Browse by Research funders/sponsors

26 August 2006
Breeze, E, Wilkinson, P, Fletcher, A, Bulpitt, C, Jones, D and Tulloch, A (2006). Quality of Life among People Aged 75 and over in Great Britain, 1994-1998. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
Cavallaro, F, Cresswell, J and Ronsmans, C (2014). Obstetricians’ opinions of the optimal caesarean rate: a global survey. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
24 September 2015
Johnson, A (2015). National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
30 April 2018
Sunny, B, Glynn, JR, Crampin, AC and Kanjala, C (2018). Data for the paper on "Early school failure predicts teenage pregnancy and marriage: a large population-based cohort study in Northern Malawi". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
23 January 2019
Daniele, M, Ouedraogo, D, Some, H, Ganaba, R, Sarrassat, S, Cousens, S, Rossier, C and Filippi, V (2019). Dataset for "Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
14 January 2021
NatCen Social Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Russell, M and Senior, M (2021). National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 2010-2012: Biological Data: Secure Access. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service.
12 August 2021
Naiga, S, Nabirye, C, Kayendeke, M and Chandler, C (2021). Anti-Microbials in Society - Uganda Study, 2017-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex.
26 August 2021
Sringernyuang, L, Whanpuch, P, Poompruek, P and Chandler, C (2021). Anti-microbials In Society - Thailand, Study 1, 2017-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
31 August 2021
Chuengsatiansup, K, Chawraingern, S, Limsawart, W, Urapeepathanapong, T, Chanchamsang, U and Chandler, C (2021). Anti-microbials in Society - Thailand, Study 2, 2017-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
20 October 2021
Cohn, S, Borgstrom, E, Driessen, A and Dumble, K (2021). Forms of Care: Ethnographic Interviews About Palliative Care With Health Professionals in London, 2017-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
7 November 2021
Barasa, E, Musiega, A, Hanson, K, Nyawira, L, Mulwa, A, Molyneux, S, Maina, I, Tsofa, B, Normand, C and Jemutai, J (2021). Additional file 1 of Level and determinants of county health system technical efficiency in Kenya: two stage data envelopment analysis. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
14 January 2022
Dziva Chikwari, C (2022). Community based interventions to improve HIV outcomes in youth: a cluster randomised trial in Zimbabwe (CHIEDZA). [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 February 2022
Govender, I (2022). Infection prevention and control for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa in the era of decentralised care:a whole systems approach. [Data Collection]. AHRI Data Repository.
2 March 2022
Malawi Government, Phiri, K, Saunders, J, Muleya, M, Joy, E, Tang, K, Smith, G and Pitchford, N (2022). Unified Region Based Covariates for Investigating the Causes of Early Childhood Adversity, 2010-2017. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Essex, United Kingdom.
11 May 2022
Massazza, A, Joffe, H, Parrott, E and Brewin, CR (2022). Remembering the earthquake: intrusive memories of disaster in a rural Italian community. [Data Collection]. Taylor & Francis.
4 July 2022
Grant, AD and Kielmann, K (2022). Qualitative and Quantitative Data for Tuberculosis Infection Prevention and Control in KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape, South Africa, 2018-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
31 August 2022
Grant, A and Kielmann, K (2022). Qualitative and quantitative data for tuberculosis Infection prevention and control in South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape). [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, South Africa.
7 September 2022
Ingleby, F, Woods, LM, Atherton, I and Belot, A (2022). Life Table According to Age, Sex and Individual Socio-economic Status for the England and Wales Population, 2011. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
14 September 2022
Colvin, C, Swartz, A, Kallon, I, Kielmann, K and Macgregor, H (2022). Infection prevention and control for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa in the era of decentralised care: A whole systems approach. Research Question 1 - describe IPC policy and systems context. [Data Collection]. University of Cape Town.
25 September 2022
Colvin, C, Swartz, A, Kallon, I, Kielmann, K and Macgregor, H (2022). Umoya omuhle: Infection prevention and control for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa in the era of decentralised care: A whole systems approach. Research Questions 3 and 4_KwaZulu Natal. [Data Collection]. University of Cape Town.
14 December 2022
Klim, H and Fornace, KM (2022). hklim06/Quantifying-human-animal-contact-rates-in-Malaysian-Borneo. [Data Collection]. GitHub.
11 December 2023
Emery, JC, Dodd, PJ, Banu, S, Frascella, B, Garden, FL, Horton, KC, Hossain, S, Law, I, van Leth, F, Marks, GB, Nguyen, HB, Nguyen, HV, Onozaki, I, Quelapio, MID, Richards, AS, Shaikh, N, Tiemersma, EW, White, RG, Zaman, K, Cobelens, F and Houben, RM (2023). epidemery/subclinical_transmission. [Data Collection]. GitHub.
26 January 2024
Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E (2024). Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people: will reducing violence help? Qualitative interview and focus group data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
28 February 2024
Kyamulabi, A, Kiss, L, Kasalirwe, F, Kamya, I, Pearlman, J, Knight, L, Nnyombi, A, Devries, K, Tanton, C and Walakira, E (2024). Promoting Inclusion in Decent Work for Ugandan Young People, 2020. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service.
26 March 2024
Bose, I, Dreibelbis, R, Green, R, Murray, K, Ceesay, O and Kovats, S (2024). Data collection tools for: "Changing rainfall patterns, household water use and health: risks and household responses in rural Gambia". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 January 2025
Kpokiri, E (2025). Preferences for Sexual Health Services Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the United Kingdom, 2023. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.