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Bower, H and Glynn, J (2017). Data from: A systematic review and meta-analysis of seroprevalence surveys of ebolavirus infection. [Data Collection]. Dryad Digital Repository.
Camacho, A, Kucharski, AJ, Aki-Sawyerr, Y, White, MA, Flasche, S, Baguelin, M, Pollington, TM, Carney, J, Glover, R, Smout, E, Tiffany, A, Edmunds, WJ and Funk, S (2015). Bed capacity for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Camacho, A, Kucharski, A, Funk, S, Breman, J, Piot, P and Edmunds, J (2014). Potential for large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease: Supplementary Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Funk, S (2019). R Code accompanying the manuscript "Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15". [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Glynn, JR, Bower, H, Houlihan, C, Oza, S, Checchi, F, Johnson, S, Turay, C, Sesay, D, Mansaray, SH, Kamara, O, Kamara, JA, Bangura, MS, Montesano, C, Dicks, S, Samuel, D, Tedder, R and Sebba, C (2017). Asymptomatic infection and family contact patterns in households of Ebola Virus Disease survivors, Sierra Leone 2015. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Hébert-Dufresne, L, Althouse, BM, Skrip, L and Bedson, J (2019). Social Mobilization Action Consortium: Community Engagement data from the 2014-2016 Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Mylne, A, Brady, OJ, Huang, Z, Pigott, DM, Golding, N, Kraemer, MU and Hay, SI (2014). A comprehensive database of the geographic spread of past human Ebola outbreaks. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Pigott, DM, Golding, N, Mylne, A, Huang, Z, Henry, AJ, Weiss, DJ, Brady, OJ, Kraemer, MU, Smith, DL, Moyes, CL, Bhatt, S, Gething, PW, Horby, PW, Bogoch, II, Brownstein, JS, Mekaru, SR, Tatem, AJ, Khan, K and Hay, SI (2014). Source code for analysis of the zoonotic niche of Ebolavirus. [Data Collection]. GitHub, Inc..
Priego, E, Lewandowski, T, Atenas, J, Atenas, J, Galina, I, Levin, J, Murtagh, J, Brun, L, Whitton, M, de Castro, P, Molloy, S, Petersen, S and Gutierrez, S (2014). Articles with Ebola mentioned online anytime as tracked by Altmetric, with crowdsourced type of access and license. [Data Collection]. City, University of London.
Robert, A (2022). alxsrobert/evd-transmission-trees. [Data Collection]. Github.
Rosello, A, Mossoko, M, Flasche, S, Vanhoek, A, Mbala, P, Camacho, A, Funk, S, Kucharski, A, Ilunga, BK, Edmunds, J, Piot, P, Baguelin, M and Tamfum, JM (2015). Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1976-2014: Figures and Data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Weiss, H, Danquah, L, Hasham, N and MacFarlane, M (2019). Ebola Contact Tracing Study data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.