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Cruz-Saavedra, L, Vallejo, GA, Guhl, F, Messenger, LA and Ramírez, JD (2020). Transcriptional remodeling during metacyclogenesis in Trypanosoma cruzi I. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Langston, H, Fortes Francisco, A, Doidge, C, Roberts, CH, Khan, AA, Jayawardhana, S, Taylor, MC, Kelly, JM and Lewis, MD (2024). Source files for 3D printed hamster anaesthesia delivery nosecone. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Langston, H, Fortes Francisco, A, Doidge, C, Roberts, CH, Khan, AA, Jayawardhana, S, Taylor, MC, Kelly, JM and Lewis, MD (2024). Source data for: "Dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in hamsters and novel association with progressive motor dysfunction". [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Matos, GM, Lewis, MD, Talavera-López, C, Yeo, M, Grisard, EC, Messenger, LA, Miles, MA and Andersson, B (2021). Comparative genomic analyses of Trypanosoma cruzi experimental hybrids. [Data Collection]. NCBI BioProject.
Murphy, N, Cardinal, MV, Bhattacharyya, T, Enriquez, GF, Macchiaverna, NP, Alvedro, A, Freilij, H, Martinez de Salazar, P, Molina, I, Mertens, P, Gilleman, Q, Gürtler, RE and Miles, MA (2021). Additional file 5 of Assessing antibody decline after chemotherapy of early chronic Chagas disease patients. [Data Collection]. Figshare.
Roman, F, Iñiguez, AM, Yeo, M and Jansen, AM (2018). Multilocus sequence typing: genetic diversity in Trypanosoma cruzi I (TcI) isolates from Brazilian didelphids. [Data Collection]. Figshare.