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Langdon, RJ, Yousefi, P, Relton, CL and Suderman, MJ (2021). Additional file 1 of Epigenetic modelling of former, current and never smokers. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Langdon, RJ, Yousefi, P, Relton, CL and Suderman, MJ (2021). Additional file 4 of Epigenetic modelling of former, current and never smokers. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2018). Methylation and transcription analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [Data Collection]. European Nucleotide Archive.
Shihab, HA, Gaunt, TR, Hemani, G, Relton, CL and Davey Smith, G (2016). ARIES mQTL results. [Data Collection]. University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.