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Francis, SC, Hou, Y, Baisley, K, Van de wijgert, J, Watson-Jones, D, Ao, TT, Herrera, C, Maganja, K, Andreasen, A, Coulton, GR, Hayes, RJ and Shattock, RJ (2015). Data for: "Immune activation in the female genital tract: Expression profiles of soluble proteins in women at high risk for HIV infection". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
van Meijgaarden, KE, Khatri, B, Smith, SG, Drittij, Anne M. F. H., de Paus, RA, Goeman, JJ, Ho, MM, Dockrell, HM, McShane, H, Joosten, SA and Ottenhoff, THM (2018). Raw data for "Cross-laboratory evaluation of multiplex bead assays including independent common reference standards for immunological monitoring of observational and interventional human studies". [Data Collection]. PLOS One.