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Bastawrous, A (2017). Peek: a retinal imaging smartphone app. [Data Collection]. Peek Vision Ltd.
Cameron, DW, Panesar, P, Jones, A, Aldous, A, Kranzer, K, Halpin, E, Fifer, H, Macrae, B, Curtis, C and Pollara, G (2016). Attitudes and Behaviours to Antimicrobial Prescribing following introduction of a Smartphone App. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
Mugisha, J (2019). Data for: Feasibility of village health teams (VHTs) in using a smart phone guided intervention to link older Ugandans with chronic conditions to care. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Weiss, H, Danquah, L, Hasham, N and MacFarlane, M (2019). Ebola Contact Tracing Study data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.