Dataset for "Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial"

Daniele, M, Ouedraogo, D, Some, H, Ganaba, R, Sarrassat, S, Cousens, S, Rossier, C and Filippi, V. 2019. Dataset for "Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial". [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:

Daniele, M, Ouedraogo, D, Some, H, Ganaba, R, Sarrassat, S, Cousens, S, Rossier, C and Filippi, V. Dataset for "Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial" [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2019. Available from:

Daniele, M, Ouedraogo, D, Some, H, Ganaba, R, Sarrassat, S, Cousens, S, Rossier, C and Filippi, V (2019). Dataset for "Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

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Additional information

Description of data capture In a non-blinded, multicentre, parallel-group, superiority trial, 1144 pregnant women were assigned by simple randomization to two study arms: 583 entered the intervention arm and 561 entered the control arm. All women were cohabiting with a male partner and had a low-risk pregnancy. Recruitment took place at 20 to 36 weeks’ gestation at five primary health centres in Bobo-Dioulasso. The intervention comprised three educational sessions: (i) an interactive group session during pregnancy with male partners only, to discuss their role; (ii) a counselling session during pregnancy for individual couples; and (iii) a postnatal couple counselling session before discharge. The control group received routine care only. Data were collected through interviewer-administered questionnaires at three timepoints: enrolment (baseline), at 3 months postpartum (follow-up), and at 8 months postpartum (follow-up). Process data on adherence to the intervention were also collected from registers of session attendees, compiled and maintained by staff at the primary health centres. Data were collected on paper questionnaires, double-entered into EpiData and inconsistencies/errors solved by going back to the paper forms, under supervision of a data manager. Data were imported into STATA-14 for cleaning and analysis. Datasets for each interview were merged into a single dataset, together with the process data.
Data capture method Questionnaire: Fixed form - Paper
Data Collection Period
February 2015June 2016
Date (Completed) 23 January 2019
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Language(s) of written materials English, French
Data Creators Daniele, M, Ouedraogo, D, Some, H, Ganaba, R, Sarrassat, S, Cousens, S, Rossier, C and Filippi, V
Associated roles Filippi, V (Supervisor)
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (-2023)
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, AfricSanté, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trialDepartment for International DevelopmentEPIDHC20
Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trialLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineUNSPECIFIED
Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trialEconomic and Social Research CouncilUNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 22 Jan 2019 17:58
Last Modified 14 Sep 2023 11:55
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine



Data / Code

Restricted to: Request access for all


Description: Dataset includes participant socio-demographic data, information about treatment arm assignment and adherence to the intervention, and health and behaviour outcomes in the postpartum period. Consult codebook for variables

Licence: Data Sharing Agreement

Content type: Dataset

File size: 239B

Mime-Type: application/zip

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Filename: UserGuide.html

Description: User guide for dataset


Content type: Textual content

File size: 11kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Filename: Codebook.html

Description: Trial data codebook - a list of fields contained within the dataset


Content type: Textual content

File size: 163kB

Mime-Type: text/html



Filename: Consent_form.pdf

Description: Consent form for literate and illiterate participants


Content type: Textual content

File size: 423kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: Participant_Information_Sheet.pdf

Description: Study information sheet provided to eligible candidates as part of the informed consent process


Content type: Textual content

File size: 358kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Study Instrument

Filename: Baseline_interview_questionnaire.pdf

Description: Baseline interview questionnaire – used to collect socio-demographic data on the participant (pregnant woman), data on her male partner, her obstetric and contraceptive history


Content type: Textual content

File size: 864kB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: 3-month_PP_follow-up_questionnaire.pdf

Description: Questionnaire used during 3 month follow-up –collects Information on the delivery, postnatal care attendance, satisfaction with care, exclusive breastfeeding, and other topics


Content type: Textual content

File size: 1MB

Mime-Type: application/pdf



Filename: 8-month_PP_follow-up_questionnaire.pdf

Description: Questionnaire used during 8 month follow-up – collects information on infant feeding, mother and baby health status, use of postpartum family planning, and other topics


Content type: Textual content

File size: 1MB

Mime-Type: application/pdf




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