Data for: PrEP preference among adolescent boys and young men in three sub-Saharan African countries

Kakande, A, Ssemata, AS, Muhumuza, R, Atujuna, M, Abaasa, A, Fox, J, Ndekezi, D, Tshabalala, G, Nematadzira, T, Hornschuh, S, Nomvuyo, M, Ahmed, N, Maluadzi, M, Weiss, H, Seeley, J, Dietrich, JJ, Stranix-Chibanda, L, Webb, E, PrEPVacc Study Group and ITAPS team. 2023. Data for: PrEP preference among adolescent boys and young men in three sub-Saharan African countries. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:

Kakande, A, Ssemata, AS, Muhumuza, R, Atujuna, M, Abaasa, A, Fox, J, Ndekezi, D, Tshabalala, G, Nematadzira, T, Hornschuh, S, Nomvuyo, M, Ahmed, N, Maluadzi, M, Weiss, H, Seeley, J, Dietrich, JJ, Stranix-Chibanda, L, Webb, E, PrEPVacc Study Group and ITAPS team. Data for: PrEP preference among adolescent boys and young men in three sub-Saharan African countries [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2023. Available from:

Kakande, A, Ssemata, AS, Muhumuza, R, Atujuna, M, Abaasa, A, Fox, J, Ndekezi, D, Tshabalala, G, Nematadzira, T, Hornschuh, S, Nomvuyo, M, Ahmed, N, Maluadzi, M, Weiss, H, Seeley, J, Dietrich, JJ, Stranix-Chibanda, L, Webb, E, PrEPVacc Study Group and ITAPS team (2023). Data for: PrEP preference among adolescent boys and young men in three sub-Saharan African countries. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Additional information

Description of data capture The quantitative data were collected on tablets using Open Data Kit software, by trained research assistants. Qualitative interviews were conducted by experienced social science researchers, who conducted group discussions (GDs) and In-Depth Interviews (IDIs), using a semi-structured topic guide, in a secure and private location that was comfortable for the interviewer and the interviewee. We used STATA version 15 for cleaning and analysis of quantitative data. Participant socio-demographic, sexual risk behaviour, and other variables were summarized using means with standard deviations or medians with interquartile range for continuous variables and frequencies with percentages for categorical variables, all stratified by country. A thematic analysis approach was used to identify, analyse, and interpret patterns of meaning (‘themes’) within the qualitative data. To attain this analysis, data familiarization was conducted, the researchers at each study site read the transcripts several times and made notes of key ideas and recurrent codes.
Data capture method Questionnaire, Focus Group: Face-to-Face
Data Collection Period
April 2019November 2019
Date (Completed) 16 January 2023
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Kakande, A, Ssemata, AS, Muhumuza, R, Atujuna, M, Abaasa, A, Fox, J, Ndekezi, D, Tshabalala, G, Nematadzira, T, Hornschuh, S, Nomvuyo, M, Ahmed, N, Maluadzi, M, Weiss, H, Seeley, J, Dietrich, JJ, Stranix-Chibanda, L, Webb, E, PrEPVacc Study Group and ITAPS team
Associated roles Mutonyi, G (Researcher)
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (-2023)
MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit, Entebbe, Uganda, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe, South African Medical Research Council, Bellville, South Africa, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
Combined HIV adolescent PrEP and prevention study: The acceptability and feasibility of providing daily and on-demand PrEP to adolescent boys and girlsEuropean and Developing Countries Clinical Trials PartnershipRIA2016MC-1616
Date Deposited 12 Jan 2023 17:15
Last Modified 02 Nov 2023 10:49
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine



Data / Code

Filename: prep_pref_raw_data.csv

Description: An anonymised data set containing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) preferences for male adolescents and associated demographic and behavioural factors in Sub Saharan Africa


Content type: Dataset

File size: 33kB

Mime-Type: text/plain



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Filename: CHAPS_qualitative_code_books.txt

Description: The CHAPS qualitative code books contain selected transcripts and codes associated interviews performed in Cape Town, Soweto, Uganda and Zimbabwe

Licence: Data Sharing Agreement

Content type: Dataset

File size: 68B

Mime-Type: text/plain

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Filename: Prep_pref_data_codebook.html

Description: Codebook for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) preference datasets


Content type: Textual content

File size: 13kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Filename: 3232-UserGuide.html

Description: User guide for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) preference datasets


Content type: Textual content

File size: 11kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Study Instrument

Filename: CHAPS_Survey.pdf

Description: CHAPS Survey version 2.0, dated 11 Jan 2019


Content type: Textual content

File size: 489kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf




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