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Abouyannis, M, Boga, M, Amadi, D, Ouma, N, Nyaguara, A, Mturi, N, Berkley, JA, Adetifa, IMO, Casewell, NR, Lalloo, DG and Hamaluba, M (2023). The de-identified final dataset for the study population. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Ediriweera, DS, Kasthuriratne, A, Pathmeswaran, A, Gunawardene, NK, Jayamanne, SF, Murray, K, Iwamura, T, Isbister, G, Dawson, A, Lalloo, DG, de Silva, HJ and Diggle, PJ (2021). Evaluating spatiotemporal dynamics of snakebite in Sri Lanka: Monthly incidence mapping from a national representative survey sample. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.