Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E. 2024. Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help? Qualitative interview and focus group data. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:
Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E. Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help? Qualitative interview and focus group data [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2024. Available from:
Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E (2024). Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help? Qualitative interview and focus group data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Qualitative data collected for the project "Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help?". It is comprised of transcripts for 4 focus group discussions (FGDs), 24 in-depth interviews (IDIs) and 18 key informant interviews (KIIs).
Additional information
Embargoed until 19 Dec 2025. We wish to retain exclusive use of the data for 5 years from the end of data collection, to enable team to publish primary and secondary analyses, any additional analyses, and to enable students using the data to complete and submit their work.
Description of data capture | In-depth interviews were administered using face-to-face using interview guides. The interviews were conducted in English or Luganda and audio recorded with the prior permission of study participants. Prior to the interviews, the details of the study were explained to the study participants and informed consent/assent was sought, where they were asked to sign a hard copy consent form. For focus group discussions, participants were stratified by village, training and gender. Each focus group consisted of approximately six to eight participants. Focus groups were conducted by a facilitator and co-facilitator, who observed and took notes. Prior to the start of the focus group, the facilitator and co-facilitator obtained consent/assent from respondents to participate in the study and to audio-record the discussion. The facilitator used a semi-structured focus group guide to ensure that all components were discussed, but encouraged participants to elaborate through probes. The facilitator and co-facilitator debriefed at the end of the focus group to discuss themes that emerged during the discussion. Using the notes and encrypted audio-recording, the co-facilitator organised and cleaned the focus group notes, reviewed them for clarity, and added their reflections on the process, including barriers and facilitators to data collection. Co-facilitators’ notes were be used to supplement the transcripts. | ||||
Data capture method | Interview: Face-to-face, Focus Group: Face-to-Face | ||||
Data Collection Period |
Date (Completed) | 26 January 2024 | ||||
Language(s) of written materials | English |
Data Creators | Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E |
LSHTM Faculty/Department | Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Population Health (2012- ) |
Research Group | Child Protection Research Group |
Participating Institutions | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, University College London, London, United Kingdom |
Funders |
Date Deposited | 26 Jan 2024 13:13 |
Last Modified | 26 Feb 2024 14:25 |
Publisher | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
Data / Code
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Filename: FGD_IDI_KII_transcripts.txt
Description: Transcripts for 4 focus group discussions (FGDs), 24 in-depth interviews (IDIs) and 18 key informant interviews (KIIs)
Licence: Data Sharing Agreement
Content type: Dataset
File size: 169B
Mime-Type: text/plain
Filename: Annex07_KIIS-Consent_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 07 - Key informant information sheet and informed consent form
Content type: Textual content
File size: 258kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex09_Caregiver_InfoSheet_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 09 - Participant information sheet and consent form for Caregiver-Parent
Content type: Textual content
File size: 199kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex08_Adolescent_InfoSheet_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 08 - Participant information sheet and consent form for adolescents v1
Content type: Textual content
File size: 259kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex10_Adolescents_FGD_InfoSheet_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 10 - Participant information sheet and informed consent form for focus group discussions with trained and untrained adolescents
Content type: Textual content
File size: 227kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: 3685_UserGuide.html
Description: User guide for qualitative data
Content type: Textual content
File size: 18kB
Mime-Type: text/html
Study Instrument
Filename: Annex02_IDI_Trained_Adolescents_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 02 - In-depth interview guide for trained adolescents (v1 2019-08-28)
Content type: Textual content
File size: 279kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex03_IDI_Untrained Adolescents_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 03 - In-depth interview guide for untrained adolescents (v1 2019-08-28)
Content type: Textual content
File size: 250kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex04_FGD_Trained Adolescents_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 04 - Focus group discussion guide for trained adolescents (v1 2019-08-28)
Content type: Textual content
File size: 292kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex05_FGD_Untrained Adolescents_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 05 - Focus group discussion guide for untrained adolescents (v1 2019-08-28)
Content type: Textual content
File size: 282kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf
Filename: Annex06_IDI_Key_Informants_v1.pdf
Description: Annex 06 - In-depth interview guide for key informants (v1 2019-08-28)
Content type: Textual content
File size: 190kB
Mime-Type: application/pdf