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Cleary, F, Prieto-Merino, D and Nitsch, D (2022). A systematic review of statistical methodology used to evaluate progression of chronic kidney disease using electronic healthcare records. Data extraction spreadsheet. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
Hiemstra, TF, Smith, JC, Lim, K, Xu, D, Kulkarni, S, Bradley, JA, Paapstel, K, Schoenmakers, I, Bradley, JR, Tomlinson, L, McEniery, CM and Wilkinson, IB (2020). Effect of kidney donation on bone mineral metabolism. [Data Collection]. Plos One.
Regassa, LD, Gete, YK and Mekonnen, FA (2019). Time to acute kidney injury and its predictors among newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic patients at government hospitals in Harari Region, East Ethiopia. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.