Data for: “Vulnerable newborn types: Analysis of population-based registries for 165 million births in 23 countries, 2000–2021”

Suárez-Idueta, L, Yargawa, J, Blencowe, H, Bradley, E, Okwaraji, YB, Pingray, V, Gibbons, L, Gordon, A, Warrilow, K, Paixao Cruz, ES, Falcão, IR, Lisonkova, S, Mardones, F, Caulier-Cisterna, R, Velebil, P, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Gissler, M, Heidarzadeh, M, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Karalasingam, SD, Jeganathan, R, Huicho, L, Quezada-Pinedo, HG, Cajachagua-Torres, KN, Alyafei, F, Cho, GJ, Kim, HY, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Ohuma, EO and Lawn, JE. 2023. Data for: “Vulnerable newborn types: Analysis of population-based registries for 165 million births in 23 countries, 2000–2021”. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:

Suárez-Idueta, L, Yargawa, J, Blencowe, H, Bradley, E, Okwaraji, YB, Pingray, V, Gibbons, L, Gordon, A, Warrilow, K, Paixao Cruz, ES, Falcão, IR, Lisonkova, S, Mardones, F, Caulier-Cisterna, R, Velebil, P, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Gissler, M, Heidarzadeh, M, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Karalasingam, SD, Jeganathan, R, Huicho, L, Quezada-Pinedo, HG, Cajachagua-Torres, KN, Alyafei, F, Cho, GJ, Kim, HY, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Ohuma, EO and Lawn, JE. Data for: “Vulnerable newborn types: Analysis of population-based registries for 165 million births in 23 countries, 2000–2021” [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2023. Available from:

Suárez-Idueta, L, Yargawa, J, Blencowe, H, Bradley, E, Okwaraji, YB, Pingray, V, Gibbons, L, Gordon, A, Warrilow, K, Paixao Cruz, ES, Falcão, IR, Lisonkova, S, Mardones, F, Caulier-Cisterna, R, Velebil, P, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Gissler, M, Heidarzadeh, M, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Karalasingam, SD, Jeganathan, R, Huicho, L, Quezada-Pinedo, HG, Cajachagua-Torres, KN, Alyafei, F, Cho, GJ, Kim, HY, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Ohuma, EO and Lawn, JE (2023). Data for: “Vulnerable newborn types: Analysis of population-based registries for 165 million births in 23 countries, 2000–2021”. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Data capture method Observation, Experiment, Recording, Content Coding: Qualitative data converted into quantitative, Compilation/Synthesis, Aggregation, Simulation, Measurements and tests
Data Collection Period
1 January 200031 December 2021
Date (Completed) 26 June 2023
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Suárez-Idueta, L, Yargawa, J, Blencowe, H, Bradley, E, Okwaraji, YB, Pingray, V, Gibbons, L, Gordon, A, Warrilow, K, Paixao Cruz, ES, Falcão, IR, Lisonkova, S, Mardones, F, Caulier-Cisterna, R, Velebil, P, Horváth-Puhó, E, Sørensen, HT, Sakkeus, L, Abuladze, L, Gissler, M, Heidarzadeh, M, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Yunis, KA, Bizri, AA, Karalasingam, SD, Jeganathan, R, Huicho, L, Quezada-Pinedo, HG, Cajachagua-Torres, KN, Alyafei, F, Cho, GJ, Kim, HY, Razaz, N, Söderling, J, Smith, LK, Lowry, E, Rowland, N, Pereyra, I, Pravia, G, Ohuma, EO and Lawn, JE
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (-2023)
Research Centre Centre for Maternal, Reproductive and Child Health (MARCH)
Research Group Vulnerable Newborn Measurement Group
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, University College London, London, United Kingdom
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
Vulnerable Newborns: multi-country analyses to advance measurement related to preterm births and small-for-gestational ageChildren's Investment Fund Foundation1803-02535
Date Deposited 26 Jun 2023 09:55
Last Modified 05 Jul 2023 14:03
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
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Filename: Prevalence_National_Code.R

Description: R code script to generate relevant variables and calculate the prevalence and time trends of vulnerable types combining birthweight, gestational age, and size at birth


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Filename: Prevalence_National_Data.txt

Description: Excel sheet with aggregated information from 23 countries. Each row represents one country-year and each column represent one variable

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