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Data Collection
Verboven, L, Phelan, J, Heupink, TH and Van Rie, A (2022). TBProfiler for automated calling of the association with drug resistance of variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. S1 File. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
Verboven, L, Phelan, J, Heupink, TH and Van Rie, A (2022). TBProfiler for automated calling of the association with drug resistance of variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. S2 File. [Data Collection]. Github.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Genome details for the simulated-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Assembly and polishing details for the real-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Confusion matrices for the simulated-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Predictors of assembly quality. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Raw results for the real-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.
Wick, RR and Holt, KE (2022). Raw results for the simulated-read tests. [Data Collection]. PLOS Computational Biology.