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Data Collection
Jasseh, M, D'Alessandro, U and Dondeh, BL (2016). Farafenni INDEPTH Core Dataset 1982-2013 (Release 2016). [Data Collection]. INDEPTH Network.
Jasseh, M, D'Alessandro, U and Dondeh, BL (2018). Farafenni INDEPTH Core Dataset 1982-2015 (Release 2018). [Data Collection]. INDEPTH Network.
Jasseh, M, D'Alessandro, U and Dondeh, BL (2017). The Gambia - Farafenni INDEPTH Core Dataset 1982-2014 (Release 2017). [Data Collection]. INDEPTH Network.
Mclean, E (2023). Local and long-distance migration among young people in rural Malawi: importance of age, sex and family (author-writter code). [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
O'Reilly, KM (2016). Outbreak Risk datasets. [Data Collection]. GitHub.
Pocock, NS and Kiss, L (2020). Results from a before-and-after learning assessment of pre-migration departure training for prospective female migrants in Odisha, India. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Seeley, J (2021). Lending a hand: developing a support structure for young migrants in South Africa and Uganda. [Data Collection]. AHRI Data Repository.
Seguin, M, Lewis, R, Razmadze, M, Amirejibi, T and Roberts, B (2013). Topic guide for "Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: A qualitative study". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Sharma, E (2024). Interviews with informants providing perinatal care or support to Afghan women in Serbia. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.