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Fung Lee, S, Ng, TY, Wong, FCS and Fernandez, MAL (2018). migariane/CER_SEER_FL_RTvsCH: Cancer Survival Outcome among Stage I follicular Lymphoma Cancer Patients Treated with Monotherapy: Radiotherapy versus Systemic Treatment. [Data Collection]. Zenodo.
Keogh, R (2018). ruthkeogh/landmark_CF. [Data Collection]. Github.
Rachet, B, Coleman, MP, Cooper, N and Elgohari, S (2006). Cancer survival in the Strategic Health Authorities of England, 1997-2004. [Data Collection]. Office for National Statistics.
Rachet, B, Coleman, MP, Cooper, N, Quinn, M and Wood, H (2005). Long-term Breast Cancer Survival, England and Wales, up to 2003. [Data Collection]. Office for National Statistics.