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Baiden, F, Fleck, S, Leigh, B, Ayieko, P, Tindanbil, D, Otieno, T, Lawal, B, Tehtor, M, Rogers, M, Odeny, L, Hodges, MH, Sonnie, M, Samai, M, Ishola, D, Lowe, B, Watson-jones, D and Greenwood, B (2022). Prevalence of malaria and helminth infections in rural communities in northern Sierra Leone, a baseline study to inform Ebola vaccine study protocols. S1 Data. [Data Collection]. PLOS ONE.
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Fombah, AE, Chen, H, Owusu-Kyei, K, Quinto, L, Gonzalez, R, Williams, J, Berne, ML, Wassenaar, M, Jalloh, A, Sunders, J, Ramirez, M, Bertran-Cobo, C, Saute, F, Ekouevi, DK, Briand, V, Kamara, AR, Sesay, T, Samai, M and Menéndez, C (2023). MULTIPLY - Baseline household survey, Sierra Leone. [Data Collection]. CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca.
Kangbai, DM, Bandoh, DA, Manu, A, Kangbai, JY, Kenu, E and Addo-Lartey, A (2022). Additional file 1 of Socio-economic determinants of maternal health care utilization in Kailahun District, Sierra Leone, 2020. [Data Collection]. Figshare.