Items where Data Creator is Grant, Alison D."

1 April 2015
Meyer-Rath, G, Pienaar, J, Brink, B, Van Zyl, A, Muirhead, D, Grant, AD, Churchyard, GJ, Watts, C and Vickerman, P (2015). The impact of company-level ART provision to a mining workforce in South Africa: a cost–benefit analysis. [Data Collection]. Boston University Libraries.
1 May 2015
Hanifa, Y, Telisinghe, L, Fielding, KL, Malden, JL, Churchyard, GJ, Grant, AD and Charalambous, S (2015). The diagnostic accuracy of urine lipoarabinomannan test for tuberculosis screening in a South African correctional facility. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
May 2016
Karat, A, Tlali, M, Fielding, K, Charalambous, S, Chihota, VN, Churchyard, GJ, Hanifa, Y, Johnson, S, McCarthy, K, Martinson, NA, Omar, T, Kahn, K, Chandramohan, D and Grant, AD (2016). Measuring mortality due to HIV-associated tuberculosis among adults in South Africa: comparing verbal autopsy, minimally-invasive autopsy, and research data. Data from the Lesedi Kamoso study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
6 May 2016
Karat, AS, Omar, T, von Gottberg, A, Tlali, M, Chihota, VN, Churchyard, GJ, Fielding, KL, Johnson, S, Martinson, NA, McCarthy, K, Wolter, N, Wong, EB, Charalambous, S and Grant, AD (2016). Autopsy Prevalence of Tuberculosis and Other Potentially Treatable Infections among Adults with Advanced HIV Enrolled in Out-Patient Care in South Africa: Lesedi Kamoso study data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
7 June 2016
Hanifa, Y, Fielding, K, Chihota, VN, Adonis, L, Charalambous, S, Karstaedt, A, McCarthy, K, Nicol, MP, Ndlovu, NT, Sahid, F, Churchyard, G and Grant, AD (2016). Diagnostic Accuracy of Lateral Flow Urine LAM Assay for TB Screening of Adults with Advanced Immunosuppression Attending Routine HIV Care in South Africa. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
August 2016
Hanifa, Y, Fielding, K, Grant, AD and Churchyard, GJ (2016). Data for: "The utility of repeat Xpert MTB/RIF testing to diagnose tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults with initial negative result". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Hanifa, Y, Fielding, K, Grant, AD and Churchyard, GJ (2016). XPHACTOR Clinical Score dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
24 January 2018
McCarthy, K, Fielding, K, Churchyard, GJ and Grant, AD (2018). Empiric tuberculosis treatment in South African primary health care facilities - for whom, where, when and why: Implications for the development of tuberculosis diagnostic tests. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
1 August 2018
Foster, N, Hanifa, Y, Pillai, N, Roycent, T, Fielding, K, Vassall, A and Grant, AD (2018). XPHACTOR cross-sectional patient cost dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
29 August 2018
Candfield, S, Mukora, R, Monkwe, S, Charalambous, S, Sweeney, S, Grant, AD, Fielding, K and Vassall, A (2018). TB Fast Track patient cost data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
21 February 2019
Grant, AD, Baisley, K, Mzembe, T and Edwards, A (2019). Incidence of tuberculosis infection among adolescents in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 2017-2018. [Data Collection]. AHRI Data Repository.
10 December 2019
Der, J, Grint, D, Narh, CT, Bonsu, F and Grant, AD (2019). Data for "Where are patients missed in the tuberculosis diagnostic cascade? A prospective cohort study in Ghana". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
24 February 2020
Mudzengi, D, Sweeney, S, Hippner, P, Kufa, T, Fielding, K, Grant, AD, Churchyard, GJ and Vassall, A (2020). The patient costs of care for those with TB and HIV: a cross-sectional study from South Africa. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 May 2021
Randera-Rees, S, Safari, WC, Gareta, D, Herbst, K, Baisley, K and Grant, AD (2021). Clinic attendance by sex and HIV status in rural South Africa. [Data Collection]. Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI).
18 August 2021
Mccreesh, N, Dlamini, V, Edwards, A, Olivier, S, Dayi, N, Dikgale, K, Nxumalo, S, Dreyer, J, Baisley, K, Siedner, MJ, White, RG, Herbst, K, Grant, AD and Harling, G (2021). Social contact information from PIPSA residents in uMkhanyakude before and during the Covid-19 pandemic – data from the Umoya Omuhle and Covid Social Contacts studies. [Data Collection]. AHRI Data Repository.
25 January 2022
Beckwith, P, Tlali, M, Charalambous, S, Churchyard, GJ, Fielding, K, Hoffmann, CJ, Johnson, S, Wood, N, Grant, AD and Karat, AS (2022). Causes and outcomes of admission and investigation of tuberculosis in adults with advanced HIV in South African hospitals: data from the TB Fast Track trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
4 July 2022
Grant, AD and Kielmann, K (2022). Qualitative and Quantitative Data for Tuberculosis Infection Prevention and Control in KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape, South Africa, 2018-2021. [Data Collection]. UK Data Service, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
25 August 2022
Grant, AD, Wong, E, Leslie, A, Karat, A, Fentress, M, Maharaj, P and Henwood, P (2022). Evaluation of ultrasound for screening and diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2019-20. [Data Collection]. Africa Health Research Institute.
31 August 2022
Grant, A and Kielmann, K (2022). Qualitative and quantitative data for tuberculosis Infection prevention and control in South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape). [Project]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, South Africa.
Nimmo, C, Ortiz, AT, Tan, CCS, Pang, J, Acman, M, Millard, J, Padayatchi, N, Grant, AD, O’Donnell, M, Pym, A, Brynildsrud, OB, Eldholm, V, Grandjean, L, Didelot, X, Balloux, F and van Dorp, L (2024). Detection of a historic reservoir of bedaquiline/clofazimine resistance-associated variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [Data Collection]. Figshare.