TB Fast Track patient cost data

Candfield, S, Mukora, R, Monkwe, S, Charalambous, S, Sweeney, S, Grant, AD, Fielding, K and Vassall, A. 2018. TB Fast Track patient cost data. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from: https://doi.org/10.17037/DATA.00000815.

Candfield, S, Mukora, R, Monkwe, S, Charalambous, S, Sweeney, S, Grant, AD, Fielding, K and Vassall, A. TB Fast Track patient cost data [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2018. Available from: https://doi.org/10.17037/DATA.00000815.

Candfield, S, Mukora, R, Monkwe, S, Charalambous, S, Sweeney, S, Grant, AD, Fielding, K and Vassall, A (2018). TB Fast Track patient cost data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.17037/DATA.00000815.


Additional information

Description of data capture Data was collected and cleaned in Excel. Analysis was conducted in Stata 14. The patient cost study was conducted alongside the TB FastTrack study, quality controls included a review of completed paper questionnaires by a health economist. Data entry errors and discrepancies were investigated by comparing conflicting entries against the paper questionnaires. The trial, including the costing study, was approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the University of Witwatersrand (approval number: R14/49 M111177), the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (approval number: 6099), and the Provincial Research Committees of Gauteng, North West and Limpopo.
Data capture method Interview: Face-to-face
Data Collection Period
July 2014March 2015
Date (Completed) 29 August 2018
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Candfield, S, Mukora, R, Monkwe, S, Charalambous, S, Sweeney, S, Grant, AD, Fielding, K and Vassall, A
Associated roles Guinness, L (Researcher)
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Public Health and Policy > Dept of Global Health and Development
Research Centre TB Centre
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, The Aurum Institute, Johannesburg, South Africa
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
TB FastTrackJoint Global Health TrialsProject funding: Joint Global Health Trials number G1100689/1. Salary support: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grant number OPP1109722UNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 29 Aug 2018 11:17
Last Modified 27 Apr 2022 18:20
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine



Data / Code

Restricted to: Request access for all

Filename: TBFT_patient costs_dataset.csv

Description: Cross-sectional patient cost dataset used to replicate analysis presented in paper. Prior to requesting the dataset, researchers should review the codebook and identify the specific variables required.

Licence: Data Sharing Agreement

Content type: Dataset

File size: 47B

Mime-Type: text/plain

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Filename: UserGuide.htm

Description: User guide for TB Fast Track patient cost data


Content type: Textual content

File size: 7kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Filename: Codebook.htm

Description: Codebook for patient cost dataset


Content type: Textual content

File size: 123kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Filename: TBFT_PIS_Consent_English.pdf

Description: Study information sheet and consent form (English language)


Content type: Textual content

File size: 512kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: TBFT_PIS_Consent_Sepedi.pdf

Description: Study information sheet and consent form (Sepedi language)


Content type: Textual content

File size: 469kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: TBFT_PIS_Consent_Zulu.pdf

Description: Study information sheet and consent form (Zulu language)


Content type: Textual content

File size: 460kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Study Instrument

Filename: TBFT_DataCollection_questionnaire.pdf

Description: TBFT economic study questionnaire


Content type: Textual content

File size: 260kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf




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