Data for: Acceptability and Preferences of two different Community Models of ART delivery in a high prevalence Urban Setting in Zambia, nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial.

Limbada, M, Shibwela, O, Macleod, D and Ayles, H. 2020. Data for: Acceptability and Preferences of two different Community Models of ART delivery in a high prevalence Urban Setting in Zambia, nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:

Limbada, M, Shibwela, O, Macleod, D and Ayles, H. Data for: Acceptability and Preferences of two different Community Models of ART delivery in a high prevalence Urban Setting in Zambia, nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2020. Available from:

Limbada, M, Shibwela, O, Macleod, D and Ayles, H (2020). Data for: Acceptability and Preferences of two different Community Models of ART delivery in a high prevalence Urban Setting in Zambia, nested within the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.


Description of data capture The study was based on prospectively collected routine data, gathered for M&E purposes of the Zambian ART program. Routine clinical data was collected at enrolment using patient clinical records and entered in our study registers. At baseline the following variables were collected for patient and their clinic records to determine influence on outcome (Age, sex, recent viral load, WHO staging, ART start date). At the time of enrolment, patient residential zones, allocated intervention model, whether they agreed to take up the offer or not and their preferences were collected in the study eligibility form. Data collected in the eligibility forms were then entered in the database. Data was exported as comma separated values (CSV) files. CSV files were imported and merged tables by patient unique ID number using STATA and data was cleaned using STATA. Data was analysed by STATA and storage of datasets, STATA files, codebook on at our research HQ server (Zambart).
Data capture method Questionnaire: Fixed form - Paper
Data Collection Period
May 2017December 2017
Date (Completed) 25 March 2020
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Limbada, M, Shibwela, O, Macleod, D and Ayles, H
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, Zambart, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
HPTN 071 trialNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesUM1-AI068619
HPTN 071 trialNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesUM1-AI068617
HPTN 071 trialNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesUM1-AI068613UNSPECIFIED
HPTN 071 trialU.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS ReliefUNSPECIFIED
HPTN 071 trialInternational Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)UNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
HPTN 071 trialBill and Melinda Gates FoundationUNSPECIFIED
HPTN 071 trialNational Institutes of HealthUNSPECIFIED
HPTN 071 trialNational Institute on Drug AbuseUNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 25 Mar 2020 14:07
Last Modified 08 Jul 2021 12:51
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine



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Filename: FinalEligibility_dataset.csv

Description: The dataset contains prospectively-collected routine data obtained from stable HIV+ patients on Antiretroviral therapy (ART) when attending primary health care facilities in Lusaka, Zambia

Licence: Data Sharing Agreement

Content type: Dataset

File size: 265kB

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Filename: UserGuide.html

Description: User guide for dataset


Content type: Textual content

File size: 8kB

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Filename: FinalEligibility_codebook.html

Description: Codebook for Final Eligibility dataset


Content type: Textual content

File size: 5kB

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