Items where research centre is "Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases" and year is 2020

Abbas, KM (2020). vaccine-impact/epi_covid. [Data Collection]. Github.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Collated Results of the National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Tests, Hospital Admissions and Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Cases. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National Reproduction Number (R) Estimates Based on Reported Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Brazil Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Germany Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for India Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Italy Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Hospital Admissions. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Gaythorpe, KA, Imai, N and Liu, Y (2020). seabbs/CovidInterventionReview: CC0 license. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Abbott, S, Sherratt, K, Funk, S and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/covid: Submission release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Clifford, S, Quilty, BJ, Russell, TW, Liu, Y, Chan, YD, Pearson, CAB, Eggo, RM, Endo, A, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Flasche, S and Edmunds, WJ (2020). cmmid/travel_screening_strategies. [Data Collection]. Github.
Clifford, S, Quilty, B, CMMID nCoV working group, Pearson, C, Flasche, S and Eggo, RM (2020). Effectiveness of airport-based interventions at detecting travellers and delaying an outbreak of COVID-19 (formerly 2019-nCoV). [Data Collection]. Github.
Coletti, P, Wambua, J, Gimma, A, Willem, L, Vercruysse, S, Vanhoutte, B, Jarvis, CI, Van Zandvoort, K, Edmunds, J, Beutels, P and Hens, N (2020). Social contact data from CoMix survey (Belgium). [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Dawa, J, Emukule, GO, Barasa, E, Widdowson, MA, Anzala, O, Van Leeuwen, E, Baguelin, M, Chaves, SS and Eggo, RM (2020). Additional file 3 of Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Dawa, J, Emukule, GO, Barasa, E, Widdowson, MA, Anzala, O, Van leeuwen, E, Baguelin, M, Chaves, SS and Eggo, RM (2020). Additional file 1 of Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: an economic evaluation using dynamic transmission modelling. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Endo, A, Abbott, S, Kucharski, AJ and Funk, S (2020). Extended data: Estimating the overdispersion in COVID-19 transmission using outbreak sizes outside China. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Endo, A, Abbott, S, Kucharski, AJ and Funk, S (2020). akira-endo/COVID19_clustersize: Estimating the amount of superspreading using outbreak sizes of COVID-19 outside China. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Endo, A and Kucharski, AJ (2020). akira-endo/COVID19_backwardtracing. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Gibbs, H, Abbott, S and Funk, S (2020). RtD3. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Gibbs, H, CMMID nCov Working Group, Eggo, RM, Grundy, C and Kucharski, AJ (2020). UK Colocation Dashboard. [Data Collection]. Github.
Hellewell, J, Russell, TW, The SAFER Investigators and Field Study Team, The Crick COVID-19 Consortium, CMMID COVID-19 working group, Beale, R, Kelly, G, Houlihan, C, Nastouli, E and Kucharski, AJ (2020). cmmid/pcr-profile. [Data Collection]. Github.
Jarvis, C, Van zandvoort, K, Gimma, A, Prem, K, CMMID, Cwg, Klepac, P, Rubin, GJ and Edmunds, WJ (2020). Contact survey during COVID-19. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Jombart, T, Abbott, S, Gimma, A, Van zandvoort, K and Jarvis, C (2020). Inferring COVID-19 cases from recent death. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Jombart, T, Abbott, S, Gimma, A, Zandvoort, K, Clifford, S, Jarvis, C, Russell, T, Funk, S, Gibbs, H, Eggo, RM, Kucharski, AJ, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group and Edmunds, WJ (2020). Inferring COVID-19 cases from deaths of confirmed cases. [Data Collection]. CMMID Repository.
Jombart, T, Clifford, S, Pearson, Carl A. B. Pearson, Rees, E, Nightingale, E, Procter, S and Knight, G (2020). thibautjombart/covid19_bed_occupancy: Second major release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Jombart, T, Nouvellet, P, Bhatia, S, Kamvar, ZN, Taylor, T and Ghozzi, S (2020). projections: Project Future Case Incidence. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Kucharski, AJ, Russell, TW, Diamond, C, CMMID nCoV working group, Funk, S and Eggo, RM (2020). Probability of a large 2019-nCoV outbreak following introduction of cases. [Data Collection]. Github.
Leclerc, QJ, Fuller, NM, Knight, LE, Funk, S and Knight, GM (2020). COVID19 settings of transmission - collected reports database. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Leng, T and Flasche, S (2020). tsleng93/SocialBubble: Social Bubble (including density dependence). [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Nightingale, E, Waterlow, N, Clifford, S and Rees, E (2020). COVID-19 length of hospital stay. [Data Collection]. Github.
Pearson, CAB, Van zandvoort, K, Jarvis, CI, Davies, NG, Thompson, S, Checchi, F, Jit, M, Eggo, RM and LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 Working Group (2020). Projections of COVID-19 epidemics in LMIC countries. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Ratnayake, R (2020). ruwanepi/Detection-analysis. [Data Collection]. Github.
Robert, A (2020). geosocial-outbreaker: Integrating geographical and social contact data to reconstruct transmission chains. [Data Collection]. Github.
Russell, TW, Golding, N, Hellewell, J, Abbott, S, Pearson, CAB, Van zandvoort, K, Jarvis, CI, Gibbs, H, Liu, Y, Eggo, RM, Edmunds, WJ, Kucharski, AJ and CMMID COVID-19 working group (2020). Reconstructing the global dynamics of unreported COVID-19 cases and infections. [Data Collection]. Github.
Russell, TW, Hellewell, J, Jarvis, CI, Van-Zandvoort, K, Abbott, S, Ratnayake, R, Flasche, S, Eggo, RM and Kucharski, AJ (2020). Estimating the infection and case fatality ratio for COVID-19 using age-adjusted data from the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. [Data Collection]. Github.
Russell, TW, Wu, JT, Clifford, S, CMMID COVID-19 working group, Edmunds, WJ, Kucharski, AJ and Jit, M (2020). thimotei/covid_travel_restrictions. [Data Collection]. Github.
Sherratt, K (2020). epiforecasts/rt-comparison-uk-public: v1.0.0. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Yakob, L and Nightingale, E (2020). lwyakob/COVIDsaturates. [Data Collection]. Github.