins, S (2021). Software and results for: An agent-based model for simulating the impact of social norms on active commuting interventions. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
8 February 2022
Greener, R, Lewis, D, Reades, J, Miles, S and Cummins, S (2022). Software and results for: Incorporating social norms into a configurable agent-based model of commuting behaviour. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
28 June 2022
Briggs, A (2022). Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation - Exercises. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
5 July 2022
Woodhouse, M, Aspinall, W, Sparks, R, Brooks-Pollock, E and Relton, CL (2022). Alternative Covid-19 mitigation measures in school classrooms: Analysis using an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. [Data Collection]. Dryad.
17 August 2022
Keddie, S, Bärenbold, O, Keogh, R and Bradley, J (2022). Stan models for diagnostic tests accuracy simulation; Accompaniment for Journal Article. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
15 January 2023
Pung, R (2023). rachaelpung/covid_missed_infections. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
14 September 2023
Churcher, T, Stopard, I, Hamlet, A, Dee, D, Sanou, A, Rowland, M, Guelbeogo, M, Emidi, B, Mosha, J, Challenger, J, Denz, A, Charles, G, Russell, E, Fitzjohn, R, Winskill, P, Fornadel, C, Mclean, T, Digre, P, Wagman, J, Mosha, F, Cook, J, Akogbéto, M, Djogbenou, L, Ranson, H, Manjurano, A, N'fale, S, Protopopoff, N, Accrombessi, M, Ngufor, C, Foster, G and Sherrard-Smith, E (2023). MINT-data-v20230208. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
19 October 2023
Suárez-Idueta, L, Ohuma, EO, Chang, C, Hazel, EA, Yargawa, J, Okwaraji, YB, Bradley, E, Gordon, A, Sexton, J, Lawford, H, Paixao cruz, ES, Falcão, IR, Lisonkova, S, Wen, Q, Velebil, P, Jírová, J, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Alvarez Lopez, S, Broeders, L, van Dijk, AE, Alyafei, F, AlQubaisi, M, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Matthews, R, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Wood, R, Monteath, K, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Lawn, JE and Blencowe, H (2023). Data for: "Neonatal mortality risk of large for gestational age and macrosomic live births in 15 countries including 115.6 million nationwide linked records, 2000–2020". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
28 November 2023
Abbott, S, Hellewell, J, Lucas, T, Funk, S and Gimma, A (2023). epiforecasts/ringbp. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
23 October 2024
Gasparrini, A and Vanoli, J (2024). Synthetic datasets of the UK Biobank cohort. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
28 October 2024
Masselot, P, Mistry, MN and Gasparrini, A (2024). Projection of temperature-related mortality in 854 European cities under climate change and adaptation scenarios. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.