Items where Data Creator is Funk, Sebastian"

21 October 2014
Camacho, A, Kucharski, A, Funk, S, Breman, J, Piot, P and Edmunds, J (2014). Potential for large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease: Supplementary Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
10 February 2015
Camacho, A, Kucharski, AJ, Aki-Sawyerr, Y, White, MA, Flasche, S, Baguelin, M, Pollington, TM, Carney, J, Glover, R, Smout, E, Tiffany, A, Edmunds, WJ and Funk, S (2015). Bed capacity for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
3 November 2015
Rosello, A, Mossoko, M, Flasche, S, Vanhoek, A, Mbala, P, Camacho, A, Funk, S, Kucharski, A, Ilunga, BK, Edmunds, J, Piot, P, Baguelin, M and Tamfum, JM (2015). Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1976-2014: Figures and Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
17 May 2016
Kucharski, AJ, Funk, S, Eggo, RM, Mallet, H, Edmunds, WJ and Nilles, EJ (2016). S1 Dataset for "Transmission Dynamics of Zika Virus in Island Populations: A Modelling Analysis of the 2013–14 French Polynesia Outbreak". [Data Collection]. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
6 February 2017
Jacob, PE, Lee, A, Murray, L and Funk, S (2017). rbi: R Interface to LibBi. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
30 October 2017
Marks, M, Mitja, O, Fitzpatrick, C, Asiedu, K, Solomon, AW, Mabey, D and Funk, S (2017). R files for: Mathematical Modeling of Programmatic Requirements for Yaws Eradication. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
16 November 2017
Marks, M, Camacho, A, Kucharski, A, Funk, S, Edmunds, J and Piot, P (2017). Ebola Dataset for "Learning Clinical Epidemiology with R" tutorial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
15 January 2018
Funk, S (2018). Socialmixr: Social Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease Modelling. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
11 June 2018
Knight, GM, Zimic, M, Funk, S, Gilman, RH, Friedland, JS and Grandjean, L (2018). Follow up time from The relative fitness of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a modelling study of household transmission in Peru. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
14 August 2018
Kucharski, AJ, Kama, M, Watson, CH, Aubry, M, Funk, S, Henderson, AD, Brady, OJ, Vanhomwegen, J, Manuguerra, J, Lau, CL, Edmunds, WJ, Aaskov, J, Nilles, EJ, Cao-Lormeau, V, Hue, S and Hibberd, ML (2018). adamkucharski/fiji-denv3-2014. [Data Collection]. Github.
19 January 2019
Funk, S (2019). R Code accompanying the manuscript "Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
12 March 2019
Finger, F, Funk, S, White, K, Siddiqui, MR, Edmunds, WJ and Kucharski, AJ (2019). Additional file 2: of Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak in forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Finger, F, Funk, S, White, K, Siddiqui, MR, Edmunds, WJ and Kucharski, AJ (2019). Real-time analysis of the diphtheria outbreak in forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Bangladesh. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
25 October 2019
Funk, S (2019). sbfnk/epimixr. [Data Collection]. Github.
4 November 2019
Funk, S, White, R and Edmunds, WJ (2019). Social Contacts Data. [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
22 January 2020
Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). Pathways to Low Fertility. [Data Collection]. Zenodo, London, United Kingdom.
29 January 2020
Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). Wuhan Seeding Vs Transmission. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
30 January 2020
Abbott, S, Funk, S, Munday, JD and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/WuhanSeedingVsTransmission: Resubmission to Wellcome Open Research. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
31 January 2020
Kucharski, AJ, Russell, TW, Diamond, C, CMMID nCoV working group, Funk, S and Eggo, RM (2020). Probability of a large 2019-nCoV outbreak following introduction of cases. [Data Collection]. Github.
