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Ruysen, H, Majid, T, Shamba, D, Mhajabin, S, Minja, J, Rahman, AE, Ngopi, T, Ramesh, M, Arifeen, SE, Steege, R, Seeley, J, Lawn, JE, Day, LT and EN-BIRTH 2, SG (2024). Data for: "How and why does mode of birth affect processes for routine data collection and use? A qualitative study in Bangladesh and Tanzania.". [Data Collection]. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Welsh, J, Hounkpatin, H, Gross, MM, Hanson, C and Moller, A (2022). Additional file 2 of Do in-service training materials for midwifery care providers in sub-Saharan Africa meet international competency standards? A scoping review 2000–2020. [Data Collection]. Figshare.