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Cooper, HB, Vezina, B, Hawkey, J, Passet, V, López-Fernández, S, Monk, JM, Brisse, S, Holt, KE and Wyres, KL (2024). Supplemental Data for "A validated pangenome-scale metabolic model for the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex.". [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Holt, KE and Wyres, K (2018). Klebsiella ecology and genome plasticity compared to E. coli and Gram negative ESKAPE pathogens. [Data Collection]. University of Melbourne, Australia.
Spadar, A, Perdigão, J, Campino, S and Clark, TG (2023). Additional file 2 of Large-scale genomic analysis of global Klebsiella pneumoniae plasmids reveals multiple simultaneous clusters of carbapenem-resistant hypervirulent strains. [Data Collection]. Figshare.