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Caputo, B, Nwakanma, D, Caputo, FP, Jawara, M, Oriero, C, Adiamoh, M, Dia, I, Konate, L, Petrarca, V, Pinto, J, Conway, DJ, della Torre, A, Oriero, EC and Hamid-Adiamoh, M (2014). Data from: Prominent intra-specific genetic divergence within Anopheles gambiae sibling species triggered by habitat discontinuities across a riverine landscape. [Data Collection]. Dryad.
Moyes, CL, Wiebe, A, Gleave, K, Trett, A, Hancock, PA, Padonou, GG, Chouaïbou, MS, Sovi, A, Abuelmaali, SA, Ochomo, E, Antonio-Nkondjio, C, Dengela, D, Kawada, H, Dabire, RK, Donnelly, MJ, Mbogo, C, Fornadel, C and Coleman, M (2019). Data from: Analysis-ready datasets for insecticide resistance phenotype and genotype frequency in African malaria vectors. [Data Collection]. Dryad.
Salgueiro, P, Lopes, AS, Mendes, C, Charlwood, JD, Arez, AP, Pinto, J and Silveira, H (2016). Additional file 2: Table 2. of Molecular evolution and population genetics of a Gram-negative binding protein gene in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (sensu lato). [Data Collection]. Figshare.