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Morpeth, SC, Munywoki, PK, Hammitt, LL, Bett, A, Bottomley, C, Onyango, CO, Murdoch, DR, Nokes, DJ and Scott, A (2018). Replication Data for: Nasopharyngeal pneumococcal concentration among children in a longitudinal study of household respiratory virus transmission in Kilifi, Kenya. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Wyres, KL, Hawkey, J, Mirčeta, M, Judd, LM, Wick, RR, Gorrie, CL, Pratt, NF, Garlick, JS, Watson, KM, Pilcher, DV, McGloughlin, SA, Abbott, IJ, Macesic, N, Spelman, DW, Jenney, AWJ and Holt, KE (2021). Additional file 2 of Genomic surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacterial colonisation and infection in intensive care patients. [Data Collection]. Figshare.