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Data Collection
Kamau, A, Paton, RS, Akech, S, Mpimbaza, A, Khazenzi, C, Ogero, M, Mumo, E, Alegana, VA, Agweyu, A, Mturi, N, Mohammed, S, Bigogo, G, Audi, A, Kapisi, J, Sserwanga, A, Namuganga, JF, Kariuki, S, Otieno, NA, Nyawanda, BO, Olotu, A, Salim, N, Athuman, T, Abdulla, S, Mohamed, AF, Mtove, G, Reyburn, H, Gupta, S, Lourenço, J, Bejon, P and Snow, RW (2021). Replication Data for: Malaria hospitalisation in East Africa: age, phenotype and transmission intensity. [Data Collection]. Harvard Dataverse.
Maitland, K, Ohuma, EO, Mpoya, A, Uyoga, S, Hassall, O and Williams, TN (2019). Admission records, including haemoglobin measurements, for 29,226 children admitted to a paediatric ward in a rural Kenyan hospital for the period 2002-2009. [Data Collection]. Figshare.