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Koech, A, Omuse, G, Mugo, A, Mwaniki, I, Mutunga, J, Mukhanya, M, Wanje, O, Mwashigadi, G, Katana, G, Craik, R, Von Dadelszen, P, Le Doare, K, Temmermen, M and The PRECISE Network (2024). SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Kenya dataset. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Kwizera, R, Cresswell, FV, Mugumya, G, Okirwoth, M, Kagimu, E, Bangdiwala, AS, Williams, DA, Rhein, J, Boulware, DR and Meya, DB (2019). CSFLAM_data set revised. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Tusting, LS, Rek, J, Arinaitwe, E, Staedke, SG, Kamya, MR, Cano, J, Bottomley, C, Johnston, D, Dorsey, G, Lindsay, SW and Lines, J (2016). Additional file 4: of Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Kucharski, A, Conlan, AJK and Eames, K (2015). School's Out: Seasonal Variation in the Movement Patterns of School Children. S1 Dataset. Reported individual travel patterns. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Kucharski, A, Mills, H, Pinsent, A, Fraser, C, Kerkhove, MV and Riley, S (2015). Data from: Distinguishing between reservoir exposure and human-to-human transmission for emerging pathogens using case onset data. [Data Collection]. Dryad.