28 February 2020
Hellewell, J, Abbott, S, Gimma, A, Bosse, N, Jarvis, C, Russell, T, Munday, J, Kucharski, A, Edmunds, WJ, Funk, S, Eggo, R, Sun, F, Flasche, S, Quilty, B, Davies, N, Liu, Y, Clifford, S, Klepac, P, Jit, M, Diamond, C, Gibbs, H and Van Zandvoort, K (2020). Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts. [Data Collection]. Github.
3 March 2020
Jombart, T, Abbott, S, Gimma, A, Zandvoort, K, Clifford, S, Jarvis, C, Russell, T, Funk, S, Gibbs, H, Eggo, RM, Kucharski, AJ, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group and Edmunds, WJ (2020). Inferring COVID-19 cases from deaths of confirmed cases. [Data Collection]. CMMID Repository.
11 March 2020
Willem, L, Hoang, VT, Funk, S, Coletti, P, Beutels, P and Hens, N (2020). Social Contact Rates (SOCRATES) Data Tool. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
13 March 2020
Liu, Y, Funk, S and Flasche, S (2020). yangclaraliu/2019nCoV_proportion_asym: WOR Submission. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
18 March 2020
Prem, K, Liu, Y, Russell, TW, Kucharski, AJ, Eggo, RM, Davies, NG, Jit, M, Klepac, P, Flasche, S, Clifford, S, Pearson, CAB, Munday, JD, Abbott, S, Gibbs, H, Rosello, A, Quilty, BJ, Jombart, T, Sun, F, Diamond, C, Gimma, A, Van zandvoort, K, Funk, S, Jarvis, CI, Edmunds, WJ, Bosse, NI and Hellewell, J (2020). Age-structured SEIR model for COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China. [Data Collection]. Github.
5 April 2020
Endo, A, Abbott, S, Kucharski, AJ and Funk, S (2020). Extended data: Estimating the overdispersion in COVID-19 transmission using outbreak sizes outside China. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
6 April 2020
Endo, A, Abbott, S, Kucharski, AJ and Funk, S (2020). akira-endo/COVID19_clustersize: Estimating the amount of superspreading using outbreak sizes of COVID-19 outside China. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
24 May 2020
Abbott, S, Sherratt, K, Funk, S and Hellewell, J (2020). epiforecasts/covid: Submission release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
17 June 2020
Funk, S and Finger, F (2020). sbfnk/rbi.helpers. [Data Collection]. Github.
6 July 2020
Leclerc, QJ, Fuller, NM, Knight, LE, Funk, S and Knight, GM (2020). COVID19 settings of transmission - collected reports database. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
2 September 2020
Gibbs, H, Abbott, S and Funk, S (2020). RtD3. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
23 October 2020
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Cases. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National Reproduction Number (R) Estimates Based on Reported Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Brazil Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Germany Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for India Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Italy Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Hospital Admissions. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United States of America Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
3 November 2020
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Collated Results of the National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Tests, Hospital Admissions and Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
11 December 2020
Robert, A, Funk, S and Kucharski, AJ (2020). o2geosocial. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
20 December 2020
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2020). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
15 January 2021
Palmer, J, Sherratt, K, Martin-Nielsen, R, Bevan, J, Gibbs, H, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Funk, S and Abbott, S (2021). covidregionaldata: Subnational data for COVID-19 epidemiology. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
18 February 2021
Davies, NG, Abbott, S, Barnard, RC, Jarvis, CI, Kucharski, AJ, Munday, J, Pearson, CAB, Russell, TW, Tully, DC, Washburne, AD, Wenseleers, T, Gimma, A, Waites, W, Wong, KL, van Zandvoort, K, Silverman, JD, Diaz-Ordaz, K, Keogh, R, Eggo, RM, Funk, S, Jit, M, Atkins, KE and Edmunds, WJ (2021). Analysis data and code for "Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern 202012/01 in England". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
25 February 2021
Davies, NG, Abbott, S, Barnard, RC, Jarvis, CI, Kucharski, AJ, Munday, J, Pearson, CAB, Russell, TW, Tully, DC, Washburne, AD, Wenseleers, T, Gimma, A, Waites, W, Wong, KL, van Zandvoort, K, Silverman, JD, Diaz-Ordaz, K, Keogh, R, Eggo, RM, Funk, S, Jit, M, Atkins, KE and Edmunds, WJ (2021). Analysis data and code for "Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
1 March 2021
Pavelka, M, van Zandvoort, K, Abbott, S, Sherratt, K, Majdan, M, Jarcuska, P, Krajci, M, Flasche, S and Funk, S (2021). Data and R code accompanying the manuscript "The impact of population-wide rapid antigen testing on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in Slovakia". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
9 April 2021
Munday, JD, Jarvis, CI, Gimma, A, Wong, KL, van Zandvoort, K, Funk, S and Edmunds, WJ (2021). CoMix - Age structured contact matrices for 9 key periods of the COVID-19 epidemic in England. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
7 May 2021
Lovell-Read, FA, Funk, S, Obolski, U, Donnelly, CA and Thompson, RN (2021). Supplementary material from "Interventions targeting non-symptomatic cases can be important to prevent local outbreaks: SARS-CoV-2 as a case study". [Data Collection]. The Royal Society.
