Browse where type is Software and year is 2014

Data Collection
Pigott, DM, Golding, N, Mylne, A, Huang, Z, Henry, AJ, Weiss, DJ, Brady, OJ, Kraemer, MU, Smith, DL, Moyes, CL, Bhatt, S, Gething, PW, Horby, PW, Bogoch, II, Brownstein, JS, Mekaru, SR, Tatem, AJ, Khan, K and Hay, SI (2014). Source code for analysis of the zoonotic niche of Ebolavirus. [Data Collection]. GitHub, Inc..
Coll, F, Preston, M, Guerra-Assunção, JA, Hill-Cawthorn, G, Harris, D, Perdigão, J, Viveiros, M, Portugal, I, Drobniewski, F, Gagneux, S, Glynn, JR, Pain, A, Parkhill, J, McNerney, R, Martin, N and Clark, T (2014). PolyTB: A web-based resource designed to explore Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) genomic variation at a global scale. [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.