Fivian, E, Harris-Fry, H, Pradhan, R, Mohanty, S, Padhan, S, Rath, S, James, P, Koniz-Booher, P, Nair, N, Haghparast-Bidgoli, H, Kishor Mishra, N, Rath, S, Beaumont, E, Danton, H, Krishnan, S, Parida, M, Kumar, A, Upadhyay, A, Tripathy, P, Skordis, J, Sturgess, J, Elbourne, D, Prost, A, Allen, E and Kadiyala, S. 2024. Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) study data. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:
Fivian, E, Harris-Fry, H, Pradhan, R, Mohanty, S, Padhan, S, Rath, S, James, P, Koniz-Booher, P, Nair, N, Haghparast-Bidgoli, H, Kishor Mishra, N, Rath, S, Beaumont, E, Danton, H, Krishnan, S, Parida, M, Kumar, A, Upadhyay, A, Tripathy, P, Skordis, J, Sturgess, J, Elbourne, D, Prost, A, Allen, E and Kadiyala, S. Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) study data [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2024. Available from:
Fivian, E, Harris-Fry, H, Pradhan, R, Mohanty, S, Padhan, S, Rath, S, James, P, Koniz-Booher, P, Nair, N, Haghparast-Bidgoli, H, Kishor Mishra, N, Rath, S, Beaumont, E, Danton, H, Krishnan, S, Parida, M, Kumar, A, Upadhyay, A, Tripathy, P, Skordis, J, Sturgess, J, Elbourne, D, Prost, A, Allen, E and Kadiyala, S (2024). Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) study data. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Data collected as part of a four-arm cluster randomised controlled trial to test the effects of three nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions on maternal and child nutrition in rural Odisha, India. The clusters (village and its surrounding hamlets) were allocated 1:1:1:1 to a control group or an intervention group of fortnightly women's group meetings and household visits over 32 months using: NSA videos (AGRI group); NSA and nutrition-specific videos (AGRI-NUT group); or NSA videos and a nutrition-specific participatory learning and action (PLA) cycle meetings and videos (AGRI-NUT+PLA group). Primary outcomes were the proportion of children aged 6–23 months consuming at least four of seven food groups the previous day and mean maternal body-mass index (BMI). Secondary outcomes were proportion of mothers consuming at least five of ten food groups and child wasting. All outcomes were assessed using cross-sectional surveys at baseline and endline, 36 months later. The trial's impact evaluation is available at: 10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00001-2.
Additional information
Data may be requested for use in ethically-approved research, subject to the signing of a data sharing agreement.
Description of data capture | We did a parallel group, observer-blind, four-arm cluster RCT in Keonjhar district, Odisha, India. A cluster was a village and its surrounding hamlets. The interventions were delivered at the cluster level and all women in intervention clusters were eligible to participate. We evaluated effects on trial participants: one child aged 0–23 months per household, their mothers or female primary caregivers when the mother was absent (hereafter mothers) aged 15–49 years, and the mother's spouse (or household head, if unavailable). We aimed to sample 32 households per cluster, giving an intended sample size of 4736 mother–child dyads. The sample size was calculated to detect differences in the two primary outcomes of the trial. Primary outcomes were the proportion of children aged 6–23 months consuming at least four of seven food groups the previous day and mean maternal body-mass index (BMI). Secondary outcomes were proportion of mothers consuming at least five of ten food groups and child wasting. Other additional outcomes were mothers' and children's haemoglobin concentrations and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), and exploratory outcomes along the causal pathways including indicators of women's empowerment and agricultural production. All outcomes were assessed through cross-sectional surveys at baseline (Nov 24, 2016, to Jan 24, 2017) and endline (Nov 19, 2019, to Jan 12, 2020), 36 months later (at the end of the 32-month intervention). To reduce respondent burden, we randomly allocated half of the spouses to answer questions on empowerment, and the other half answered questions on household consumption. Data collectors sought informed consent from adult participants in writing or by thumbprint and, for children, from their primary caregivers. | ||||
Data capture method | Interview: Face-to-face, Interview: Face-to-face - CAPI | ||||
Data Collection Period |
Date (Completed) | 14 March 2024 | ||||
Language(s) of written materials | English |
Data Creators | Fivian, E, Harris-Fry, H, Pradhan, R, Mohanty, S, Padhan, S, Rath, S, James, P, Koniz-Booher, P, Nair, N, Haghparast-Bidgoli, H, Kishor Mishra, N, Rath, S, Beaumont, E, Danton, H, Krishnan, S, Parida, M, Kumar, A, Upadhyay, A, Tripathy, P, Skordis, J, Sturgess, J, Elbourne, D, Prost, A, Allen, E and Kadiyala, S |
LSHTM Faculty/Department | Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Population Health (2012- ) |
Participating Institutions | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, University College London, London, United Kingdom, DCOR (Development Corner) Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar, India, Digital Green, New Delhi, India, Voluntary Association for Rural Reconstruction and Appropriate Technology (VARRAT), Kendrapara, India, Ekjut, Chakradharpur, Jharkhand, India, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. Arlington, VA, United States of America |
Funders |
Date Deposited | 14 Mar 2024 16:54 |
Last Modified | 14 Mar 2024 16:57 |
Publisher | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
Data / Code
Restricted to: Request access for all
Filename: UPAVAN_mother_anthro_indicators.txt
Description: Quantitative dataset containing combined mothers, child, anthropometry and indicators
Licence: Data Sharing Agreement
Content type: Dataset
File size: 65B
Mime-Type: text/plain
Restricted to: Request access for all
Filename: UPAVAN_males.txt
Description: Quantitative dataset covering males (mother’s spouse or household head, if unavailable)
Licence: Data Sharing Agreement
Content type: Dataset
File size: 65B
Mime-Type: text/plain
Filename: UPAVAN_mother_indicators_codebook.xlsx
Description: Codebook for UPAVAN mother anthropometry indicators dataset
Content type: Textual content
File size: 138kB
Mime-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Filename: UPAVAN_males_codebook.xlsx
Description: Codebook for UPAVAN males dataset
Content type: Textual content
File size: 483kB
Mime-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Filename: UPAVAN_data_userguide.html
Description: User guide for UPAVAN study dataset
Content type: Textual content
File size: 19kB
Mime-Type: text/html