10 May 2021
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Belgium Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
11 May 2021
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Continent Summary Reproduction Number (R) Based on Reported Cases. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
12 May 2021
Bracher, J, Wolffram, D, Deuschel, J, Görgen, K, Ketterer, J, Ullrich, A, Abbott, S, Barbarossa, M, Bertsimas, D, Bhatia, S, Bodych, M, Bosse, NI, Burgard, J, Castro, L, Fairchild, G, Fuhrmann, J, Funk, S, Gogolewski, K, Gu, Q, Heyder, S, Hotz, T, Kheifetz, Y, Kirsten, H, Krueger, T, Krymova, E, Li, M, Meinke, J, Michaud, I, Niedzielewski, K, Ożański, T, Rakowski, F, Scholz, M, Soni, S, Srivastava, A, Zieliński, J, Zou, D, Gneiting, T and Schienle, M (2021). KITmetricslab/covid19-forecast-hub-de. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
27 June 2021
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Colombia Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
28 June 2021
Abbott, S, Hickson, J, Badr, HS, Funk, S, Monticone, P, Ellis, P, Munday, JD, Allen, J, Pearson, CAB, DeWitt, M, Bosse, N and Meakin, S (2021). epiforecasts/EpiNow2. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
16 August 2021
Wang, SY, Stark, A, Evan Ray, Bosse, N, Reich, NG, Sherratt, K, Shah, A, Wattanachit, N, Khoale1096, Huang, YD, Gerding, A, Gruson, H, Cramer, E, Shandross, L, Abbott, S and Funk, S (2021). reichlab/covidHubUtils. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
19 August 2021
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Admissions. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
23 August 2021
Abbott, S and Funk, S (2021). epiforecasts/covid19.sgene.utla.rt. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
29 August 2021
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Local Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for the United Kingdom Based on Deaths. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for Canada Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
11 September 2021
Robert, A, Funk, S, Kucharski, AJ and Jombart, T (2021). o2geosocial: Reconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Data. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.
27 October 2021
Endo, A, Uchida, M, Hayashi, N, Liu, Y, Atkins, KE, Kucharski, AJ and Funk, S (2021). akira-endo/schooldynamics_FluMatsumoto14-15: Within and between classroom transmission patterns of seasonal influenza among primary school students in Matsumoto city, Japan. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
27 November 2021
Abbott, S, Bennett, C, Hickson, J, Allen, J, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). National and Subnational Estimates of the Covid 19 Reproduction Number (R) for South Africa Based on Test Results. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
22 December 2021
Abbott, S, Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2021). Real-time estimation of the time-varying transmission advantage of Omicron in England using S-Gene Target Status as a Proxy. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
1 March 2022
Gimma, A, Munday, JD, Wong, KLM, Coletti, P, Van Zandvoort, K, Prem, K, Klepac, P, Rubin, GJ, Funk, S, Edmunds, WJ and Jarvis, CI (2022). Mean contacts by age and date. [Data Collection]. PLOS Medicine.
