Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural south india: retrospective cohort and nested case-control study

Schmidt, W. 2018. Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural south india: retrospective cohort and nested case-control study. [Online]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom. Available from:

Schmidt, W. Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural south india: retrospective cohort and nested case-control study [Internet]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; 2018. Available from:

Schmidt, W (2018). Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural south india: retrospective cohort and nested case-control study. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.

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Description of data capture Field staff would identify the approximate boundaries of a village using satellite images, and then attempt to cover the whole village through house-to-house enquiry. Houses without anyone present were left out, and not revisited. We used the following eligibility criteria for enrolment of a case of undifferentiated febrile illness: 1) aged 12 years or older, 2) hospitalised for febrile illness, or visited an outpatient department, local clinic or pharmacy due to febrile illness at any time between June 2017 and March 2018, 3) cause for febrile illness not known, or described (by respondent or in available health records) as scrub typhus, malaria, dengue, typhoid, meningitis or pneumonia, 4) absence of leg infection, 5) no operation was done at the hospital, 6) no other surgical cause for fever identified from patients memory or available health records, 7) absence of urinary tract infection (only used to exclude cases if urine culture positive), 8) duration of fever of at least 2 days or duration of fever not known, 9) the fever occurred while residing in the study village and health care was sought at a health centre in the district. Hospitalisation was defined as staying at least for one night. All other health care uses were treated as outpatient / pharmacy visit. If a hospitalised case was not present at the time of the interview, we made an appointment with the participants for blood sampling and questionnaire administration. Absent cases meeting the enrolment criteria for outpatients were not revisited due to logistical constraints. Case and control households were geo-referenced using hand-held GPS receivers. Enrolment of controls We enrolled controls through systematic sampling during house-to-house screening, by contacting household members of every 20th house during the walk. Controls were eligible if they had not sought health care due to febrile illness between June 2017 and March 2018, and were living in the study area during that time. Because of concerns that field workers would predominantly enrol older people and females who were deemed more likely to be present, we used a stratified enrolment procedure, using four strata: females ≥50 years old, females <50 years old, males ≥50 years old, males <50 years old. Field workers enrolled controls in blocks of four, with each stratum being represented once. The aim of this procedure was to obtain a reasonably age and sex balanced control group without requiring a formal sampling frame. Controls were asked to give a blood sample and were asked whether they had had any high grade fever not leading to health care use between June 2017 and March 2018.
Data capture method Interview: Face-to-face, Measurements and tests
Data Collection Period
23 March 201830 June 2018
Date (Completed) 15 September 2018
Geographical area covered
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Language(s) of written materials English
Data Creators Schmidt, W
Associated roles Devamani, C (Co-Investigator), Prakash, JJ (Co-Investigator) and Alexander, N (Co-Investigator)
LSHTM Faculty/Department Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases > Dept of Disease Control
Participating Institutions London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, Christian Medical College Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632004, India
ProjectFunderGrant NumberFunder URI
Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural south india: retrospective cohort and nested case-control studyMedical Research CouncilUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Date Deposited 11 Feb 2019 15:19
Last Modified 27 Apr 2022 18:20
Publisher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine




Filename: Codebook.html

Description: Data dictionary for dataset


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Filename: Consent_Form-English.pdf

Description: Assent form for adults


Content type: Textual content

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Filename: Child_Assent_English_ST_rural_cohort.pdf

Description: Child assent form - English language


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Filename: InformationSheet-English.pdf

Description: Fever study information sheet - English


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Study Instrument

Filename: Case_Questionnaire.pdf

Description: Case / control questionnaire


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