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Bower, H, el Karsany, M, Adam, Abd Alhadi Adam Hussein, Idriss, MI, Alzain, MA, Alfakiyousif, MEA, Mohamed, R, Mahmoud, I, Albadri, O, Mahmoud, SAA, Abdalla, OI, Eldigail, M, Elagib, N, Arnold, U, Gutierrez8, B, Pybus, OG, Carter, DP, Pullan, ST, Jacob, ST, Abdallah, TM, Gannon, B and Fletcher, TE (2021). Data for: "Kankasha in Kassala: a prospective observational cohort study of the clinical characteristics, epidemiology, genetic origin, and chronic impact of the 2018 epidemic of Chikungunya virus infection in Kassala, Sudan". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Brady, OJ (2018). Microcephaly and potential exposure data in Brazil 2015-2017. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Kraemer, MUG, Sinka, ME, Duda, KA, Mylne, A, Shearer, FM, Brady, OJ, Messina, JP, Barker, CM, Moore, CG, Carvalho, RG, Coelho, GE, Van Bortel, W, Hendrickx, G, Schaffner, F, Wint, GRW, Elyazar, IRF, Teng, H and Hay, SI (2015). Data from: The global compendium of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus occurrence. [Data Collection]. Dryad Digital Repository.