Atlas of group A streptococcal vaccine candidates compiled using large-scale comparative genomics

Davies, MR, McIntyre, L, Mutreja, A, Lacey, JA, Lees, JA, Towers, RJ, Duchêne, S, Smeesters, PR, Frost, HR, Price, DJ, Holden, MT, Sophia, D, Giffard, PM, Worthing, KA, Seale, AC, Berkley, JA, Harris, SR, Rivera-Hernandez, T, Berking, O, Cork, AJ, Torres, RS, Lithgow, T, Strugnell, RA, Bergmann, R, Nitsche-Schmitz, P, Chhatwal, GS, Bentley, SD, Fraser, JD, Moreland, NJ, Carapetis, JR, Steer, AC, Parkhill, J, Saul, A, Williamson, DA, Currie, BJ, Tong, SY, Dougan, G and Walker, MJ. 2019. Atlas of group A streptococcal vaccine candidates compiled using large-scale comparative genomics. [Online]. Nature Genetics. Available from:

Davies, MR, McIntyre, L, Mutreja, A, Lacey, JA, Lees, JA, Towers, RJ, Duchêne, S, Smeesters, PR, Frost, HR, Price, DJ, Holden, MT, Sophia, D, Giffard, PM, Worthing, KA, Seale, AC, Berkley, JA, Harris, SR, Rivera-Hernandez, T, Berking, O, Cork, AJ, Torres, RS, Lithgow, T, Strugnell, RA, Bergmann, R, Nitsche-Schmitz, P, Chhatwal, GS, Bentley, SD, Fraser, JD, Moreland, NJ, Carapetis, JR, Steer, AC, Parkhill, J, Saul, A, Williamson, DA, Currie, BJ, Tong, SY, Dougan, G and Walker, MJ. Atlas of group A streptococcal vaccine candidates compiled using large-scale comparative genomics [Internet]. Nature Genetics; 2019. Available from:

Davies, MR, McIntyre, L, Mutreja, A, Lacey, JA, Lees, JA, Towers, RJ, Duchêne, S, Smeesters, PR, Frost, HR, Price, DJ, Holden, MT, Sophia, D, Giffard, PM, Worthing, KA, Seale, AC, Berkley, JA, Harris, SR, Rivera-Hernandez, T, Berking, O, Cork, AJ, Torres, RS, Lithgow, T, Strugnell, RA, Bergmann, R, Nitsche-Schmitz, P, Chhatwal, GS, Bentley, SD, Fraser, JD, Moreland, NJ, Carapetis, JR, Steer, AC, Parkhill, J, Saul, A, Williamson, DA, Currie, BJ, Tong, SY, Dougan, G and Walker, MJ (2019). Atlas of group A streptococcal vaccine candidates compiled using large-scale comparative genomics. [Data Collection]. Nature Genetics.


Data capture method Experiment
Date (Published in a 3rd party system) 27 May 2019
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Davies, MR, McIntyre, L, Mutreja, A, Lacey, JA, Lees, JA, Towers, RJ, Duchêne, S, Smeesters, PR, Frost, HR, Price, DJ, Holden, MT, Sophia, D, Giffard, PM, Worthing, KA, Seale, AC, Berkley, JA, Harris, SR, Rivera-Hernandez, T, Berking, O, Cork, AJ, Torres, RS, Lithgow, T, Strugnell, RA, Bergmann, R, Nitsche-Schmitz, P, Chhatwal, GS, Bentley, SD, Fraser, JD, Moreland, NJ, Carapetis, JR, Steer, AC, Parkhill, J, Saul, A, Williamson, DA, Currie, BJ, Tong, SY, Dougan, G and Walker, MJ
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
Protein Glycan Interactions in Infectious Diseases and Cellular Microbiology; the Coalition to Accelerate New Vaccines Against StreptococcusNational Health and Medical Research CouncilUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Protein Glycan Interactions in Infectious Diseases and Cellular Microbiology; the Coalition to Accelerate New Vaccines Against StreptococcusWellcome TrustUNSPECIFIED
Protein Glycan Interactions in Infectious Diseases and Cellular Microbiology; the Coalition to Accelerate New Vaccines Against Streptococcustional Health and Medical Research Council635250UNSPECIFIED
Protein Glycan Interactions in Infectious Diseases and Cellular Microbiology; the Coalition to Accelerate New Vaccines Against StreptococcusEuropean Union’s Seventh Framework Programme251522UNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 22 Jul 2019 10:38
Last Modified 05 Apr 2022 11:35
Publisher Nature Genetics



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