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Data Collection
Barrott, I, Barrett, J, Keogh, R, Sweeting, M and Stevens, D (2022). Landmarking: Analysis using Landmark Models. [Data Collection]. Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Bosse, N, Abbott, S, Reich, NG and Funk, S (2022). epiforecasts/scoringutils. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Funk, S (2018). Socialmixr: Social Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease Modelling. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Jombart, T, Kamvar, ZN, Collins, C, Luštrik, R, Beugin, M, Knaus, BJ, Solymos, P, Mikryukov, V, Schliep, K, Maié, T, Morkovsky, L, Ahmed, I, Cori, A, Calboli, F, Ewing, R, Michaud, F, DeCamp, R and Courtiol, A (2020). adegenet: Exploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Keogh, R (2018). MI-CC. [Data Collection]. Github.
Keogh, R, Seaman, SR, Gran, JM and Vansteelandt, S (2020). Causal Sim code. [Data Collection]. Github.
Landau, W, Landau, W, Bond-Lamberty, B, Strasiotto, M, McBain, M, Müller, K, Mahr, T, Hughes, E, Ross, N, Bell, K, Ingerson, S, Aden-Buie, G, Gomolka, M, Knoblauch, N, Albers, S, brendanf, evalparse, Denney, B, Muir, C, Barrett, M, Krug, RM, Kehayas, V, Schratz, P, Zhao, B, Hlynur, Gruson, H, Jasper, Ooms, J, Walthert, L and Dray, M (2021). ropensci/drake. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Lytras, T, Gasparrini, A and Wang, S (2019). FluMoDL: Influenza-Attributable Mortality with Distributed-Lag Models. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Paradis, E, Kamvar, ZN, Jombart, T, Brian, K and Frederic, M (2020). pegas: Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Pishgar, F, Greifer, N, Leyrat, C and Stuart, E (2021). MatchThem: Matching and Weighting Multiply Imputed Datasets. [Data Collection]. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Quevedo, DS, Gupte, P, Gomez, G, Gruson, H, Hartgerink, C, tracelac and Cucunubá, ZM (2023). epiverse-trace/vaccineff: vaccineff 0.0.1. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.