Profile of the organisms selected for sequencing

Guevara, PD, Maes, M, Thanh, DP, Duarte, C, Rodriguez, EC, Montaño, LA, Dan, THN, Nguyen, TNT, Carey, ME, Campos, J, Chinen, I, Perez, E and Baker, S. 2021. Profile of the organisms selected for sequencing. [Online]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Available from:

Guevara, PD, Maes, M, Thanh, DP, Duarte, C, Rodriguez, EC, Montaño, LA, Dan, THN, Nguyen, TNT, Carey, ME, Campos, J, Chinen, I, Perez, E and Baker, S. Profile of the organisms selected for sequencing [Internet]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases; 2021. Available from:

Guevara, PD, Maes, M, Thanh, DP, Duarte, C, Rodriguez, EC, Montaño, LA, Dan, THN, Nguyen, TNT, Carey, ME, Campos, J, Chinen, I, Perez, E and Baker, S (2021). Profile of the organisms selected for sequencing. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.


Data capture method Summary, Measurements and tests
Data Collection Period
Date (Published in a 3rd party system) 16 September 2021
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Guevara, PD, Maes, M, Thanh, DP, Duarte, C, Rodriguez, EC, Montaño, LA, Dan, THN, Nguyen, TNT, Carey, ME, Campos, J, Chinen, I, Perez, E and Baker, S
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases > Department of Infection Biology
Participating Institutions Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogotá, Colombia, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Red Pulsenet Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, Washington DC, United States
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
UNSPECIFIEDWellcome Trust215515/Z/19/Z
Fortalecimiento de la capacidad diagnóstica, de investigación y de vigilancia de enfermedades transmisibles emergentes y reemergentes en ColombiaDepartamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (COLCIENCIAS)757
UNSPECIFIEDNIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research CentreUNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 31 Jul 2023 11:30
Last Modified 31 Jul 2023 11:30
Publisher PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases



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