Items where Data Creator is Quaife, Matthew"

25 May 2020
Quaife, M (2020). mquaife/kenya_mixing. [Data Collection]. Github.
20 December 2021
Harris, RC, Quaife, M, Weerasuriya, CK, Gomez, GB, Sumner, T, Bozzani, F and White, RG (2021). lshtm-tbmg/natcomms-m72sa: Nat Comms - code. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
10 February 2022
Foster, N, Nguyen, HV, Nguyen, NV, Nguyen, HB, Cobelens, F, Tiemersma, EW, Quaife, M and Houben, R (2022). Viet Nam tuberculosis prevalence survey: equity analysis code. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
25 July 2022
Quaife, M (2022). Cross-sectional survey of health worker motivation in Ethiopia – Collection tools for qualitative and quantitative research. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
27 September 2022
Quaife, M (2022). Data for: Partnership preferences, economic drivers, and health consequences of Gambian men's interactions with foreign tourists. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
12 October 2022
Dobreva, Z, Gimma, A, Rohan, H, Djoudalbaye, B, Tshangela, A, Jarvis, CI, Van Zandvoort, K and Quaife, M (2022). Additional file 1 of Characterising social contacts under COVID-19 control measures in Africa. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
31 August 2023
Powell-jackson, T, King, JJC, Makungu, C, Quaife, M and Goodman, C (2023). Management practices and quality of care: Evidence from the private health care sector in Tanzania. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
6 November 2024
Kazungu, J, Nonvignon, J, Barasa, E and Quaife, M (2024). NHIF-contracted outpatient facility choice data. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.