Browse where type is Software and year is 2016

Chen, F, Wang, S, Jiang, X, Ding, S, Lu, Y, Kim, J, Sahinalp, SC, Shimizu, C, Burns, JC, Wright, VJ, Png, E, Hibberd, ML, Lloyd, DD, Yang, H, Telenti, A, Bloss, CS, Fox, D, Lauter, K and Ohno-Machado, L (2016). PRINCESS: Privacy-protecting Rare disease International Network Collaboration via Encryption through Software guard extensionS. [Data Collection]. Bioinformatics.
Reid, A (2016). MESH subjects file for Eprints. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Sadique, Z, Lopman, B, Cooper, BS and Edmunds, J (2016). Cost-effectiveness of Ward Closure to Control Outbreaks of Norovirus Infection in UK National Health Service Hospitals: Epidemic simulation model. [Data Collection]. Oxford University Press.
Limburg, H, Meester, W, Kuper, H and Polack, S (2016). RAAB - Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness. [Data Collection]. Community Eye Health Journal.