22 March 2022
Alcayna, T, Fletcher, I, Gibb, R, Tremblay, L, Funk, S, Rao, B and Lowe, R (2022). Supplementary Material: Climate-sensitive disease outbreaks in the aftermath of extreme climatic events: a scoping review. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
28 March 2022
Funk, S (2022). epiforecasts/ons_severity_estimates. [Data Collection]. Github.
31 March 2022
actions-user, Sherratt, K, Gruson, H, Funk, S, Bracher, J, BIOCOM-SC, Walraven, R, miraanto, h-veronika, Rodiah, I, gr3gr3, Kraus, D, hgurung-iem, epiforecasts-bot, Xu, FT, Heyder, S, aniruddhadiga, Abbott, S, Sun, T, Mingio, M, Deuschel, J, pmontman, janezz25, neele-itwm, Gibson, G, EpiGraph, Tarantino, B, Karlen, D, Bhatia, S and borjarv (2022). covid19-forecast-hub-europe/covid19-forecast-hub-europe. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
17 May 2022
Bosse, N, Abbott, S, Reich, NG and Funk, S (2022). epiforecasts/scoringutils. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
24 July 2022
Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2022). covid19-forecast-hub-europe/euro-hub-ensemble: Zenodo release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
11 August 2022
Endo, A, Murayama, H, Abbott, S, Ratnayake, R, Pearson, CAB, Edmunds, WJ, Fearon, E and Funk, S (2022). akira-endo/monkeypox_heavytail: Heavy-tailed sexual contact networks and the epidemiology of monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic regions. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
23 August 2022
Endo, A, Uchida, M, Liu, Y, Atkins, KE, Kucharski, AJ and Funk, S (2022). akira-endo/schooldynamics_FluMatsumoto14-15: Simulating respiratory disease transmission within and between classrooms to assess pandemic management strategies at schools. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
25 November 2022
Munday, JD, Jarvis, CI, Gimma, A, Wong, KL, Van Zandvoort, K, Funk, S and Edmunds, WJ (2022). Weekly CoMix contact matrices for UKHSA COVID-19 dashboard and ONS COVID-19 infection survey age-groups. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Bosse, N, Abbott, S and Funk, S (2022). epiforecasts/covid.german.forecasts. [Data Collection]. Github.
4 May 2023
Bosse, NI, Abbott, S, Bracher, J, Van leeuwen, E, Cori, A and Funk, S (2023). Data for "Human judgement forecasting of COVID-19 in the UK" by Bosse et. al (2023). [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
23 May 2023
Bosse, N, Bracher, J, Abbott, S and Funk, S (2023). epiforecasts/transformation-forecast-evaluation. [Data Collection]. Github.
28 November 2023
Abbott, S, Hellewell, J, Lucas, T, Funk, S and Gimma, A (2023). epiforecasts/ringbp. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
28 March 2024
Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2024). epiforecasts/multi-model-information: Publication release. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
12 June 2024
Gupte, PR, Kucharski, AJ, Russell, TW, Lambert, JW, Gruson, H, Taylor, T, Azam, JM, Degoot, AM and Funk, S (2024). cfr: Estimate Disease Severity and Case Ascertainment. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.
23 September 2024
Abbott, S, Hellewell, J, Sherratt, K, Gostic, K, Hickson, J, Badr, HS, DeWitt, M, Azam, JM, EpiForecasts and Funk, S (2024). EpiNow2: Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying Epidemiological Parameters. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
12 February 2025
Abbott, S, Howes, A, Park, SW, Funk, S, Bayer, D and DeWitt, M (2025). epinowcast/epidist. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
20 February 2025
Sherratt, K and Funk, S (2025). epiforecasts/eval-by-method. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.