Spadar, A. 2022. AntonS-bio/entropy. [Online]. GitHub. Available from:
Spadar, A. AntonS-bio/entropy [Internet]. GitHub; 2022. Available from:
Spadar, A (2022). AntonS-bio/entropy. [Data Collection]. GitHub.
Alternative Title
Analysis scripts for: "Genomic epidemiological analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae from Portuguese hospitals reveals insights into circulating antimicrobial resistance". This compares genes across samples and generate phylogenetic tree based on most diverse genes. The most diverse (based on Shannon entropy) genes are taken for construction of phylogenetic tree. The required programs are mafft, IQTREE and BLAST.
Data capture method | Other |
Date (Published in a 3rd party system) | 6 January 2022 |
Language(s) of written materials | English |
Data Creators | Spadar, A |
Associated roles | Phelan, J (Researcher), Elias, R (Researcher), Modesto, A (Researcher), Caneiras, C (Researcher), Marques, C (Researcher), Lito, L (Researcher), Pinto, M (Researcher), Cavaco-Silva, P (Researcher), Ferreira, H (Researcher), Pomba, C (Researcher), Da Silva, GJ (Researcher), Saavedra, MJ (Researcher), Melo-Cristino, J (Researcher), Duarte, A (Researcher), Campino, S (Researcher), Perdigão, J (Researcher) and Clark, TG (Researcher) |
LSHTM Faculty/Department | Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases > Department of Infection Biology |
Participating Institutions | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades E Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, Portugal, Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, Technophage, Lisboa, Portugal, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, University of Trás-Os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal |
Funders |
Date Deposited | 15 Dec 2022 13:20 |
Last Modified | 15 Dec 2022 13:20 |
Publisher | GitHub |